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DeathRun Manager

Adminek AMXX.PL's Photo Adminek AMXX.PL 08.08.2012

AboutHere is my version of popular gamepay mode for Counter-Strike:Source, DeathRun Manager!DescriptionThis plugin manages players on deathrun maps. It also provides built-in bonuses and scouts systems (you can disable both if you want).Here is feature list: Code: -Flexible amount of terrorists that depends on amount of players.-Auto-teleport of scouts when it collides with traps for preventing traps blocking.-Auto-choosing of new terrorist when current terrorists disconnects.-Teleporting scout in your hands by typing !scout or /scout in chat.-Giving frags for the terrorists for their won.-Built-in antiflash for teammates.-Built-in noblock.-Admin can choose new terrorists by typing sm_move .-Auto dispensing of scouts.-Each scout have color.-Frags caching system.-Auto-disabling the plugin on non-dr maps.(You can install it on Fun server.)-And more.CVars Code: dr_enabled - Enable deathrun manager? dr_block_suicide - Block player's tries of suicide? dr_fall_damage - Block damage of terrorist's when they fall? dr_clients_to_get_frag - How many clients needed to give frag to terrorists each round? dr_noblock - Enable noblock on deathrun maps? dr_relation - Terrorists to counter terrorists relation? dr_block_team_flashing - Block team flashing on deathrun maps? dr_frags_for_ter_win - How many frags to give for terrorists for their win? dr_block_win_pannel - Block win pannel on round end? dr_dissolve_after_death - Dissolve player's ragdoll after death? dr_prevent_collusion - Prevent collusion between CT and T? dr_allow_set_terrorists - Allow admins to change terrorists for the next round? dr_bonuses_enabled - Enable bonuses? dr_block_frag_trolling - Block kills by players with max frags? dr_scouts_block_protect - Prevent trap blocking? dr_scouts_enabled - Enable scouts manager? dr_scouts_colored - Use colored scouts? dr_auto_dispenser - Enable anto dispense of scouts?You need to install SDKHooks and SMLIB to run this plugin.PS. Please, report about the bugs. Attached Files Posted Image deathrun_manager.zip (75.0 KB)

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