Blood Sport by Beastwick987
A deathmatch enhancement modification for Counter Strike: Global Offensive.
This plugin is meant to be used with only the deathmatch game mode.
Each kill awards HP and Adrenaline.
- You gain a base HP plus a percentage of your killing blow.
- adrenaline rush (temporary, diminishing over time, speed boost upon hitting the 'E' button)
- bonus battery (team wide damage bonus duration greatly increased)
- transfusion cell (regenerate X HP every Y seconds)
- improved tranquilizer (only takes one hit to apply full debuff)
- exertion (accrue more adrenaline past the hard cap)
- hand nuke (your next HE grenade does massive damage)
- You must purchase the "adrenaline rush" perk to use.
- It is one time use, you have to repurchase and build more adrenaline.
- The P250 does 0 damage.
- Each hit applies a 10% movement debuff.
- This affect is temporary.
Adjustable CVARS: Descriptions are inside the provided source file. You essentially can adjust most of the values that go into making the plugin work. In this way, you can create a style and pacing suitable to your server's needs.
- cv_basehp
- cv_maxhp
- cv_regenhp
- cv_hptime
- cv_dmgrwd
- cv_dmgbonus
- cv_maxslow
- cv_slowtime
- cv_tranq
- cv_imptranq
- cv_maxspeed
- cv_movrwd
- cv_movtime
- cv_btime
- cv_impbtime
- cv_shop1
- cv_shop2
- cv_shop3
- cv_shop4
- cv_shop5
- cv_shop6
Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (bloodsport.sp - 16.2 KB)
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