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// Uwc3ng graphics // Create the hudmessage for the ultimates and the items public Create_Hud() { if ( !UWC3NG_Check() ) { return; } // Get all players static i, players[32], numofplayers, DisplayMessage[128]; get_players( players, numofplayers ); // Here we save if the player's ultimate is ready new bool:p_UltReady = false; // We save the names from the items static ItemOneName[32], ItemTwoName[32]; // Loop through all players for ( i = 0; i < numofplayers; ++i ) { // Is the player alive? if ( is_user_alive( players[i] ) ) { // Is the ultimate ready? p_UltReady = false; if ( g_PlayerUltimateDelay[players[i]] <= 0 ) { p_UltReady = true; } // Add the ultimates status formatex ( DisplayMessage, charsmax( DisplayMessage ), "[ Ultimate'y %s ]", ( p_UltReady ? "Gotowe" : "Niegotowe" ) ); // Two necklace, helms and rings? what? if ( g_iShopMenuItems[players[i]][ITEM_SLOT_ONE] == g_iShopMenuItems[players[i]][ITEM_SLOT_TWO] ) { g_iShopMenuItems[players[i]][ITEM_SLOT_TWO] = ITEM_NONE; } // copy the names from the items in the array if ( g_iShopMenuItems[players[i]][ITEM_SLOT_ONE] != ITEM_NONE ) { copy( ItemOneName, charsmax( ItemOneName ), ShopmenuShort_Names[g_iShopMenuItems[players[i]][ITEM_SLOT_ONE]] ); } if ( g_iShopMenuItems[players[i]][ITEM_SLOT_TWO] != ITEM_NONE ) { copy( ItemTwoName, charsmax( ItemTwoName ), ShopmenuShort_Names[g_iShopMenuItems[players[i]][ITEM_SLOT_TWO]] ); } // The item is necklace. Add the charges switch ( g_iShopMenuItems[players[i]][ITEM_SLOT_ONE] ) { case ITEM_NECKLACE: // Necklace { formatex( ItemOneName, charsmax( ItemOneName ), "%s[%d]", ItemOneName, g_iNecklaceCharges[players[i]] ); } case ITEM_HELM: // Helm { formatex( ItemOneName, charsmax( ItemOneName ), "%s[%d]", ItemOneName, g_iHelmCharges[players[i]] ); } case ITEM_RING: // Ring { formatex( ItemOneName, charsmax( ItemOneName ), "%s[%d]", ItemOneName, g_iTotalRings[players[i]] ); } } // Slot two check switch ( g_iShopMenuItems[players[i]][ITEM_SLOT_TWO] ) { case ITEM_NECKLACE: // Necklace { formatex( ItemTwoName, charsmax( ItemTwoName ), "%s[%d]", ItemTwoName, g_iNecklaceCharges[players[i]] ); } case ITEM_HELM: // Helm { formatex( ItemTwoName, charsmax( ItemTwoName ), "%s[%d]", ItemTwoName, g_iHelmCharges[players[i]] ); } case ITEM_RING: // Ring { formatex( ItemTwoName, charsmax( ItemTwoName ), "%s[%d]", ItemTwoName, g_iTotalRings[players[i]] ); } } // The player has no items if ( g_iShopMenuItems[players[i]][ITEM_SLOT_ONE] == ITEM_NONE && g_iShopMenuItems[players[i]][ITEM_SLOT_TWO] == ITEM_NONE ) { // Player has no item, show him that and a little info formatex ( DisplayMessage, charsmax( DisplayMessage ), "%s Brak przedmiotow (wpisz /shopmenu, /shopmenu2)", DisplayMessage ); } // The player has two items else if ( g_iShopMenuItems[players[i]][ITEM_SLOT_ONE] > ITEM_NONE && g_iShopMenuItems[players[i]][ITEM_SLOT_TWO] > ITEM_NONE ) { formatex ( DisplayMessage, charsmax( DisplayMessage ), "%s Magiczne przedmioty: %s oraz %s", DisplayMessage, ItemOneName, ItemTwoName ); } // The player has only item slot one else if ( g_iShopMenuItems[players[i]][ITEM_SLOT_ONE] > ITEM_NONE ) { formatex ( DisplayMessage, charsmax( DisplayMessage ), "%s Magiczny przedmiot: %s", DisplayMessage, ItemOneName ); } // The player has only item slot two else if ( g_iShopMenuItems[players[i]][ITEM_SLOT_TWO] > ITEM_NONE ) { formatex ( DisplayMessage, charsmax( DisplayMessage ), "%s Magiczny przedmiot: %s", DisplayMessage, ItemTwoName ); } // How we have to show the message? if ( get_pcvar_num( CVAR_uwc3ng_hudmessage_display ) == 1 ) { // Show the message as status text Create_StatusText( players[i], 0, DisplayMessage ); } // Hudmessage else { // Okay. Show him the hudmessage UWC3NG_StatusText( players[i], TXT_ULT_ITEM, DisplayMessage ); } } } // Set up the next task set_task( 0.5, "Create_Hud", TASK_HUD ); return; } // Create a status text where we display the XPs, Level and the rank from the player stock Create_StatusText(id, linenumber, text[]){ message_begin( MSG_ONE, gmsgStatusText, {0,0,0}, id ) write_byte( linenumber ) // line number of status bar text write_string( text ) // status bar text message_end() } // Create a screenfade for the user stock Create_ScreenFade(id, duration, holdtime, fadetype, red, green, blue, alpha){ message_begin( MSG_ONE,gmsgScreenFade,{0,0,0},id ) write_short( duration ) // fade lasts this long