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bl00keRs's Photo bl00keRs 11.04.2009

Witam, zainstalowalem sobie tego pluga:
Teraz jest taka sprawa czy ktos bylby w stanie przerobic go tak aby np. o godzinie rano np. ustawic od 4 zeby mowilo jeden dzwiek a od 18 przykladowo 2-gi dzwiek ? będę wdzieczny za pomoc...

Tutaj jest kod .sma tego pluginu, niestety na tyle ogarniety nie jestem aby sam edytowac kod:
* Plays a welcome sound to the player who connects
* by White Panther
* v1.0
* v1.1:
*	- addition to add easily own sounds
* v1.2.1:
*	- bug with not playing sounds to client fixed
*	- added file exist check for soundfile
* v1.2.3:
*	- changes:
*		- way of giving id to timer

#include <amxmodx>

// change this number to the amount of sounds u have
#define Maxsounds 2

// add here your sounds, sounds must be somewhere in <ModDir>/sounds
// format must be like: {"misc/sound1","ambience/sound2"}
new soundlist[Maxsounds][] = {"misc/dziendobry", "misc/dziendobry"}

new plugin_author[] = "White Panther"
new plugin_version[] = "1.2.3"

public plugin_init(){
	register_plugin("Connect Sound",plugin_version,plugin_author)

public plugin_precache(){
	for ( new a = 0; a < Maxsounds; a++ ){
		new temp[128]
		format(temp,127,"sound/%s.wav", soundlist[a])
		if ( file_exists(temp) ){
			new soundfile[128]
			format(soundfile,127,"%s.wav", soundlist[a])
			precache_sound( soundfile )

public client_putinserver(id){

public consound(timerid_id){
	new id = timerid_id - 100
	new Usertime
	Usertime = get_user_time(id, 0)
	if ( Usertime <= 0 ){
		new i = random(Maxsounds)
		client_cmd(id,"spk ^"%s^"",soundlist[i])