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Guest Message by DevFuse


[TF2] Thriller Dance

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 28.07.2014 14:16

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<div><div align="center"><font size="4">[TF2] Thriller Dance<br /></font><div align="left"><b><font size="3">Description:</font></b><br />Adds a command to force players to do the Thriller for a specified amount of time. This plugin uses the TF2 condition <b>54</b> which renders players immobile, and are forced to taunt until the end of the specified duration. However, condition <b>54</b> has some side-effects, which are listed below.<br /><br /><font size="3"><b>Cvars</b></font>:<br /><br />sm_thrillerdance_version - Does something useful.<br />sm_thrillerdance_humilation - Forces the losing teams to dance during the humiliation period. (def. 0) [Includes stalemate]<br /><br />The countdown will play a small sound whenever it ticks. To disable the sound use this internal command: &quot;<b>sv_hudhint_sound 0</b>&quot;<br /><br /><b><font size="3">Commands:</font></b><br /><br />sm_thriller &lt;name|#userid&gt; [duration/s] (<b>Slay</b>)<br /><br />Example: sm_thriller SoulSharD 120 - Will send me dancing for 2 minutes.<br /><br />Any values which are &lt;= 0 will remove the Thriller. <br />Using this command on a player that is currently dancing will reset his countdown to the new value.<br /><br />sm_dance - Same function as sm_thriller.<br /><br /><font size="3"><b>Installation:</b></font><br /><ol style="list-style-type: decimal"><li>Download the below <b>'thrillerdance.smx'</b> file.</li>
<li>Paste the <b>'thrillerdance.smx'</b> file into: addons/sourcemod/plugins</li>
<li>Load the plugin using your preferred methods. (Restart or command.)</li>
</ol><font size="3"><b>Bugs/Fixes:</b></font><br /><ul><li>As of release: none. (I'm sure someone will correct me later.)</li>
</ul><b><font size="3">Notes:</font></b><br /><ul><li>The effect is automatically removed on death.</li>
<li>The commands will not work during &quot;waiting for players&quot; This is deliberate to prevent buggy things happening when the round actually starts.</li>
</ul><b><font size="3">Credits:</font></b><br /><ul><li><a href="https://forums.allie...?u=49865http://" target="_blank">DarthNinja</a> - His <a href="" target="_blank">Force Round End</a> plugin was used to test the humiliation feature.</li>
</ul><b><font size="3">Changelog:</font></b><br /><ul><li>28/07/14 -Initial Release.</li>
</ul><b><font size="3">[SIDE-EFFECTS]</font></b><br />As I've mention above, there are a few positive and negative effects:<br /><br /><br />The thriller music automatically plays, some may find this a good thing, but others may want to disable the music, which isn't possible. The music is also client-side, others can't hear it unless they're dancing themselves. (This also means I didn't have to precache it.)<br /><br /><br /><br />And the worst effect, the condition also completely disables ability to access the console. This includes binds. However, fortunately chat based commands still work (! and /) Which means if you use this on yourself, you are able to remove it with &quot;!thriller @me 0&quot; in chat.<br /><br /><br /><font size="3"><b>Quick information:</b></font><br /><ul><li>3600 = 1 hour</li>
<li>86400 = 1 day</li>
<li>604800 = 1 week</li>
</ul>I will not be held responsible for what you do with this information. (Timer would probably die anyway...)<br /><br /></div></div></div>

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<a href="http://www.sourcemod...?file_id=136294"><strong>Get Plugin</strong></a> or
<a href="https://forums.allie...38;d=1406553339">Get Source</a> (thrillerdance.sp - 4.8 KB)

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