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I'm pleased to announce that SourceMod 1.5.3 has been released. As usual for our minor releases, it primarily contains updates to game compatibility (particularly CS:GO) and a number of bug fixes. See the release notes for the full changelog.
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User Changes: Updated support for CS:GO after multiple breaking game updates. Updated gamedata support for GoldenEye: Source (Peace-Maker). Fixed crash on SDKHooks extension load in Alien Swarm (bug 6059). Fixed memory leak from unmanaged forwards never being freed (bug 6025). Fixed possible crash when unloading the CStrike extension. Fixed crash in SDKHooks Reload post-hook (Peace-Maker). Fixed FakeClientCommandEx always leaking memory (bug 5678). Fixed extra entity networking occuring with SetEntProp natives on some games. Fixed being able to nominate same map multiple times (bug 5109). Fixed spurious FindEntityByClassname error being logged on some games and platforms. Fixed an Anti-Flood bypass exploit (bug 5394). Removed part of Addresses gamedata error handling which could cause false errors to be logged (bug 6044). Fixed mapchooser not resetting nominations count when clearing nominations list (bug 5359). Improved performances of client convar query handling (bug 6003). Developer Changes: Added GiveAmmo native to SDKTools (bug 6039) (Peace-Maker). Added SQL_SetCharset native to (re)set charset even after reconnect (bug 5786) (Peace-Maker). Added support for entity references in SDKHooks natives (bug 6069). Added support for server passwords to DisplayAskConnectBox stock (bug 5984) (FlaminSarge). Renamed SortFunc2D parameters to match documentation (bug 6014) (Peace-Maker). Fixed param order in AddToTopMenu function doc (bug 6035) (Peace-Maker). Added |any| tag to WritePackCell and ReadPackCell native param/return values (bug 6001). Updated SDKHook_TakeDamage native for game updates. Added default infinite value for TF2_AddCondition duration. Added support for conditions >= 64 in TF2_OnConditionAdded/Removed (bug 5565, bug 5976) (FlaminSarge). Updated TFCond and TF customkill enum values (bug 6012) (FlaminSarge). Fixed regression causing incorrect return and inability to block in TF2_OnCalcIsAttackCritical forward. Fixed TE_* natives operating on incorrect data for some tempents (bug 6072). Fixed CS_AliasToWeaponID not returning a valid weaponID for cz75a. Fixed CS_GetWeaponPrice returning incorrect value for M4A1 in CS:GO (bug 6045). Increased max gamedata byte signature length. Ported SM build scripts to AMBuild2 (bug 5997).