.: Description :.
With this plugin you can save your current position into a file or print it to your console.
.: Commands :.
.: Defines :.
- amx_saveorigin - Saves your current position using the method given in cvar o2f_type.
PHP Code:
.: CVars :.
.: Output :.
- o2f_type (Default : 2) - Select <1> to print the output at console, <2> to save with mapname or <3> to save with filename given in cvar
- o2f_file (Default : myorigins.cfg ) - If using o2f_type 3 you can define your filename with this cvar
Quote: 660 -142 381
-2032 -609 216
190 2362 -16 .: Changelog :.
Quote: Version 1.0.0
- First release.
Attached Files

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