Witam posiadam taki plugin do triggerów (do tworzenia własnych)
#pragma semicolon 1 #include <sourcemod> #define PLUGIN_VERSION "2.3.0" public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "Triggers", author = "theY4Kman", description = "Advanced commandlist.txt functionality", version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = "http://y4kstudios.com/sourcemod/" }; enum TriggersFlag { trg_None = 0, trg_Rcon = 1, trg_Client = 1<<1, trg_Fake = 1<<2, trg_Say = 1<<3, trg_NoDisplayPlayerMessage = 1<<4, trg_NoVariables = 1<<5, }; new Handle:g_hTriggers; new g_iRconFlags; new Handle:g_hHostname; new Handle:g_hIp; public OnPluginStart() { // Create our trie g_hTriggers = CreateTrie(); // Try opening commandlist.txt first, otherwise use commandlist.cfg ReloadTriggers(0, 0); RegConsoleCmd("say", Trigger); RegConsoleCmd("say_team", Trigger); RegAdminCmd("triggers_reload", ReloadTriggers, ADMFLAG_CONFIG, "Reloads the commandlist", "", FCVAR_PLUGIN); CreateConVar("triggers_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "The version of Triggers installed", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_PLUGIN | FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_SPONLY); new Handle:hRconFlags = CreateConVar("triggers_rcon", "rz"); if(hRconFlags == INVALID_HANDLE) hRconFlags = FindConVar("triggers_rcon"); g_hHostname = FindConVar("hostname"); g_hIp = FindConVar("ip"); HookConVarChange(hRconFlags, RconFlagsChange); decl String:sRconFlags[32]; GetConVarString(hRconFlags, sRconFlags, sizeof(sRconFlags)); g_iRconFlags = ReadFlagString(sRconFlags); } public OnPluginEnd() { CloseHandle(g_hHostname); CloseHandle(g_hIp); CloseHandle(g_hTriggers); } public RconFlagsChange(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[]) { g_iRconFlags = ReadFlagString(newValue); } // Parses a commandlist file bool:ParseCommandlist(const String:file[] = "commandlist.txt") { decl String:sBuffer[256]; BuildPath( Path_SM, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), "/configs/%s", file ); new Handle:hConf = OpenFile( sBuffer, "r" ); if( hConf == INVALID_HANDLE ) return false; ClearTrie( g_hTriggers ); decl String:sCmd[128]; // Buffer for command decl iTemp, iTemp2, iSize; // Integer to store locations of spaces and size of buffer new TriggersFlag:iFlags, iRconFlags; // Variables to store flags new bool:iRconFlagsSet; decl Handle:hDp; // Handle to datapack while(ReadFileLine(hConf, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer))) { if( (sBuffer[0] == '/' && sBuffer[1] == '/') || (iTemp = StrContains(sBuffer, " ")) == -1 ) continue; // Gotta add the '+ 1' in to account for the NULL strcopy(sCmd, iTemp + 1, sBuffer); strcopy(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer), sBuffer[iTemp+1]); iTemp2 = StrContains( sBuffer, " " ); // Reset RCON flags iRconFlags = 0; iRconFlagsSet = false; iFlags = StringToFlags( sBuffer, iTemp2, iRconFlags, iRconFlagsSet ); // Remove the newline iSize = strlen(sBuffer); if(sBuffer[iSize-1] == '\n') sBuffer[iSize-1] = '\0'; hDp = CreateDataPack(); WritePackCell( hDp, _:iFlags ); // Flags, duh /* Cell indicating that RCON flags have been set */ WritePackCell( hDp, iRconFlagsSet); if(iRconFlagsSet) { WritePackCell( hDp, _:iRconFlags ); } WritePackString( hDp, sBuffer[iTemp2+1] ); // Replaced string SetTrieValue( g_hTriggers, sCmd, hDp ); } CloseHandle(hConf); return true; } // Command Trigger public Action:Trigger(client, args) { decl String:sCmd[256], String:sReplace[256], Handle:hDp; new iSindex; new TriggersFlag:iFlags; // Flags for the trigger new iRconFlags; // RCON flags for the trigger // Get the command if( args >= 2 ) GetCmdArg(1, sCmd, sizeof(sCmd)); else { GetCmdArgString(sCmd, sizeof(sCmd)); if(StrContains(sCmd, " ") != -1) sCmd[StrContains(sCmd, " ")] = '\0'; if(sCmd[0] == '"' && sCmd[strlen(sCmd)-1] == '"') { iSindex = 1; sCmd[strlen(sCmd)-1] = '\0'; } } StrToLower(sCmd[iSindex]); if( !(GetTrieValue(g_hTriggers, sCmd[iSindex], hDp) ) || ( hDp == INVALID_HANDLE ) ) return Plugin_Continue; iSindex = strlen(sCmd[iSindex]); // Reuse sCmd to hold the arguments GetCmdArgString(sCmd, sizeof(sCmd)); if( sCmd[0] == '"' && sCmd[strlen(sCmd)-1] == '"' ) { sCmd[strlen(sCmd)-1] = '\0'; strcopy(sCmd, sizeof(sCmd), sCmd[iSindex+1]); } SetPackPosition( hDp, 0 ); iFlags = TriggersFlag:ReadPackCell( hDp ); new iRconFlagsSet = ReadPackCell( hDp ); if(iRconFlagsSet) { iRconFlags = ReadPackCell( hDp ); } else { iRconFlags = g_iRconFlags; } ReadPackString( hDp, sReplace, sizeof(sReplace) ); // Preprocessing if( !