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[Any?] Name Character Replacer

Adminek AMXX.PL - zdjęcie Adminek AMXX.PL 26.11.2012

Character Replacer!Description: THis was made by request and i really wanted it too, it would deem useful with servers that like to enforce rules but rather not guess a client's name with special characters in his/her name.Cvars: sm_replacecharacters_versionCommands: sm_reloadchar - refreshes the config (below)Config: (configs/charconfig.cfg) Code: "CharConfig"{ "†" //Character to Find { "replace" "t" //Character to replace with } "∅" { "replace" "o" } "®" { "replace" "r" } "ü" { "replace" "u" } "₤" { "replace" "e" }}The config will automatically choose the first match it finds, so if you have two '†' in the config it will replace with the first one, and the second one will be a waste of space.THE CONFIG MUST, MUST BE IN UTF-8, or it wont read the characters right.Release Notes: Code: [1.0.2] (11/26/12) - Added 'quote' to the config as an alias to "[1.0.2] (11/26/12) - Initial Release.Notes: I plan on adding a feature that if it is not "A-Z,a-z,0-9,!@#$%^&*()_-+=[]:;'"|.,/?><{}" then it makes the character a 'flagged' character, if there are too many characters (Clients name size / cvar * 100 == 60%) then it will change the clients name to a random generic name.Also, if you would like to paste your config here to help out other server admins, then do so. all help is needed :) Attached Files Dołączona grafika charconfig.cfg (806 Bytes) Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (ReplaceChar.sp - 3.2 KB)

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