By Blizzard_87

With this plugin you can customly change the damage percent on each individual hitzone for each team using the cvars provided.
by default "100" is 100% damage ( normal ), "50" would be half normal damage, and 200 or higher would be double amount of damage or more.
you can also enable or disable a certain hitzone by using the cvar provided.

For Terrorist HitZones:
For Counter-Terrorist HitZones:
- amx_hzm_t_generic "100"
- amx_hzm_t_head "100"
- amx_hzm_t_chest "100"
- amx_hzm_t_stomach "100"
- amx_hzm_t_leftarm "100"
- amx_hzm_t_rightarm "100"
- amx_hzm_t_leftleg "100"
- amx_hzm_t_rightleg "100"
- amx_hzm_c_generic "100"
- amx_hzm_c_head "100"
- amx_hzm_c_chest "100"
- amx_hzm_c_stomach "100"
- amx_hzm_c_leftarm "100"
- amx_hzm_c_rightarm "100"
- amx_hzm_c_leftleg "100"
- amx_hzm_c_rightleg "100"

This Plugin Has Been Coded For AMXX 1.8.3, BUT Also Supports Older Versions With The Included COLORCHAT.INC File Below For Local Compiling.

Blizzard_87 - Original Idea/Coder
Attached Files

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