Trouble in Terroris Town
- v2.2.1, last updated: 16 apr 2014
Finally Trouble in Terrorist Town has arrived to Counter-Strike 1.6. Most is ported from original TTT mod in Garry's mod. Some things are adjusted to possibilities and limititations of HL engine. Some are enhanced of my own view how game should be played.
Contents :
- Requirements
- Commands
- Cvars
- Installation
- Info
- Credits
- Installation Files
Requirements top
Commands topCS 1.6.
AMX Mod X 1.8.2 or higher.
Orpheu 2.3 or higher.
MySQL DB (Optional)
Cvars top
- say /buy
Shows buy menu for Traitors and Detective.- say /open
Opens cell doors in JailBreak maps.- say /rules
Shows helpful info.- say /tttme
Shows info about players kills.- say /tttwarns
Shows info about players warnings.- +specialvoice
Allows to speak only with Traitors or Detectives.
API topTTT mod is fully customizable. Look into ttt.cfg for more information.
Installation topFully working API included. Look into file for more information.
Info top1. Firstly, you need Orpheu. You have just to unzip the content of in ./amxmodx/ ;
2. Then unzip the content of the provided archive here in ./amxmodx/ ;
3. Install the plugin*, restart and it's ready.
* You need to compile locally the plugin since it uses third party includes from Orpheu and my plugin.
If you don't know how to compile locally on windows :
- Download AMX Mod X Base for windows on the main site ;
- Unzip the package somewhere in a folder ;
- From the package you have downloaded just before, copy the include files located in ./scripting/include/ to the folder created in 2. in ./addons/amxmodx/scripting/include/ ;
- Download,, and copy it to ./addons/amxmodx/scripting/include/ too ;
- Download ALL sma files and copy it in ./addons/amxmodx/scripting/ ;
- Now go to ./addons/amxmodx/scripting/ and drag and click compile.exe ;
- You will see a new folder named "compiled" which is automatically created. ;
- Congratulations, you have your compiled plugin, you can install it on your server. Restart and it's ready.
Credits top
- Don't turn off Stats and AntiRetry plugins. Use CVARS.
- Maybe someone can make nice PHP file for stats? Also youtube video would be amazing.
- Someday I will replace bot system to round terminator.
- Fully working ML support.
- You can add your info in rules_other.html.
- Open for suggestions.
Installation Files <a href="#top">top
- Bad King Urgrain - For making this mod in first place.
- Arkshine - For topics design, code and helping in forum.
- tuty - For team sprite code.
- xPaw - For fake player code.
- someone(can't remember) - For plant everywhere code.
- ConnorMcLeod - For helmet thingy.
- Everyone else who helped with code, answers, testing, suggestions.
- Without you all this won't have happened.
Attached Files

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