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Guest Message by DevFuse


Exclusive Deathrun Manager Only for CSS and CS:GO.

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

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Napisano 23.12.2013 03:42

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<div><b><i><div align="center"><font size="5">Exclusive Deathrun Manager</font></div></i></b><br /><div align="center"><font color="red"><b><font size="4">excuse for my English, google translate :)</font></b></font></div><b>Include</b><br />&gt;&gt;&gt;<ol style="list-style-type: decimal"><li><a href="" target="_blank"></a></li>
</ol><br /><b>Also use plug-ins with deathrun mod</b><br />&gt;&gt;&gt;<ol style="list-style-type: decimal"><li><a href="https://forums.allie...d.php?p=1593727" target="_blank">All Chat</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Reset Score</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">No Block</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Anti Reconnect</a></li>
</ol><br /><b>Information</b><br />&gt;&gt;&gt;<br /><i><font color="green"><b>Mod only for CS:S and CS:GO.</b></font></i><br /><ul><li><b>Auto choose terrorist</b> - <i>the automatic choice of the terrorist won't choose from team of counter-terrorists if the player already happened the terrorist it if all players happened terrorists, then the choice will begin from the very beginning.</i></li>
<li><b>Auto Ban</b> - <i>If the player is in team of terrorists and he will bowl off, him will ban. (if the team of an automatic ban is included)</i></li>
<li><b>No Frag for Terrorist</b> - <i>Doesn't give to the terrorist frag when he kills someone from the weapon.</i></li>
<li><b>Max Frags</b> - <i>the maximum quantity frags dostupimy in bonuses that players didn't kill terrorists if at them the quantity frags is maximum.</i></li>
<li><b>Frag win CT</b> - <i>Gives to all live counter-terrorists frag if all terrorists died of a suicide</i></li>
<li><b>Frag win T</b> - <i>Gives to all terrorists frag if terrorists won this round and all counter-terrorists died of traps</i></li>
<li><b>Frag win Time Out</b> - <i>Sets off to terrorists a victory if counter-terrorists didn't manage to pass all traps in time given on a round</i></li>
<li><b>Scout System</b> - <i>The system of scouts if on the server 2 players that will be 1 scout, if 3 too 1 if 4 is 2 scouts, etc.</i></li>
<li><b>Number of Terrorists</b> - <i>The number of terrorists which can be on the server depends on the following teams (thirdter and secondter)</i></li>
<li><b>Ban Message</b> - <i>The reminder on that that for an exit from terrorists will be a ban</i></li>
<li><b>Bonuses</b> - <i> for everyone frag the player is given a bonus which you establish in deathrun_bonuses.cfg config</i></li>
</ul><br /><b>Admin Commands <i>(sm_setfrags)</i></b><ol style="list-style-type: decimal"><li> Remove frags use (<i>sm_setfrags &quot;user&quot; &quot;-5&quot;</i> -5 frags from user)</li>
<li> Added frags use (<i>sm_setfrags &quot;user&quot; &quot;5&quot;</i> 5 frags for user)</li>
</ol><br /><b>Server Commands (AutoExecConfig - <i>cx.deathrun-manager.cfg</i>)</b><br />&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;<br /><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote_printable -->
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<div class="smallfont" style="margin-bottom:2px">Quote:</div>
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<b>cx_deathrun_enable '1' </b>- <i>Enable or Disabled plugin.</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_fixfrags '1'</b> - <i>Fix Frags in Suicide. (-1 to 0)</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_nofragter '1'</b> -<i> No give frag if terrorist killed enemy with weapon.</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_maxfrags '10'</b> - <i>Auto Reset player frags if player killed &gt; max frags (set max with config cyxx/deathrun/deathrun_bonuses.cfg)</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_fragterforwin '1'</b> - <i>give frag all terrorist for round win</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_fragctforwin '1'</b> - <i>give frag All Alive Counter-Terrorist's if all terrorist dead suicide</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_fragfortimeout '1'</b> - <i>give frag all terrorists if round time end.</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_respawn '10'</b> - <i>Time to Auto Respawn in seconds.</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_fixgravity '1'</b> - <i>Fix bug gravity on ladder!</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_bonuses '1'</b> - <i>Bonuses for frags Enable or Disable</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_downloads '1'</b> - <i>Download Master with config. (config/deathrun/deathrun_downloads.cfg)</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_scouts '1'</b> - <i>give scouts if player use command (!scout)</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_scoutster '0'</b> - <i>give scouts for terrorists?</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_scoutsystem '1'</b> - <i>system scout (Max Clients / 2)</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_autoban '1'</b> - <i>autoban terrorist for exit the game</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_banmessage '120'</b> - <i>time to Ban message in seconds</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_bantime '180'</b> - <i>time to autoban in minutes</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_antisuicide '1'</b> - <i>block suicide commands.</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_fixrestart '1'</b> - <i>fix restart if terrorist disconnected. (force round start, scores not reset)</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_chooseter '1'</b> - <i>auto choose terrorist</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_numberofters '3'</b> - <i>Number of Terrorist for random choose. Max: 3!</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_secondter '12'</b> - <i>choose 2 terrorist if clients &gt; 12. Max: 64! 0 - OFF.</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_thirdter '23'</b> - <i>choose 3 terrorist if client &gt; 23. Max: 64! 0 - OFF.</i><br /><b>cx_deathrun_antispam '7'</b> - <i>anti-spam message, time in seconds. Max 60</i><br />-----------<br />in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive use '*'. (&quot;*cyxx/deathrun/res.mp3&quot;)<br />-----------<br /><b>cx_deathrun_res_snd</b> - <i>Play on Player</i> Respawn with auto-respawn. (&quot;cyxx/deathrun/res.mp3&quot;)<br /><b>cx_deathrun_twin_snd</b> - <i>Play on Terrorist win</i> (&quot;cyxx/deathrun/twin.mp3&quot;)<br /><b>cx_deathrun_ctwin_snd</b> - <i>Play on Counter-Terrorist win </i>(&quot;cyxx/deathrun/ctwin.mp3&quot;)<br /><b>cx_deathrun_timeout_snd</b> - <i>Play if Time to round end.</i> (&quot;cyxx/deathrun/timeout.mp3&quot;)<br /><b>cx_deathrun_join_snd</b> - <i>Play on client join server.</i> (&quot;cyxx/deathrun/csgo_dr_join.mp3&quot;)

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<a href="https://forums.allie...38;d=1387772687"></a> (240.1 KB)

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<a href="https://forums.allie...38;d=1387772697">deathrun_manager.smx</a> (49.9 KB)

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