[TF2] No Enemies In Spawn
Description:There are a few glitches in TF2 that allow people to enter the enemy team's spawn room. This plugin will slay anyone who enters the enemy team's spawn room. Admins who have access to the sm_admin command are immune from slaying. Players are, of course, allowed to enter the enemy team's spawn room during humiliation.This can also be useful on trade servers that run maps in which the entire spawn area isn't enclosed in a func_respawnroom, allowing engineers to build teleporter exits, which allow enemy spies in.Cvars:no_enemy_in_spawn_version - plugin versionno_enemy_in_spawn_message - message that will be displayed in the center of the screen when a player is slayed (defaults to "You may not enter the enemy team's spawn")Requirements:Requires the SDK Hooks extension.Installation:Install SDK Hooks, put no_enemy_in_spawn.smx into /addons/sourcemod/plugins, and reboot your server or type "sm plugins load no_enemy_in_spawn" into your console or rcon.Auto Update:Install Updater. The plugin will be auto-updated according to your Updater settings. It'll work without Updater.Changelog:- v1.0.0 (12/2/12)
- Initial release
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