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[l4d2] Ghost

Adminek AMXX.PL - zdjęcie Adminek AMXX.PL 20.09.2012

My third plugin and still learning programming.. be gentle...What this plugin do is transform special infected into survivor model by chance when they first spawn.The ghost of the survivor has ability or secondary weapon and additional robot base on l4d2_robot by pan xiohai..If there is already plugin do the same, my bad.. i haven't look hard enough. I develop mine from scratch for fun.Note: The ghost's robot will not shoot target if the ghost not aiming at survivor player or there is obstacle between survivor and the ghost.Thanks to Pan Xiohai for the awesom robot plugin.also 11530 and rak for the handy of helping.Todo:Place the L4D2_ghost.smx into your folder dir. addons/sourcemod/plugins and you good to go..In theory should also work in L4D1. Haven't tested since i don't own the game.Public cvar:ghost_enable - "1", "0: off, 1: on, Toggel plugin functionality"ghost_versus - "0", "0: off, 1: on, Toggle enable plagin on versus"ghost_chance - "10", "1% - 100%, Chance of infected become ghost"ghost_alpha - "100", "0 - 255, How visible our ghost to the world"ghost_bordcast - "1", "0:Off, 1:On, Tell the world our ghost has spawn"ghost_gun - "1", "0:off, 1:on, Do we give our ghost extra gun? (Note: If off chrac may behave not normal)"ghost_shot_interval - "0.3", "0.0:Min, 3.0:Max, Intrval between ghost robot gun shooting"ghost_shoot_damage - "1", "0:Min, 100:Max, Ghost robot gun damage. Note: 100 dmage is instan kill"Changelog:V 0.0.0 - Initial release. Attached Files Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (L4D2_ghost.sp - 17.8 KB)

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