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Guest Message by DevFuse


Weapons Model Replacement[ OKAPI ]

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

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Reputacja: 156

  • Postów:7 530
  • Lokalizacja:AMXX.PL

Napisano 20.10.2014 19:18

<p>Weapons Model Replacement 0.1
Release: 20.10.2014 | Last Update: 20.10.2014

This plugin is basically the same with: https://forums.allie...ead.php?t=43979 but it's using more efficient methods than the old one made by Chronic. It will allow you to change weapon models. You can have weapons models changed only in one map or weapons model changed for every map.

Table of Contents

Change Log


  • You must compile locally the sma file downloaded from this post.
  • Put the amxx file into addons/amxmodx/plugins.
  • Put the sma file into addons/amxmodx/scripting ( OPTIONAL ).
  • Open addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini and add at the end of the file plugin_name.amxx
  • You will need the okapi module in order to be able to use this plugin.[quote]
  • Download the arhive from the link above.
  • Put the dll/so file in your modules folder.
  • Open modules.ini and add at the end okapi. Not needed, but let's make sure.
  • Restart/Change MAP

1. If you want models changed on every map:

Code: -Create a file called weapons_model_replacement.ini in your configs folder.
-Add models in this format: oldmodel new model
-Ex: models/v_ak47.mdl models/v_gak47.mdl
-The one above will change ak47 model from v_ak47.mdl in v_gak47.mdl2. If you want models changed on specific maps:

Code: -Create a file in called weapons_model_replacement-mapname.ini in your configs folder.
-Add models in this format: oldmodel new model
-Ex: weapons_model_replacement-de_dust2.ini as file name models/v_ak47.mdl models/v_gak47.mdl
-The one above will change ak47 model from v_ak47.mdl in v_gak47.mdl only in de_dust2 map
-The model will be change only for map that has mapname as nameCvarstop

  • wmr_safemode_off

    - Allow you to control safemode
    - 0 - safe mode on
    - 1 - safe mode off

What is safe mode ? It's a very important cvar, please read with attention.

By default, you can put a path with the same size as the original one or lower. Safe mode allows you to disable this restriction. If you don't want to be limited, set it to 1, but I would recommend to keep it with 0 and modify the new model name to be shorter than the original one.


Code: GHW_Chronic - original ideeaDownloads
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  • V 0.1: unknow
Attached Files Posted ImageGet Plugin or Get Source (weapons_model_replacement.sma - 2.9 KB)

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