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AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod



Adminek AMXX.PL - zdjęcie Adminek AMXX.PL 30.08.2012

This plugin is orignal from altex, see also here.Prehistory:I found the GameCron plugin here, and I liked it well. But my server isn#t visited any time. If a player connects, the server restarts the game, but not GameCron restarts.So I've added a check about players connections.Description:A mapspecific time managment system, executes commands from a predetermined time after a map starts and after a player connection.Commands: Code: sm_mapcron_add - Add delayed command.sm_mapcron_del - Delete task by id.sm_mapcron_clear - Delete all tasks.sm_mapcron_list - List all current tasks.sm_mapcron_restart - Restart all timers for tasks.Changelog:v 1.2 RC 29/08/12: improved clientcheckv 1.1 beta 27/08/12: add clientcheck and servermessagesv 1.0 beta 25/08/12: First run, add OnClinentConnected and OnClientDisconnectedCredits:Original script by otstrel.ru TeamWritten by altexReference: https://forums.allie...ad.php?p=820076Notes:If you want execute commands on every map at the same time, write them into the server.cfg, or into a mapspecific configuration file.It is advisable that you first commando can carry sm_mapcron_clear, as the list is not deleted after a map change. Attached Files Dołączona grafika mapcron.smx (5.7 KB) Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (mapcron.sp - 8.7 KB)

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