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Guest Message by DevFuse


UltimatePlugin v0.0.1 (beta)

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#1 Adminek AMXX.PL

    Admin :)

  • Bot

Reputacja: 156

  • Postów:7 530
  • Lokalizacja:AMXX.PL

Napisano 08.04.2013 03:06

by tonykaram1993

NOTE: this plugin is still in beta and testing is in process. However because it is a very big plugin, and plus the fact that I do not have access to an online server, some things cannot be tested. I would appreciate if you tested it and report any problems or things that needs fixing.



Code: amx_heal

We all know the famous amx_super plugin. Most servers use it as a wonderful administrative tool to let admins take control over their servers and manage it in a better and more efficient way. At first I started by editing that plugin to make it use less resources and do things in a better way (AFAIK). But later, I ended up rewriting the whole thing from scratch (ofc it is based on amx_super so a lot of resemblance can be found). I hope I succeeded in my mission. I am not the best coder there is, but I think I have some good knowledge in scripting (I hope :)).

NOTE2: why post this plugin if you can use the original amx_super? Well AFAIK, amx_super has stopped being worked on or progress is going immensely slow since the developers/authors are busy.

Plugins Included


Admin Check (by OneEyed)
Admin Restart/Shutdown (by Hawk552)
Admin Heal (by F117Bomb)
Admin Armor (by F117Bomb)
Admin Bury/Unbury (by v3x)
Admin Ammo (by AssKicR)
Admin Revive (by anakin_cstrike)
Admin Disarm (by mike_cao)
Admin Noclip (by watch)
Admin Godmode (by watch)
Admin Blanks (by EKS)
Admin NoBuy (by AssKicR)
Admin Score (by Freecode)
Admin Listen (by sMaxim)
Admin Rocket (by F117Bomb)
Admin Extend (by JSauce)
Admin Speed (by X-olent)
Admin Badaim (by Twistedeuphoria)
Admin Drug (by X-Olent)
Admin Lock (by Bmann_420)
Admin Gravity (by JustinHoMi)
Admin PersonalGravity (by GHW_Chronic)
Admin Auto-Slay (by fezh)
Admin Password (by Sparky911)
Admin Transfer (by Deviance)
Admin Swap (by Deviance)
Admin Team Swap (by Deviance)

Reset Score (by silentt)
Command Search (by GHW_Chronic)
Advanced Bullet Damage (by Sn!ff3r)
Spawn Refund (by tonykaram1993)
Auto Restart (by vato loco [GE-S])
Aim Practice (by rompom7)
Dead Listen (by sMaxim)
Standard Admin Color Chat (by vandercal)
AFK Bomb Transfer (by VEN)
Join/Leave Announcments (by BigBaller)
Shown Dead Spectator Fix (by Vantage)
C4 Timer (by Cheap_Suit)
No More Rcon (by ??)
AFK Manager (by hoboman)
Player IP (by tonykaram1993)Commands:

Code: /* ADMIN_LEVEL_A (fun) */
register_concmd( "amx_heal", "ConCmd_Health", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> <#hp>" );
register_concmd( "amx_hp", "ConCmd_Health", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> <#hp>" );
register_concmd( "amx_armor", "ConCmd_Armor", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> <#ap" );
register_concmd( "amx_ap", "ConCmd_Armor", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> <#ap" );
register_concmd( "amx_unammo", "ConCmd_Ammo", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1] - 0:Off | 1:On" );
register_concmd( "amx_unammobp", "ConCmd_Ammo", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1] - 0:Off | 1:On" );
register_concmd( "amx_score", "ConCmd_Score", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> <#frags> <#deaths>" );
register_concmd( "amx_revive", "ConCmd_Revive", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick | #userid | authid | @>" );
register_concmd( "amx_noclip", "ConCmd_NoclipGodmode", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1 | 2] - 0:Off | 1:On | 2:On + Every Round" );
register_concmd( "amx_godmode", "ConCmd_NoclipGodmode", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1 | 2] - 0:Off | 1:On | 2:On + Every Round" );
register_concmd( "amx_teleport", "ConCmd_Teleport", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [x] [y] [z]" );
register_concmd( "amx_useroirigin", "ConCmd_UserOrigin", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick | #userid | authid | @>" );
register_concmd( "amx_speed", "ConCmd_Speed", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1] - 0:Off | 1:On" );
register_concmd( "amx_drug", "ConCmd_Drug", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick | #userid | authid | @>" );
register_concmd( "amx_weapon", "ConCmd_Weapon", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> <weaponname | weaponid> [ammo]" );