(iFlags & trg_NoVariables) ) { decl String:sBuffer[128]; new iTemp = 0, iSize = strlen(sReplace), iSize2 = 0; /* Variables: * %i - IP of server * %s - Steam ID of player * %h - Hostname of server * %n - Player's name * * They are parsed in that order */ // When setting iTemp, we leap ahead to whatever iTemp holds (the last format variable found), // and the length of the string that replaced the format variable. for(; iTemp < iSize; iTemp++) { if(sReplace[iTemp] != '%') continue; if(iTemp && sReplace[iTemp-1] == '\\') { strcopy(sReplace[iTemp-1], sizeof(sReplace), sReplace[iTemp]); continue; } switch( sReplace[iTemp+1] ) { /* Server IP */ case 'i':{ GetConVarString(g_hIp, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); ReplaceStringEx(sReplace[iTemp], sizeof(sReplace) - iTemp, "%i", sBuffer); } /* Player Steam ID */ case 's':{ GetClientAuthString(client, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); ReplaceStringEx(sReplace[iTemp], sizeof(sReplace) - iTemp, "%s", sBuffer); } /* Server hostname */ case 'h':{ GetConVarString(g_hHostname, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); ReplaceStringEx(sReplace[iTemp], sizeof(sReplace) - iTemp, "%h", sBuffer); } /* Player name */ case 'n':{ GetClientName(client, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); ReplaceStringEx(sReplace[iTemp], sizeof(sReplace) - iTemp, "%n", sBuffer); } /* User ID */ case 'u':{ IntToString(GetClientUserId(client), sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); ReplaceStringEx(sReplace[iTemp], sizeof(sReplace) - iTemp, "%u", sBuffer); } /* Custom ConVar */ case 'c':{ /* We add 2 to iTemp because this switch is for iTemp+1 */ if(sReplace[iTemp+2] != '{') { break; } decl iFoundEnd; if((iFoundEnd = FindCharInString(sReplace[iTemp+2], '}')) == -1 || iFoundEnd <= 1) { break; } /* Length of ConVar name + %c{ + } + NULL * Will be used when replacing stuff in trigger string */ new iSizeOfConvar = iFoundEnd+3+1+1; decl String:sConvar[iSizeOfConvar]; /* If we copy the string to the fourth position, we can insert * the chars needed to replace without any calls to Format. */ strcopy(sConvar[3], iSizeOfConvar-5, sReplace[iTemp+3]); PrintToChatAll("Convar tag: %s", sConvar[3]); new Handle:hConvar = FindConVar(sConvar[3]); if(hConvar == INVALID_HANDLE) { break; } GetConVarString(hConvar, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)); /* Replacement format! */ sConvar[0] = '%'; sConvar[1] = 'c'; sConvar[2] = '{'; sConvar[iSizeOfConvar-3] = '}'; sConvar[iSizeOfConvar-2] = '\0'; /* The intricacies of replacing strings are far too detailed * to write my own implementation for this one purpose. It's * better to use more memory (remember, it's only a few damn bytes) * than to write it slower and less bug-tested in Pawn. */ ReplaceStringEx(sReplace[iTemp], sizeof(sReplace) - iTemp, sConvar, sBuffer); } default: continue; } iSize2 = strlen(sBuffer); iTemp += iSize2-1; iSize += iSize2; } } // Output if( (iFlags & trg_Rcon) && ( iRconFlags == 0 || GetUserFlagBits(client) & iRconFlags ) ) { ServerCommand("%s %s", sReplace, sCmd); } if( (iFlags & trg_Client) ) { ClientCommand(client, "%s %s", sReplace, sCmd); } if( (iFlags & trg_Fake) ) { if( (iFlags & trg_NoDisplayPlayerMessage) ) { FakeClientCommand(client, "%s %s", sReplace, sCmd); return Plugin_Handled; } FakeClientCommandEx(client, "%s %s", sReplace, sCmd); } if( (iFlags & trg_Say) ) { if( (iFlags & trg_NoDisplayPlayerMessage) ) { FakeClientCommand(client, "say %s %s", sReplace, sCmd); return Plugin_Handled; } FakeClientCommandEx(client, "say %s %s", sReplace, sCmd); } return (iFlags & trg_NoDisplayPlayerMessage) ? Plugin_Handled : Plugin_Continue; } public Action:ReloadTriggers(client, args) { new bool:success = false; if(args >= 1) { decl String:file[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; GetCmdArgString(file, sizeof(file)); success = ParseCommandlist(file); if(!success) { ReplyToCommand(client, "Configuration from '%s' failed", file); return Plugin_Handled; } } else if( !ParseCommandlist() ) { success = ParseCommandlist("commandlist.cfg"); } if(success) ReplyToCommand(client, "Configuration loading failed"); else ReplyToCommand(client, "Successfully