duration write_short( holdtime ) // fade lasts this long hold time write_short( fadetype ) // fade type (in / out) write_byte( red ) // fade red write_byte( green ) // fade green write_byte( blue ) // fade blue write_byte( alpha ) // fade alpha message_end() } // Create a screenshake for a player stock Create_ScreenShake(id, amount, duration, frequency){ message_begin(MSG_ONE,gmsgScreenShake,{0,0,0},id) write_short( amount ) // ammount write_short( duration ) // lasts this long write_short( frequency ) // frequency message_end() } // Creates an implosion effect stock Create_TE_IMPLOSION(position[3], radius, count, life){ message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY ) write_byte ( TE_IMPLOSION ) write_coord( position[0] ) // position (X) write_coord( position[1] ) // position (Y) write_coord( position[2] ) // position (Z) write_byte ( radius ) // radius write_byte ( count ) // count write_byte ( life ) // life in 0.1's message_end() } // Create a deathmsg stock Create_DeathMsg_CS(killer_id,victim_id,headshot,weaponname[]){ message_begin(MSG_ALL,gmsgDeathMsg) write_byte(killer_id) write_byte(victim_id) write_byte(headshot) write_string(weaponname) message_end() } // Create a scoreinfo stock Create_ScoreInfo(id,frags,deaths,playerClass,team ){ message_begin(MSG_ALL,gmsgScoreInfo) write_byte(id) write_short(frags) write_short(deaths) write_short(playerClass) write_short(team) message_end() } // Create the sprite above a player if he needs heal or armor (from uwc3) stock Create_Sprite(id, idself, sprite){ message_begin(MSG_ONE,SVC_TEMPENTITY,{0,0,0},idself) write_byte(TE_PLAYERATTACHMENT) write_byte(id) write_coord(30) // z axis for sprite write_short(sprite) // which sprite to display write_short(50) message_end() } // Create pentagram symbols stock Create_Pentagram(origin[3],sprite){ message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY ) write_byte( TE_SPRITETRAIL ) write_coord( origin[0]) write_coord( origin[1]) write_coord( origin[2] + 40) write_coord( origin[0]) write_coord( origin[1]) write_coord( origin[2]) write_short( sprite ) write_byte( 4 ) // count write_byte( 3 ) // life write_byte( 4 ) // scale write_byte( 20 ) // velocity write_byte( 10 ) // randomness in velocity message_end() } stock Create_TE_SPRITETRAIL(start[3], end[3], iSprite, count, life, scale, velocity, random ){ message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY) write_byte( TE_SPRITETRAIL ) write_coord( start[0] ) // start position (X) write_coord( start[1] ) // start position (Y) write_coord( start[2] ) // start position (Z) write_coord( end[0] ) // end position (X) write_coord( end[1] ) // end position (Y) write_coord( end[2] ) // end position (Z) write_short( iSprite ) // sprite index write_byte( count ) // count write_byte( life) // life in 0.1's write_byte( scale) // scale in 0.1's write_byte( velocity ) // velocity along vector in 10's write_byte( random ) // randomness of velocity in 10's message_end() } stock Create_TE_BEAMCYLINDER(origin[3], center[3], axis[3], iSprite, startFrame, frameRate, life, width, amplitude, red, green, blue, brightness, speed){ message_begin( MSG_PAS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, origin ) write_byte( TE_BEAMCYLINDER ) write_coord( center[0] ) // center position (X) write_coord( center[1] ) // center position (Y) write_coord( center[2] ) // center position (Z) write_coord( axis[0] ) // axis and radius (X) write_coord( axis[1] ) // axis and radius (Y) write_coord( axis[2] ) // axis and radius (Z) write_short( iSprite ) // sprite index write_byte( startFrame ) // starting frame write_byte( frameRate ) // frame rate in 0.1's write_byte( life ) // life in 0.1's write_byte( width ) // line width in 0.1's write_byte( amplitude ) // noise amplitude in 0.01's write_byte( red ) // color (red) write_byte( green ) // color (green) write_byte( blue ) // color (blue) write_byte( brightness ) // brightness write_byte( speed ) // scroll speed in 0.1's message_end() } stock Create_TE_BEAMFOLLOW(entity, iSprite, life, width, red, green, blue, alpha){ message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY ) write_byte( TE_BEAMFOLLOW ) write_short( entity ) // entity write_short( iSprite ) // model write_byte( life ) // life write_byte( width ) // width write_byte( red ) // red write_byte( green ) // green write_byte( blue ) // blue write_byte( alpha ) // brightness