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Guest Message by DevFuse


[CS:S] Sound Volume Control (Map music and weapon) v1.0.0, 2014-07-26

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

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Reputacja: 156

  • Postów:7 530
  • Lokalizacja:AMXX.PL

Napisano 25.07.2014 22:58

  • Description

Allows to decrease the map musics volume and sounds of other players guns.
I wrote this plugin for zombie reloaded servers where a lot of people are annoyed by the loud map musics or can't take the weapon sounds when zr_ammo plugin is used.

I found a plugin that completely closes these written by God-Tony but I beleive these sounds gives an ambiance to the maps and shouldn't be turned off completely.


// If plugin is enabled (0: Disable | 1: Map Music Control | 2: Weapon Sound Control | 3: Both)
// -
// Default: "3"
zr_SVoC_Enabled "3"

// Map music volume adjustment (0.0: No sound | 1.0: Full sound)
// -
// Default: "1.0"
zr_SVoC_MLevel "1.0"

// Weapon volume adjustment (0.0: No sound | 1.0: Full sound)
// -
// Default: "1.0"
zr_SVoC_WLevel "1.0"

zr_SVoC.cfg will be created under "cfg/sourcemod/zombiereloaded/" after first run.

  • Changelog
  • v1.0.0, 2014-07-26
  • Initial release.
[*]Installation instructions

Download zr_SVoC.smx and put it to "cstrikeaddonssourcemodplugins".

After first run of the plugin edit "cfgsourcemodzombiereloadedzr_SVoC.cfg " or use the map specific cfg's to enter different values to different maps.

I would recommend to start with a value from "0.3" to "0.5" for both zr_SVoC_WLevel and zr_SVoC_MLevel.

  • Dependencies


Hope it will be useful..
Live long and prosper!</p>

Attached Files Dołączona grafikaGet Plugin or Get Source (zr_SVoC.sp - 2.7 KB)

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