.: Description :.
This plugin combines few features, in order to make game more fair between skilled players and beginners.
Players with too high ratio can be kicked according to cvars, for beginner servers for example.
.: Cvars :.
- Weapons Mode
Skilled players can be restricted according to their K/D ratio, each weapon has a dedicated ratio above which players can't use / buy / collect it.- Newbies Mode
According to their ratio, players can be protected against any other damage than knife, in that case, those players are glowing.- Health Mode
According to their ratio, players can have a health bonus or malus at spawn, there are 3 bonuses ratios, and 3 maluses ratios.- Damage Mode
According to their repective ratios, damage between 2 players are computed in order to make the game more fair.
Damage between 2 players with rhoughly the same ratio won't be changed.
Damage between a skilled players shooting a beginner gonna be decreased.
Damage between a beginner shooting a skilled players gonna be increased.
There are cvars in order to set min and max factor that can be applied to weapons damage and HE damage.
! Any cvar change is taken in account on new round.
! For any ratio cvar, put a negative value to disable.
- antiroxx_active < 0/1 >
Switches ON or OFF the plugin
- antiroxx_always_count < 0/1 >
Keep counting frags and deaths when antiroxx_active is 0
- antiroxx_ratio_kick < float value >
Above that ratio, player is kicked from server
- antiroxx_kick_min_frags < integer value >
Min frags required in order to cvar antiroxx_ratio_kick can be taken in account
- antiroxx_default_score < integer value >
Default score attributed to player on first time he joins server
This is usefull for 2 things, 1: player won't have deaths=0 so ratio can be safely computed, 2: ratio gonna be more accurate with high values- antiroxx_maxcumul < integer value >
Once player kills or deaths have reached that value, score is divided by 2
- antiroxx_prune_days < integer value >
Stored players older than this value are deleted from nvault save file
- antiroxx_newbie_mode < 0/1 >
Switches Newbie Mode ON or OFF
- antiroxx_ratio_newbie < float value >
Players with ratios lower than this value will be protected against shooting (only knife allowed on them) and gonna glow
- antiroxx_glow_newbie_t < RRR GGG BBB AAA >
Color and Alpha for glowing Terrorists
- antiroxx_glow_newbie_ct < RRR GGG BBB AAA >
Color and Alpha for glowing Counter-Terrorists
- antiroxx_weapons_mode < 0/1 >
Switches ON or OFF Weapons Restrictions Mode
- antiroxx_ratio_*** < float value >
Players with higher ratio that this value have no more access to that weapon
Replace *** with weapon shortname
Weapons short names are :- shield
- p228
- scout
- hegrenade
- xm1014
- mac10
- aug
- smokegrenade
- elite
- fiveseven
- ump45
- sg550
- galil
- famas
- usp
- glock18
- awp
- mp5navy
- m249
- m3
- m4a1
- tmp
- g3sg1
- flashbang
- deagle
- sg552
- ak47
- knife
- p90
- antiroxx_health_mode < 0/1 >
Switches ON or OFF Health Mode
- antiroxx_health_bonus_ratio3 < float value >
- antiroxx_health_bonus3 < integer value >
- antiroxx_health_bonus_ratio2 < float value >
- antiroxx_health_bonus2 < integer value >
- antiroxx_health_bonus_ratio1 < float value >
- antiroxx_health_bonus1 < integer value >
If player has ratio < antiroxx_health_bonus_ratio3 he receives antiroxx_health_bonus3 health,
else if ratio is between antiroxx_health_bonus_ratio3 and antiroxx_health_bonus_ratio2, he receives antiroxx_health_bonus2,
else if ratio is between antiroxx_health_bonus_ratio2 and antiroxx_health_bonus_ratio1, he receives antiroxx_health_bonus1 - antiroxx_health_malus_ratio3 < float value >
- antiroxx_health_malus3 < integer value >
- antiroxx_health_malus_ratio2 < float value >
- antiroxx_health_malus2 < integer value >
- antiroxx_health_malus_ratio1 < float value >
- antiroxx_health_malus1 < integer value >
If player has ratio > antiroxx_health_malus_ratio3 he is taken antiroxx_health_malus3 health,
else if ratio is between antiroxx_health_malus_ratio3 and antiroxx_health_malus_ratio2, he is taken antiroxx_health_malus2,
else if ratio is between antiroxx_health_malus_ratio2 and antiroxx_health_malus_ratio1, he is taken antiroxx_health_malus1
- antiroxx_damage_mode < 0/1 >
Switches ON or OFF Damage Mode
- antiroxx_max_adv_factor < float value >
Max factor which can be applied to damage when a beginner is shooting a skilled player
- antiroxx_max_handicap_factor < float value >
Min factor which can be applied to damage when a skilled player is shooting at a beginner
- antiroxx_max_adv_factor_he < float value >
Max factor which can be applied to damage when a beginner is hurting a skilled player with HE grenade
- antiroxx_max_handicap_factor_he < float value >
Min factor which can be applied to damage when a skilled player is hurting a beginner with HE grenade
.: Installation :.For administrators using old (amx or amxx) versions, in order to keep old players ratio, you have to edit .sma, on current version at line 23 :
Code:[font=monospace] [color=#007700]new[/color] OLD_ANTIROXX_PATH[color=#000000][[/color][color=#000000]][/color] = [color=#800080]""[/color];[/font]and you have to put old folder path here, something like :
Code:[font=monospace] [color=#007700]new[/color] OLD_ANTIROXX_PATH[color=#000000][[/color][color=#000000]][/color] = [color=#800080]"addons/amx/config/antiroxx_logs"[/color];[/font]or
Code:[font=monospace] [color=#007700]new[/color] OLD_ANTIROXX_PATH[color=#000000][[/color][color=#000000]][/color] = [color=#800080]"addons/amxmodx/configs/antiroxx_logs"[/color];[/font]Once you have run that recompile plugin, old files should have been deleted, you can either keep the plugin as it is, either recompile it without old folder path.
.: ChangeLog :.Put antiroxx.amxx in addons/amxmodx/plugins/ folder
Put antiroxx.txt in addons/amxmodx/data/lang/ folder
Put antiroxx.cfg in addons/amxmodx/configs/antiroxx/ folder
For specific maps, you can put mapname.cfg in addons/amxmodx/configs/antiroxx/maps/ folder
For specific maps prefixes, you can put prefix_***.cfg in addons/amxmodx/configs/antiroxx/maps/ folder, where *** stands for prefix names
Examples :
Priority config file is : 1 mapname cfg file, 2 prefix cfg file, 3 default cfg file.
If a file is executed, plugin won't check for other files, means that if there is awp_map.cfg, prefix_awp.cfg and antiroxx.cfg won't be checked.
Code: v5.0.8 (15 jul 2013)
- Official Release
Attached Files

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