message_end() } stock Create_BarTime(id, duration, flag){ message_begin( MSG_ONE, gmsgBarTime, {0,0,0}, id ) write_byte( duration ) // duration write_byte( flag ) message_end() } stock Create_TE_TELEPORT(position[3]){ message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY) write_byte( TE_TELEPORT ) write_coord( position[0] ) write_coord( position[1] ) write_coord( position[2] ) message_end() } stock Create_TE_ELIGHT(entity, start[3], radius, red, green, blue, life, decayRate){ message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY ) write_byte( TE_ELIGHT ) write_short( entity ) // entity write_coord( start[0] ) // initial position write_coord( start[1] ) // initial position write_coord( start[2] ) // initial position write_coord( radius ) // radius write_byte( red ) // red write_byte( green ) // green write_byte( blue ) // blue write_byte( life ) // life write_coord( decayRate ) // decay rate message_end() } stock Create_TE_LARGEFUNNEL(position[3], iSprite, flags){ message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY ) write_byte( TE_LARGEFUNNEL ) write_coord( position[0] ) // origin, x write_coord( position[1] ) // origin, y write_coord( position[2] ) // origin, z write_short( iSprite ) // sprite (0 for none) write_short( flags ) // 0 for collapsing, 1 for sending outward message_end() } stock Create_TE_BEAMENTS(startEntity, endEntity, iSprite, startFrame, frameRate, life, width, noise, red, green, blue, alpha, speed){ message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY ) write_byte( TE_BEAMENTS ) write_short( startEntity ) // start entity write_short( endEntity ) // end entity write_short( iSprite ) // model write_byte( startFrame ) // starting frame write_byte( frameRate ) // frame rate write_byte( life ) // life write_byte( width ) // line width write_byte( noise ) // noise amplitude write_byte( red ) // red write_byte( green ) // green write_byte( blue ) // blue write_byte( alpha ) // brightness write_byte( speed ) // scroll speed message_end() } stock Create_TE_BEAMPOINTS(start[3], end[3], iSprite, startFrame, frameRate, life, width, noise, red, green, blue, alpha, speed){ message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY ) write_byte( TE_BEAMPOINTS ) write_coord( start[0] ) write_coord( start[1] ) write_coord( start[2] ) write_coord( end[0] ) write_coord( end[1] ) write_coord( end[2] ) write_short( iSprite ) // model write_byte( startFrame ) // start frame write_byte( frameRate ) // framerate write_byte( life ) // life write_byte( width ) // width write_byte( noise ) // noise write_byte( red) // red write_byte( green ) // green write_byte( blue ) // blue write_byte( alpha ) // brightness write_byte( speed ) // speed message_end() } stock Create_TE_EXPLOSION( origin[3], origin2[3], iSprite, scale, frameRate, flags ){ message_begin( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, origin ) write_byte( TE_EXPLOSION ) write_coord( origin2[0] ) // position (X) write_coord( origin2[1] ) // position (Y) write_coord( origin2[2] ) // position (Z) write_short( iSprite ) // sprite index write_byte( scale ) // scale in 0.1's write_byte( frameRate ) // framerate write_byte( flags ) // flags message_end() } stock Create_TE_SPRITE(position[3], iSprite, scale, alpha){ message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY ) write_byte( TE_SPRITE ) write_coord( position[0] ) // position) write_coord( position[1] ) write_coord( position[2] ) write_short( iSprite ) // sprite index write_byte( scale) // scale in 0.1's write_byte( alpha ) // brightness message_end() } stock Create_TE_Smoke(originSight[3], position[3], iSprite, scale, framerate){ message_begin( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, originSight ) write_byte( TE_SMOKE ) write_coord( position[0] ) // Position write_coord( position[1] ) write_coord( position[2] ) write_short( iSprite ) // Sprite index write_byte( scale ) // scale * 10 write_byte( framerate ) // framerate message_end() } stock Create_CarrionShadowDOT( id, iSprite ){ message_begin( MSG_ALL, SVC_TEMPENTITY ) write_byte( TE_PLAYERATTACHMENT ) write_byte( id ) write_coord( 0 ) write_short( iSprite ) write_short( 25 ) message_end() } /* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE *{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1031\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par } */
Użytkownik kasza edytował ten post 21.03.2014 19:54