loaded configuration!"); return Plugin_Handled; } TriggersFlag:StringToFlags( const String:sFlags[]="", maxlength=-1, &iRconFlags=0, &iRconFlagsSet=false ) { new TriggersFlag:iFlags = trg_None; new iStrSize = (maxlength > -1) ? maxlength : strlen(sFlags); new i; for(i = 0; i < iStrSize; ++i) { switch(sFlags[i]) { /* A command to be processed as an Rcon command */ case 'R': iFlags |= trg_Rcon; /* A command to be processed as a client command */ case 'C': iFlags |= trg_Client; /* A command to be processed as a fake client command */ case 'F': iFlags |= trg_Fake; /* A command to be processed as a fake client command, prepended by "say" */ case 'S': iFlags |= trg_Say; /* No variables will be processed in the command */ case 'v': iFlags |= trg_NoVariables; /* The message that was said by the player will not be broadcasted */ case 'd': iFlags |= trg_NoDisplayPlayerMessage; /* Flags necessary to run this trigger */ case 'f': { iRconFlagsSet = true; if(sFlags[i+1] != '{') { break; } i++; decl iFoundEnd; if((iFoundEnd = FindCharInString(sFlags[i], '}')) == -1 || iFoundEnd <= 1) { break; } decl String:sRconFlags[iFoundEnd+1]; strcopy(sRconFlags, iFoundEnd, sFlags[i+1]); iRconFlags |= ReadFlagString(sRconFlags); i += iFoundEnd; } } } return iFlags; } StrToLower( String:string[] ) { new size = strlen(string); for(new i=0; i < size; i++) string[i] = CharToLower(string[i]); }
Oraz to jest w folderze config z tego pluginu.
// Triggers configuration file // by theY4Kman // // So, here's the rundown! // Commands are entered using the format "<command> <flags> <replacement>" // // For example: // die C kill // // When the player types "die" into chat, it will run "kill" on them, // forcing them to suicide. // // Here are the core flags (One needs at least one of these flags to do anything): // R - Rcon command // To run this, the user must have Rcon or Root access // C - Client command // Run on the player // Note: only commands with FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE will run // F - Fake client command // Runs a networked command as if a player had done it // S - Fake client say command // Convenience flag that runs a fake client command with "say" in front of it // So "hi S Hi!" is the same as "hi F say Hi!" // // These next flags are optional: // v - No variables (Disables the parsing of variables) // "hi S Hi, I'm %n!" will actually display "Hi, I'm %n!" // d - Do not display the player's message // f - Begins a block denoting the flags necessary to run the trigger. // After the letter, a block beginning with '{' and ending with '}' will contain // admin flags required for this trigger. For example: // "kick Rf{c} sm_kick" // This will let any admin with the kick admin flag execute this trigger. // If this flag is left out, Triggers will use the admin flags in the cvar "triggers_rcon" // If one wishes to simply have a command without permissions, use a lone 'f' character. // e.g., "killme Rf sm_slay %n" is the same as "killme Rf{} sm_slay %n" // // Yes, there are variables in this, if only a few. // The variables are in C-type format, meaning they are a percent sign followed by a single character: // %i - The IP of the server // %s - The Steam ID of the player whom triggered the command // %n - The name of the player whom triggered the command // %u - The user ID of the player whom triggered the command // %h - The hostname of the server // %c - Begins a custom ConVar block. // This allows one to access ConVars besides "ip" and "hostname" // To utilize it, use the same syntax as for the `f` flag: // %c{convar_name} // To display a literal '%', prepend it with a backslash ('\') // // The only comment type available is the single line comment. // To use it, place "//" IN FRONT OF THE LINE. It will not work anywhere else // // Note: For chat messages, the longest a message can be is 127 characters long. // This includes players' names, hostname, etc! //theY4Kman Rf sm_say He's so cool! !trig1 C "sm_knife" !trig2 C "sm_knife" !trig3 C "sm_knife"
Stworzyłem tam 3 przykładowe trigery do komendy sm_knife. działa dobrze jednak chce zrobić tak aby np tylko gracz bez żadnej flagi miał do nich dostęp a gracz z flagą (przykładowo) "ADMFLAG_CUSTOM1" czyli O nie miał do niej dostępu dało by rade jakoś wyedytować ten kod? kontakt z twórą plugina jest w tej chwili niedostępny.