Siemanko, mogłby ktoś przerobić ten plugin na extra item dla człowieka, który po zakupie mozemy komuś "uleczyć" np 50 kamizelki.
Oto plugin który leczy HP pod przyciskiem "e"
#include <amxmodx> #include <fakemeta> #define EIM_SND_VOL 1.0 //DO NOT CHANGE THESE DEFINES: #define MAX_PLAYERS 32 #define PTR_LC 0 //cell used to indicate last used cell on g_list_* #define SOUND_TIME 0.8 #define UPDATE_TIME 0.3 #define CPHU 2 //checks per HUD update #define NO_TARGET 0 #define NO_HEALERS 0 #define NO_HEAL_POINTS 0.0 #define NO_DAMAGE 0.0 #define EIM_SND_NONE 0 #define EIM_SND_START 1 #define EIM_SND_HEALING 2 #define EIM_SND_UNABLE 3 //////////////////////////////// new g_max_players new bool:g_restart_attempt[MAX_PLAYERS + 1] new g_fpc = 30 //frames per check, there is check every g_fps server frames if time passed is correct new Float:g_p_distance[MAX_PLAYERS+1] new g_p_aiming_at[MAX_PLAYERS+1] new g_p_target[MAX_PLAYERS+1] new g_p_healers[MAX_PLAYERS+1] new Float:g_p_points[MAX_PLAYERS+1] new Float:g_p_dmg[MAX_PLAYERS+1] new Float:g_p_start_hp[MAX_PLAYERS+1] new Float:g_p_max_hp[MAX_PLAYERS+1] new g_p_team[MAX_PLAYERS+1] //player is on g_list_healers if g_p_target[player] != NO_TARGET new g_list_healers[MAX_PLAYERS+1] //player is on g_list_sounds if g_snd_frames[player] != 0 new g_list_sounds[MAX_PLAYERS+1] new g_snd_frames[MAX_PLAYERS+1] new g_snd_next[MAX_PLAYERS+1] new g_snd_current[MAX_PLAYERS+1] new g_snd_fpc = 30 //frames per check for sounds new g_sprite new g_HSO_p_info //hud sync object - player info new g_HSO_t_info //hud sync object - target info //pcvars new g_range //maximum distance between players required for healing to work new g_hps //health per second new g_maxhealers //amount of players that can heal 1 player simultaneously new g_healpoints //amount of hp that can be healed by player every round new g_healeff //healing efficiency - fraction of damage that can be healed new g_eim_in_team //which team have medics - 0==both new VER[] = {"1.5"} public plugin_init(){ register_plugin( "EveryoneIsMedic", VER, "Sylwester") register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink, "player_PreThink") register_forward(FM_StartFrame, "fwd_StartFrame") register_event("HLTV", "event_new_round", "a", "1=0", "2=0") register_logevent("logevent_round_start", 2, "1=Round_Start") register_event("ResetHUD", "event_hud_reset", "be") register_clcmd("fullupdate", "clcmd_fullupdate") register_event("TextMsg", "event_restart_attempt", "a", "2=#Game_will_restart_in") g_max_players = get_maxplayers() register_cvar("eim_ver", VER, FCVAR_SERVER) g_range = register_cvar("eim_range", "70") g_hps = register_cvar("eim_hps", "10.0", 0, 10.0) g_maxhealers = register_cvar("eim_maxhealers", "2") g_healpoints = register_cvar("eim_healpoints", "0") g_healeff = register_cvar("eim_healeff", "1.0", 0, 1.0) g_eim_in_team = register_cvar("eim_in_team", "0") //for cs: 1 - ts, 2 - cts g_HSO_t_info = CreateHudSyncObj() g_HSO_p_info = CreateHudSyncObj() } public plugin_precache(){ precache_sound("items/medshot4.wav") precache_sound("items/medcharge4.wav") precache_sound("items/medshotno1.wav") g_sprite = precache_model("sprites/laserbeam.spr") } public fwd_StartFrame(){ static Float:current_time static Float:last_time static frames_counter static checks_counter static i static targetid static targetbody frames_counter++ if(frames_counter > g_fpc){ current_time = get_gametime() g_fpc = floatround((g_fpc*UPDATE_TIME/(current_time-last_time) + g_fpc)/2) g_snd_fpc = floatround((g_fpc/UPDATE_TIME*SOUND_TIME + g_snd_fpc)/2) last_time = current_time frames_counter = 1 for(i = 1; i <= g_max_players; i++){ if(!is_user_alive(i)) continue g_p_distance[i] = get_user_aiming(i, targetid, targetbody) if(g_p_target[i] != NO_TARGET && (targetid != g_p_target[i] || g_p_distance[i] > get_pcvar_num(g_range))){ stop_healing_process(i) g_snd_next[i] = EIM_SND_NONE }else if(targetid > g_max_players || targetid < 1 || g_p_team[targetid] != g_p_team[i]) g_p_aiming_at[i] = 0 else g_p_aiming_at[i] = targetid check_health(i) } checks_counter++ if(checks_counter > CPHU){ show_info() checks_counter = 1 } if(get_pcvar_num(g_healpoints) == 0) heal_targets_uhp(UPDATE_TIME*get_pcvar_float(g_hps)) //unlimited heal points else heal_targets(UPDATE_TIME*get_pcvar_float(g_hps)) } update_sounds() } public show_info(){ static i static pos static msg[512] static targetid static button for(i=1; i<=g_max_players; i++){ if(!is_user_alive(i) || (get_pcvar_num(g_eim_in_team) && get_pcvar_num(g_eim_in_team) != g_p_team[i])) continue set_hudmessage(200, 100, 0, -5.0, 0.20, 0, 6.0, CPHU*UPDATE_TIME, 0.1, 0.2, -1) pos = 0 formatex(msg, 511, "") if(g_p_points[i] > NO_HEAL_POINTS) pos += formatex(msg[pos], 511-pos, "Heal PointS: %0.f^n", g_p_points[i]) if(g_p_dmg[i] > NO_DAMAGE) pos += formatex(msg[pos], 511-pos, "Damage to heal: %0.f^n", g_p_dmg[i]) if(g_p_healers[i] > NO_HEALERS){ pos += formatex(msg[pos], 511-pos, "Current healers: %d", g_p_healers[i]) if(g_p_healers[i] >= get_pcvar_num(g_maxhealers)) pos += formatex(msg[pos], 511-pos, " (MAX)") } if(pos > 0) ShowSyncHudMsg(i, g_HSO_p_info, msg) targetid = g_p_aiming_at[i] if(targetid){ if((g_p_points[i] > NO_HEAL_POINTS || get_pcvar_num(g_healpoints) == 0)&& g_p_dmg[targetid] > NO_DAMAGE && g_p_target[i] == NO_TARGET){ if(g_p_distance[i] > get_pcvar_num(g_range)){ button = pev(i, pev_button) if(button & IN_USE){ formatex(msg, 511, "^ntarget out of range") set_hudmessage(200, 100, 0, -1.0, 0.45, 0, 6.0, CPHU*UPDATE_TIME, 0.1, 0.2, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(i, g_HSO_t_info, msg) } }else{ formatex(msg, 511, "^nPress USE to heal^n") set_hudmessage(200, 100, 0, -1.0, 0.45, 0, 6.0, CPHU*UPDATE_TIME, 0.1, 0.2, -1) ShowSyncHudMsg(i, g_HSO_t_info, msg) } } } } } public sndl_add(&playerid){ g_list_sounds[PTR_LC]++ g_list_sounds[g_list_sounds[PTR_LC]] = playerid } public sndl_delete(&cell){ static j for(j = cell+1; j<=g_list_sounds[PTR_LC]; j++) g_list_sounds[j-1] = g_list_sounds[j] g_list_sounds[PTR_LC]-- } public update_sounds(){ static i static playerid i = 1 while(i<=g_list_sounds[PTR_LC]){ playerid = g_list_sounds[i] if(g_snd_frames[playerid] == 0 || g_snd_frames[playerid] >= g_snd_fpc){ g_snd_frames[playerid] = 0 switch(g_snd_next[playerid]){ case EIM_SND_NONE:{ if(g_snd_current[playerid] == EIM_SND_HEALING) emit_sound(playerid, CHAN_ITEM, "items/medcharge4.wav", EIM_SND_VOL, ATTN_NORM, SND_STOP, PITCH_NORM) sndl_delete(i) g_snd_current[playerid] = EIM_SND_NONE } case EIM_SND_START:{ if(g_p_target[playerid] != NO_TARGET){ if(g_snd_current[playerid] == EIM_SND_HEALING) emit_sound(playerid, CHAN_ITEM, "items/medcharge4.wav", EIM_SND_VOL, ATTN_NORM, SND_STOP, PITCH_NORM) emit_sound(playerid, CHAN_ITEM, "items/medshot4.wav", EIM_SND_VOL, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) g_snd_current[playerid] = EIM_SND_START g_snd_next[playerid] = EIM_SND_HEALING g_snd_frames[playerid]++ i++ }else{ sndl_delete(i) } } case EIM_SND_HEALING:{ if(g_p_target[playerid] != NO_TARGET){ if(g_snd_current[playerid] != EIM_SND_HEALING){ emit_sound(playerid, CHAN_ITEM, "items/medcharge4.wav", EIM_SND_VOL, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) g_snd_current[playerid] = EIM_SND_HEALING } g_snd_frames[playerid]++ i++ }else{ sndl_delete(i) } } case EIM_SND_UNABLE:{ if(g_snd_current[playerid] == EIM_SND_HEALING) emit_sound(playerid, CHAN_ITEM, "items/medcharge4.wav", EIM_SND_VOL, ATTN_NORM, SND_STOP, PITCH_NORM) if(g_snd_current[playerid] == EIM_SND_UNABLE){ g_snd_current[playerid] = EIM_SND_NONE g_snd_next[playerid] = EIM_SND_NONE }else{ emit_sound(playerid, CHAN_ITEM, "items/medshotno1.wav", EIM_SND_VOL, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) g_snd_current[playerid] = EIM_SND_UNABLE g_snd_next[playerid] = EIM_SND_NONE } g_snd_frames[playerid]++ i++ } } }else{ g_snd_frames[playerid]++ i++ } } } public heal_targets_uhp(Float:health_amount){ //unlimited heal points static healerid static targetid static Float:targethp static i i = 1 while(i <= g_list_healers[PTR_LC]){ healerid = g_list_healers[i] targetid = g_p_target[healerid] if(g_p_dmg[targetid] > NO_DAMAGE && is_user_alive(healerid)){ pev(targetid, pev_health, targethp) if(health_amount < g_p_dmg[targetid]){ set_pev(targetid, pev_health, targethp + health_amount) g_p_dmg[targetid] -= health_amount i++ message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY) write_byte(TE_BEAMENTS); // TE_BEAMENTS 8 write_short(targetid); // Start entity write_short(healerid); // End entity write_short(g_sprite); // Sprite index write_byte(1); // Starting frame write_byte(1); // frame rate in 0.1's write_byte(3); // life in 0.1's write_byte(50); // line width in 0.1's write_byte(0); // noise amplitude in 0.01's write_byte(255); // R write_byte(0); // G write_byte(0); // B write_byte(150); // brightness write_byte(15); // scroll speed in 0.1's message_end() }else{ set_pev(targetid, pev_health, targethp + g_p_dmg[targetid]) g_p_dmg[targetid] = NO_DAMAGE stop_healing_process(healerid) } }else{ stop_healing_process(healerid) } } } public heal_targets(Float:health_amount){ static healerid static targetid static Float:targethp static Float:temp_health static i i = 1 while(i <= g_list_healers[PTR_LC]){ healerid = g_list_healers[i] targetid = g_p_target[healerid] if(g_p_points[healerid] > NO_HEAL_POINTS && g_p_dmg[targetid] > NO_DAMAGE && is_user_alive(healerid)){ pev(targetid, pev_health, targethp) if(health_amount < g_p_points[healerid] && health_amount < g_p_dmg[targetid]){ set_pev(targetid, pev_health, targethp + health_amount) g_p_points[healerid] -= health_amount g_p_dmg[targetid] -= health_amount i++ message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY) write_byte(TE_BEAMENTS); // TE_BEAMENTS 8 write_short(targetid); // Start entity write_short(healerid); // End entity write_short(g_sprite); // Sprite index write_byte(1); // Starting frame write_byte(1); // frame rate in 0.1's write_byte(3); // life in 0.1's write_byte(50); // line width in 0.1's write_byte(0); // noise amplitude in 0.01's write_byte(255); // R write_byte(0); // G write_byte(0); // B write_byte(150); // brightness write_byte(15); // scroll speed in 0.1's message_end() }else{ temp_health = func_fmin3(health_amount, g_p_points[healerid], g_p_dmg[targetid]) set_pev(targetid, pev_health, targethp + temp_health) g_p_points[healerid] -= temp_health g_p_dmg[targetid] -= temp_health stop_healing_process(healerid) } }else{ stop_healing_process(healerid) } } } public player_PreThink(id){ static targetid, targetbody static button button = pev(id, pev_button) if(button & IN_USE && g_p_target[id] == NO_TARGET){ if(is_user_alive(id) && !