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Guest Message by DevFuse


[TF2] Bloody Sniper

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

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Napisano 25.01.2014 01:31

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<div><b><font size="5">Bloody Sniper (v1.00, 25-01-2014)</font></b><br /><font size="1"><i>Requested: <a href="" target="_blank">https://forums.allie...></i></font><br /><br /><u><b>Description:</b></u><br />Bloody Sniper is a plugin which makes players start to bleed after they get shot by a sniper.<br /><br /><u><b>Features:</b></u><ul><li>Increase damage dealt by sniper rifles</li>
<li>Make players bleed after they get shot</li>
</ul><br /><u><b>ConVars:</b></u><br /><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: bbcode_code_printable -->
<div style="margin:20px; margin-top:5px">
<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Code:</div>
<hr /><code style="margin:0px" dir="ltr" style="text-align:left">sm_bloody_sniper_version &quot;1.00&quot; // Bloody Sniper Plugin Version<br />sm_bloody_sniper_enabled &quot;1&quot; // 0 = Bloody Sniper Plugin disabled; 1 = Bloody Sniper Plugin enabled<br />sm_bloody_sniper_damage_increase &quot;50.0&quot; // 0 = Does not increase damage; X = Increase the damage by X percent; Negative X means decrease<br />sm_bloody_sniper_causes_bleeding &quot;6.0&quot; // 0 = Player does not bleed after hit; X = Player does bleed for X seconds after hit</code><hr />
<!-- END TEMPLATE: bbcode_code_printable --><b><u>Installation instructions:</u></b><br />Put the plugin (bloody-sniper.smx) in your server's plugins folder: <b>addons/sourcemod/plugins</b><br /><br /><b><u>Changelog:</u></b> <a href="" target="_blank">see GitHub</a><br /><br /><b><u>Known Bugs:</u></b><ul><li>none</li>
</ul><br />If you find bugs or have ideas/suggestions don't be afraid to post them.<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank">Source &amp; Download at GitHub</a></div>

<br /> <div style="padding:6px">

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<legend>Attached Files</legend>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" border="0">
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<td><img class="inlineimg" src="https://forums.allie...s/attach/sp.gif" alt="File Type: sp" width="16" height="16" border="0" style="vertical-align:baseline" /></td>

<a href="http://www.sourcemod...?file_id=129841"><strong>Get Plugin</strong></a> or
<a href="https://forums.allie...38;d=1390609704">Get Source</a> (bloody-sniper.sp - 5.1 KB)

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