Jump Menu (v1.0)Description:Hey, my name is floube and I
am new to SourceMod Plugin Developing.I created a plugin called Jump Menu which features a few useful things for
TF2 Jumping. Since I
am new to developing, I looked up some things in other plugins, like how things work... but I didn't copy anything.
Features:- HP-Boost
- Ammo-Regen
- Saving your position
- Teleporting you to the saved position
- Reseting your saved position
ConVars:- sm_jumpmenu_ammo_enabled <1/0>
- sm_jumpmenu_ammo_interval
- sm_jumpmenu_health_enabled <1/0>
- sm_jumpmenu_health_amount
- sm_jumpmenu_health_interval
- sm_jumpmenu_save_enabled <1/0>
- sm_jumpmenu_teleport_enabled <1/0>
Supported Weapons:- Rocket Launchers
- Soldier Shotguns
- Pipebomb Lauchers
If you have problems with strange/tagged weps use stock ones.
Commands:- !jmenu or /jmenu
- !hp or /hp
- !ammo or /ammo
- !s or /s
- !t or /t
- !reset or /reset
Installation instructions:Put the plugin (jumpmenu.smx) in your server's plugins folder:
addons/sourcemod/pluginsChangelog: Code: 01-04-2013 (v1.0)* Initial release.
Known Bugs:- Problems with changing loadout/weapons
- Problems with changing team/class
There are still a few bugs but I
am new to developing so I don't know if I can fix them.If you find bugs or have ideas/suggestions don't be afraid to post them. Attached Files
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Get Source (jumpmenu.sp - 10.8 KB)
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