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[HL] WeaponBox FadeOut

Adminek AMXX.PL - zdjęcie Adminek AMXX.PL 31.07.2012

Dołączona grafikaWeaponBox FadeOut EffectsVersion: 0.1Description:

The beautiful effect for weaponbox disappearance. Now they are slowly taking off and dissolved in the air. So as you can configure the time of disappearance and the glow of weaponbox.

  • wpnbox_fadeout_lifetime - 30.0 - weaponbox life time
  • wpnbox_fadeout_rgb - 255 255 000 - weaponbox glow color [RGB]
Screenshot Dołączona grafika idea for CTF by Hunter_Digital Attached Files Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (wpnbox_fadeout.sma - 1.7 KB)

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