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Guest Message by DevFuse


[CS 1.6] CSDM MK Trilogy AGGRESSOR bar

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 17.12.2014 07:53

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<div><font color="Red"><b><font size="5">Welcome to Mortal Kombat Trilogy's AGGRESSOR mode.</font></b></font><br /><br /><font color="red">This plugins was made to work only with BAILOPAN'S Deathmatch (CSDM)</font> for improving it instead of making a new one project.<br />It was tested on CSDM 2.1.1 version. I didn't tested on other versions (CSDM 2.1.2 doesn't work on my server).<br /><br />******************************<br /><font size="5">[REQUERIMENTS]</font><br />******************************<br /><br /> 1) BAILOPAN'S CSDM 2.1.1 (download <a href="" target="_blank"></a>)<br /> 2) AMX ModX 1.8.2<br /> 3) Metamod v1.21-am 2013-03-15 (5:13)<br /><br />*******************************<br /><font size="5">[PLUGIN CVARS]</font><br />*******************************<br /><br />csdm_agg_enabled &quot;1&quot;<br /> Sets AGGRESSOR mode on/off (1=on / 0=off).<br /><br />csdm_agg_time &quot;40.0&quot;<br /> Ammount of time each player keeps in AGGRESSOR mode.<br /> <br />csdm_agg_kill_score &quot;10&quot;<br /> Score taken for killing an enemy. At the momment, score needed for becoming AGGRESSOR is 450, it cannot be edited but you can edit damage CVAR instead.<br /><br />csdm_agg_headshot_score &quot;70&quot;<br /> Score taken for headshoting an enemy (no kill needed). If you use poor weapons (like pistols) you could get more score for headshoting (because poor weapons needs more than one headshot for killing).<br /> <br />csdm_agg_damage_score &quot;15&quot;<br /> Score taken for shooting an enemy (arms, chest, stomach, legs).<br /><br />csdm_agg_knife_hit_bonus &quot;15&quot;<br /> Bonus if you use knife (primary and secondary attacks worth the same score).<br /> <br />csdm_greenfade_enabled &quot;1&quot;<br /> Little green flash on killing an enemy (1=on / 0=off). This feature is not affected by &quot;csdm_agg_enabled&quot; cvar.<br /> <br />csdm_show_kills &quot;1&quot;<br /> Show consecutive kills/deaths counter. This feature is not affected by &quot;csdm_agg_enabled&quot; cvar.<br /> <br />* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *<br />----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><font size="5">[DESCRIPTION]</font><br /> <br />This plugin simulates Mortal Kombat Trilogy's AGGRESSOR. <br />As you shoot an enemy, your aggressor bar will increase. <br /><br />It is not based on damage given, it is based on asserted shoots, so if you want to become AGGRESSOR faster, you should use poor weapons (as um45, mp5navy, pistols). Grenades increases aggressor bar too.<br /><br />There are no team-mates restrictions, so if you shoot/kill a friend, your aggressor bar will not neither decrease nor increase.<br /><br />AGGRESSOR mode gives you total immunity (god mode) for specified time (default time is 40 seconds), which you can use to knife-kill your enemies.<br />God mode means that you can't take damage from explosions, bullets, fall, etc (you still can use &quot;kill&quot; console command.<br /><br />You can recognize players that are aggressors because they gets covered on white energy shield. <br />Aggressors won't get additional speed because vulnerable players only can escape from them.<br /><br />This plugin is customizable, edit your &quot;csdm_aggressor.cfg&quot; file.<br />It is located in &quot;/cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs/&quot;. <br />If it does not exists, it will be created on server creating. If it doesn't, uncheck all &quot;read only&quot; box from all these directories and check windows permissions.<br /><br />Have fun!<br /><br />Screenshots:<br /><img src="" border="0" alt="" /><br /><img src="" border="0" alt="" /><br /><img src="" border="0" alt="" /><br /><img src="" border="0" alt="" /><br /><img src="" border="0" alt="" /><br /><img src="" border="0" alt="" /><br /><img src="" border="0" alt="" /></div>

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