Witam ostatnio gdzies mój serwer sie crashuje, bez przyczyny.
Logi z konsoli przed crashem:
tomaszeq : /drop tomaszeq : /skle[ tomaszeq : /sklep tomaszeq : p tomaszeq : /perk tomaszeq : /drop PTB: Runda zakonczona, sprawdzam druzyny. Dropped GHOST from server Reason: Client sent 'drop' L 01/30/2014 - 09:48:10: -------- Mapchange to de_dust -------- Admin Spectator ESP v1.3, Copyright (C) 2006 by KoST L 01/30/2014 - 09:48:14: [] Failed to open dictionary file: cstrike/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/afkkicker.txt Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File Czestotliwosc wyswietlania wiadomosci: 10:00 minut [AMXBans] laduje plik amxbans.cfg [AMXBans] amxbans.cfg zostal zaladowany | .PL | Wersja PL - Szyfrant i MisieQ [PTB] Ptb.cfg is being executed PTB: (limitjoin) WTJ prevention is ON. PTB: (limitafter) Team limiting starts after 0 round(s). PTB: (limitmin) Team limiting needs at least 0 player(s). PTB: (maxsize) Maximum team size is 11 player(s). PTB: (maxdiff) Maximum team size difference is 2. PTB: (autorounds) First 3 rounds no free team choice. PTB: (wtjauto) Auto-joining WTJ after 3 tr(y/ies). PTB: (wtjauto) Auto-kicking WTJ after 5 tr(y/ies). PTB: (kick) WTJ kicking is OFF. PTB: (savewtj) Saving to wtj.log is OFF. PTB: (switch) Team switching is ON. PTB: (switchafter) Switching starts after 3 round(s). PTB: (switchmin) Switching needs at least 5 player(s). PTB: (switchfreq) Switch occurs every 1 round(s) at maximum. PTB: (playerfreq) Individual players are switched every 7 round(s) at maximum. PTB: (forceswitch) Forcing switch after 0 unsuccessful switch(es). PTB: (deadonly) Switching dead only is OFF. PTB: (tellwtj) Telling about WTJ tries is OFF. PTB: (announce) Announcements are OFF. PTB: (sayok) "OK" announcements are OFF. PTB: (typesay) typesay usage is OFF. PTB: (maxstreak) Maximum accepted win streak is 3. PTB: (maxscore) Maximum accepted team score difference is 2. PTB: (minrating) Minimum critical strength rating is 1.49. PTB: (maxrating) Maximum critical strength rating is 2.00. PTB: (superrating) Super critical strength rating is 3.00. PTB: (maxincidents) Maximum incidents before internal player score scale down is 50. PTB: (scaledown) Integer scale down factor for player scores is 2. Executing Galileo ( GAL ) Configuration File [AMXBans] Zaladowano 11 adminow z bazy danych Menu item 17 added to Menus Front-End: "Plugin Cvars" from plugin "pluginmenu.amxx" Menu item 18 added to Menus Front-End: "Plugin Commands" from plugin "pluginmenu.amxx" L 01/30/2014 - 09:48:16: [amxbans_main.amxx] [AMXBans] AMXBans Gm 1.5.1 jest wlaczony L 01/30/2014 - 09:48:16: [amxbans_core.amxx] Login: "feO<>445><>STEAM_0:1:41521924><>>" became an admin (account "STEAM_0:1:41521924") (access "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu") (address "") (nick "feo") (static 0) [AMXBans] Nie znaleziono powodow bana [AMXBans] Nie znaleziono powodow banow w bazie danych. Zaladowano standardowe. L 01/30/2014 - 09:48:16: [amxbans_main.amxx] [AMXBans] Nie znaleziono powodow banow w bazie danych. Zaladowano standardowe. Menu item 19 added to Menus Front-End: "AMXBans: Oznacz Gracza" from plugin "AMXBans Main" Menu item 20 added to Menus Front-End: "AMXBans: Rozlaczono Graczy" from plugin "AMXBans Main" Menu item 21 added to Menus Front-End: "AMXBans: Historia Banow" from plugin "AMXBans Main" Menu item 22 added to Menus Front-End: "AMXBans: Screens" from plugin "AMXBans: Screens" Ignoring custom decal from Stasiek Ignoring custom decal from BOBIK[t] Ignoring custom decal from Player Ignoring custom decal from Quartez Ignoring custom decal from tomaszeq Ignoring custom decal from Spr!Nt Ignoring custom decal from LoLForce Ignoring custom decal from ELDO Ignoring custom decal from feO BOBIK[t] : /klasa *DEAD* LoLForce : /klasa Dropped Stasiek from server Reason: Client sent 'drop' Ignoring custom decal from |PROSTO| *DEAD* |PROSTO| : /klasy Quartez : /drop Ignoring custom decal from IWAN. |PROSTO| : /perki Dropped siusiak from server Reason: Timed out *DEAD* Player : /klasa Ignoring custom decal from siusiak SZ_GetSpace: overflow on |PROSTO| *DEAD* Spr!Nt : urwa tomaszeq : ./pekr SZ_GetSpace: overflow on |PROSTO| tomaszeq : /perk WARNING: datagram overflowed for |PROSTO| tomaszeq : /drop *DEAD* LoLForce : /klasa tomaszeq : /drop *DEAD* ELDO : tak w plecy *DEAD* ELDO : hhahaha *DEAD* tomaszeq : /perk *DEAD* tomaszeq : /drop *DEAD* Spr!Nt : kurwo off speed cheat |PROSTO| : /rank |PROSTO| : top15 *DEAD* tomaszeq : kto ? |PROSTO| : /top15 *DEAD* Spr!Nt : ty *DEAD* tomaszeq : hahahaha SZ_GetSpace: overflow on |PROSTO| *DEAD* tomaszeq : jakego speed hacka SZ_GetSpace: overflow on |PROSTO| *DEAD* BOBIK[t] : ej czemu mi sie kasuja poziomy po zmianie mapy ? *DEAD* siusiak : /klasa *DEAD* ELDO : proboszcz super *DEAD* Player : /klasa SZ_GetSpace: overflow on |PROSTO| Spr!Nt : wzyscy Player : /klasa SZ_GetSpace: overflow on |PROSTO| Quartez : /drop SZ_GetSpace: overflow on |PROSTO| SZ_GetSpace: overflow on |PROSTO| Dropped |PROSTO| from server Reason: Timed out *DEAD* LoLForce : /klasa *DEAD* tomaszeq : /perk *DEAD* siusiak : /klasa Dropped Spr!Nt from server Reason: Client sent 'drop' *DEAD* tomaszeq : /klasy *DEAD* siusiak : /klasy *DEAD* BOBIK[t] : /rank Ignoring custom decal from GHOST *DEAD* siusiak : /klasa PTB: Runda zakonczona, sprawdzam druzyny. PTB: Nie moge przeniesc graczy, potrzebuje odpowiedniego celu w obu druzynach. IWAN. : /sklep *DEAD* siusiak : /klasa Dropped Spr!Nt from server Reason: Client sent 'drop' L 01/30/2014 - 09:53:48: [amxbans_core.amxx] Login: "WeX<>481><>STEAM_0:0:71051733><>>" became an admin (account "STEAM_0:0:71051733") (access "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu") (address "") (nick "WeX") (static 0) *DEAD* siusiak : /klas Ignoring custom decal from WeX *DEAD* siusiak : /klasy PTB: Runda zakonczona, sprawdzam druzyny. PTB: Nie moge przeniesc graczy, potrzebuje odpowiedniego celu w obu druzynach. tomaszeq : /drop tomaszeq : /sklep tomaszeq : /perk tomaszeq : /drop *DEAD* Player : /staty tomaszeq : /drop tomaszeq : /perk *DEAD* ELDO : u tomaszeq : /drop *DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) ELDO : e mamy medyka czymamy sie razem SZ_GetSpace: overflow on GHOST SZ_GetSpace: overflow on GHOST L 01/30/2014 - 09:55:14: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "WeX<>481><>STEAM_0:0:71051733><>>" tsay " Chcesz kupić premke/Vipa? Pisz na GG:42652091" L 01/30/2014 - 09:55:15: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "WeX<>481><>STEAM_0:0:71051733><>>" tsay " Chcesz kupić premke/Vipa? Pisz na GG:42652091" L 01/30/2014 - 09:55:15: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "WeX<>481><>STEAM_0:0:71051733><>>" tsay " Chcesz kupić premke/Vipa? Pisz na GG:42652091" L 01/30/2014 - 09:55:15: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "WeX<>481><>STEAM_0:0:71051733><>>" tsay " Chcesz kupić premke/Vipa? Pisz na GG:42652091" L 01/30/2014 - 09:55:15: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "WeX<>481><>STEAM_0:0:71051733><>>" tsay " Chcesz kupić premke/Vipa? Pisz na GG:42652091" SZ_GetSpace: overflow on GHOST *DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) ELDO : a ty lecz SZ_GetSpace: overflow on GHOST SZ_GetSpace: overflow on GHOST SZ_GetSpace: overflow on GHOST Ignoring custom decal from Ciesz Sie Kazdym Dniem . SZ_GetSpace: overflow on GHOST Ignoring custom decal from Krwawy Ludzik Dropped ~~Assassin~~ from server Reason: Client sent 'drop' Dropped GHOST from server Reason: Timed out *DEAD* WeX : xD tomaszeq : /drop PTB: Runda zakonczona, sprawdzam druzyny. PTB: Nie moge przeniesc graczy, potrzebuje odpowiedniego celu w obu druzynach. L 01/30/2014 - 09:55:45: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "WeX<>481><>STEAM_0:0:71051733><>>" tsay " Chcesz kupić premke/Vipa? Pisz na GG:42652091" L 01/30/2014 - 09:55:46: [adminchat.amxx] Chat: "WeX<>481><>STEAM_0:0:71051733><>>" tsay " Chcesz kupić premke/Vipa? Pisz na GG:42652091" Quartez : ,d tomaszeq : ,P tomaszeq : /sklep SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Ciesz Sie Kazdym Dniem . tomaszeq : /perk BOBIK[t] : /sklep Dropped Krwawy Ludzik from server Reason: Timed out SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Ciesz Sie Kazdym Dniem . tomaszeq : /drop SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Ciesz Sie Kazdym Dniem . Ignoring custom decal from Krwawy Ludzik SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Ciesz Sie Kazdym Dniem . Dropped tomaszeq from server Reason: Client sent 'drop' SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Ciesz Sie Kazdym Dniem . SZ_GetSpace: overflow on Ciesz Sie Kazdym Dniem . Uploading dump (in-process) [proxy ''] /tmp/dumps/crash_20140130095614_2.dmp success = no error: Failed to open/read local data from file/application ./hlds_run: line 255: 26026 Segmentation fault $HL_CMD
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