/* ADMIN_LEVEL_B (punishements) */
register_concmd( "amx_blanks", "ConCmd_BlanksNobuy", ADMIN_LEVEL_B, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1] - 0:Off | 1:On" );
register_concmd( "amx_nobuy", "ConCmd_BlanksNobuy", ADMIN_LEVEL_B, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1] - 0:Off | 1:On" );
register_concmd( "amx_bury", "ConCmd_Un_Bury", ADMIN_LEVEL_B, "<nick | #userid | authid | @>" );
register_concmd( "amx_unbury", "ConCmd_Un_Bury", ADMIN_LEVEL_B, "<nick | #userid | authid | @>" );
register_concmd( "amx_disarm", "ConCmd_Disarm", ADMIN_LEVEL_B, "<nick | #userid | authid | @>" );
register_concmd( "amx_uberslap", "ConCmd_UberslapFire", ADMIN_LEVEL_B, "<nick | #userid | authid | @>" );
register_concmd( "amx_fire", "ConCmd_UberslapFire", ADMIN_LEVEL_B, "<nick | #userid | authid | @>" );
register_concmd( "amx_autoslay", "ConCmd_AutoSlay", ADMIN_LEVEL_B, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1] - 0:Off | 1:On" );
register_concmd( "amx_rocket", "ConCmd_Rocket", ADMIN_LEVEL_B, "<nick | #userid | authid | @>" );
register_concmd( "amx_badaim", "ConCmd_BadAim", ADMIN_LEVEL_B, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1 | #seconds]" );
register_concmd( "amx_slay2", "ConCmd_Slay2", ADMIN_LEVEL_B, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [0 | 1 | 2] - 0:Lightning | 1:Blood | 2:Explode" );

/* ADMIN_LEVEL_C (others) */
register_concmd( "amx_pgravity", "ConCmd_PGravity", ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [#gravity]" );
register_concmd( "amx_pass", "ConCmd_Pass", ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<password>" );
register_concmd( "amx_nopass", "ConCmd_NoPass", ADMIN_LEVEL_C, " - Removes the password" );
register_concmd( "amx_ip", "ConCmd_IP", ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "[nick | #userid | authid | @>" );
register_concmd( "amx_transfer", "ConCmd_Transfer", ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick | #userid | authid | @> [t | ct | spec]" );
register_concmd( "amx_swap", "ConCmd_Swap", ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick | #userid | authid> <nick | #userid | authid>" );
register_concmd( "amx_swapteams", "ConCmd_SwapTeams", ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "- Swaps the two teams together." );

/* ADMIN_LEVEL_D (affects everybody) */
register_concmd( "amx_hsonly", "ConCmd_HSOnly", ADMIN_LEVEL_D, "[0 | 1] - 0:Off | 1:On" );
register_concmd( "amx_extend", "ConCmd_Extend", ADMIN_LEVEL_D, "<#minutes>" );
register_concmd( "amx_lock", "ConCmd_Un_Lock", ADMIN_LEVEL_D, "<CT | T | AUTO | SPEC>" );
register_concmd( "amx_unlock", "ConCmd_Un_Lock", ADMIN_LEVEL_D, "<CT | T | AUTO | SPEC>" );
register_concmd( "amx_gravity", "ConCmd_Gravity", ADMIN_LEVEL_D, "[#gravity]" );

/* Other Console Commands */
register_concmd( "amx_reloadcvars", "ConCmd_ReloadCvars", ADMIN_CVAR, " - Reloads all the cvars of the UltimatePlugin" );
register_concmd( "amx_restart", "ConCmd_RestartServer", ADMIN_RCON, "<timer> - Min:0 | Max:60 | Cancel:-1" );
register_concmd( "amx_shutdown", "ConCmd_ShutdownServer", ADMIN_RCON, "<timer> - Min:0 | Max:60 | Cancel:-1" );
register_concmd( "amx_search", "ConCmd_SearchCommands", ADMIN_ADMIN, "<command>" );CVARS

Code: /* Pcvars */
g_pcvarResetScore = register_cvar( "up_resetscore", "1" );
g_pcvarResetScoreDisplay = register_cvar( "up_resetscore_display", "1" );
g_pcvarAdminCheck = register_cvar( "up_admincheck", "1" );
g_pcvarBulletDamage = register_cvar( "up_abd", "1" );
g_pcvarBulletDamageWall = register_cvar( "up_abd_walls", "1" );
g_pcvarRefund = register_cvar( "up_money", "1" );
g_pcvarRefundValue = register_cvar( "up_money_ammount", "16000" );
g_pcvarAutoRestart = register_cvar( "up_autorr", "0" );
g_pcvarAutoRestartTime = register_cvar( "up_autorr_delay", "45" );
g_pcvarAdminListen = register_cvar( "up_adminlisten", "1" );
g_pcvarAdminListenTeam = register_cvar( "up_adminlisten_team", "1" );
g_pcvarDeadListen = register_cvar( "up_deadlisten", "1" );
g_pcvarDeadListenTeam = register_cvar( "up_deadlisten_team", "0" );
g_pcvarAFK = register_cvar( "up_afk", "1" );
g_pcvarAFKTime = register_cvar( "up_afk_time", "60" );
g_pcvarAFKPunishment = register_cvar( "up_afk_punishment", "1" );
g_pcvarAFKBombTransfer = register_cvar( "up_afk_bombtransfer", "1" );
g_pcvarAFKBombTransfer_Time = register_cvar( "up_afk_bombtransfer_time", "7" );
g_pcvarC4Timer = register_cvar( "up_c4timer", "1" );
g_pcvarMaxExtendTime = register_cvar( "up_extend_max", "15" );Notes
Attached Files Dołączona grafika UltimatePlugin.cfg (2.2 KB) Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (UltimatePlugin.sma - 185.5 KB)

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