(get_pcvar_num(g_eim_in_team) && get_pcvar_num(g_eim_in_team) != g_p_team[id])){ g_p_distance[id] = get_user_aiming(id, targetid, targetbody) if(targetid > g_max_players || targetid < 1 || g_p_team[targetid] != g_p_team[id]) g_p_aiming_at[id] = 0 else{ g_p_aiming_at[id] = targetid if(g_p_distance[id] <= get_pcvar_num(g_range)) start_healing_process(id, targetid) } } }else if(g_p_target[id] != NO_TARGET && !(button & IN_USE)){ stop_healing_process(id) g_snd_next[id] = EIM_SND_NONE } } public start_healing_process(id, targetid){ stop_healing_process(id) check_health(targetid) if(g_p_healers[targetid] >= get_pcvar_num(g_maxhealers)){ if(g_snd_frames[id] == 0) sndl_add(id) g_snd_next[id] = EIM_SND_UNABLE }else if((g_p_points[id] <= NO_HEAL_POINTS && get_pcvar_num(g_healpoints) > 0 ) || g_p_dmg[targetid] <= NO_DAMAGE){ if(g_snd_frames[id] == 0) sndl_add(id) g_snd_next[id] = EIM_SND_UNABLE }else{ g_p_target[id] = targetid g_p_healers[targetid]++ g_list_healers[PTR_LC]++ g_list_healers[g_list_healers[PTR_LC]] = id if(g_snd_frames[id] == 0) sndl_add(id) if(g_snd_next[id] != EIM_SND_HEALING) g_snd_next[id] = EIM_SND_START g_snd_frames[id] = 0 } } public stop_healing_process(id){ if(g_p_target[id] != NO_TARGET){ if(g_snd_next[id] != EIM_SND_NONE) g_snd_next[id] = EIM_SND_UNABLE g_p_healers[g_p_target[id]]-- g_p_target[id] = NO_TARGET static i i = 1 while(g_list_healers[i]!=id) i++ while(i<g_list_healers[PTR_LC]){ g_list_healers[i] = g_list_healers[i+1] i++ } g_list_healers[PTR_LC]-- } } public event_new_round(){ reset_all() } public reset_all(){ for(new i=1; i<=g_max_players; i++){ stop_healing_process(i) g_p_healers[i] = NO_HEALERS g_p_points[i] = float(get_pcvar_num(g_healpoints)) g_p_dmg[i] = NO_DAMAGE g_p_team[i] = get_user_team(i) } g_list_healers[PTR_LC] = 0 } public logevent_round_start(){ for(new i=1; i<=g_max_players; i++) if(is_user_alive(i)){ pev(i, pev_health, g_p_start_hp[i]) g_p_max_hp[i] = g_p_start_hp[i] g_p_team[i] = get_user_team(i) } } public clcmd_fullupdate() { return PLUGIN_HANDLED_MAIN } public event_restart_attempt() { new players[32], num get_players(players, num, "a") for (new i; i < num; ++i) g_restart_attempt[players[i]] = true } public event_hud_reset(id) { if (g_restart_attempt[id]) { g_restart_attempt[id] = false return } event_player_spawn(id) } public event_player_spawn(id) { stop_healing_process(id) g_p_healers[id] = NO_HEALERS g_p_points[id] = float(get_pcvar_num(g_healpoints)) g_p_dmg[id] = NO_DAMAGE g_p_team[id] = get_user_team(id) } public client_connect(id){ g_p_healers[id] = NO_HEALERS g_p_points[id] = float(get_pcvar_num(g_healpoints)) g_p_dmg[id] = NO_DAMAGE g_p_start_hp[id] = 100.0 g_p_max_hp[id] = 100.0 } public client_disconnect(id){ stop_healing_process(id) } public check_health(id){ static Float:p_health pev(id, pev_health, p_health) if(p_health < g_p_max_hp[id]){ if(g_p_dmg[id] + p_health < g_p_max_hp[id]) g_p_max_hp[id] -= (g_p_max_hp[id] - (g_p_dmg[id] + p_health))*(1.0 - get_pcvar_float(g_healeff)) g_p_dmg[id] = g_p_max_hp[id] - p_health }else if(p_health > g_p_start_hp[id]){ g_p_max_hp[id] = g_p_start_hp[id] g_p_dmg[id] = NO_DAMAGE }else{ g_p_max_hp[id] = p_health g_p_dmg[id] = NO_DAMAGE } } public Float:func_fmin3(&Float:a, &Float:b, &Float:c){ if(a>b) if(b>c) return c else return b else if(a>c) return c return a }
Użytkownik xXxBoy4GirlxXx edytował ten post 27.01.2014 22:14