its my first plugin that i made, its great one
a lightning hook
to many people asked me for that because i run knife server too and i have so much private plugins so i decided to release one that i made for you guys
[Mode] = Knife
because i am running knife server from 3 years
and there is no server like my
i hope i get good reviews
if you want other effects in hook
please feel free
message me on skype
and guys my nickname is sky
command to give hook
and to take hook
and to use hook
bind key +hook
in console
for example
bind v +hook
Attached Files a class= GetPlugin or GetSource (hook1.sma - 9.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
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Guest Message by DevFuse

Lightning Hook
Temat rozp. Adminek AMXX.PL, 02.03.2015 02:29
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