Written by Syturi0
Version 1.0
Updated 11nd January 2015
xDescription ~
This simple plugin is mainly for Surf Mod Servers wich have the Rule that only allows players to shoot X bullets of AWP every Xsecs./spot.
The main porpuse of that rule is to make players move/surf more, and stay less time camping with AWP.
And thats isactly what this plugin does.
It forces AWP to have X ammo (3 by default), once the player shoots the X bullets, he will have to wait X seconds (15 by default) before he can shoot them again.
Also, the refresh time starts at the first bullet, wich means your ammo still gets refreshed even if you only used 1 bullet.
xCvars ~
• amx_time_xbullets - The amount of time player has to wait before he gets new ammo. (15 default)
• amx_ammo_xbullets - The amount bullets player gets on AWP. (3 default)
xCredits ~
• Kazalu - For helping me with the code.
• xPaw - Thread design.
Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (xBullets_Rule.sma - 3.1 KB)
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