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AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod


[CS:S GG] GunGame Assist Points

Adminek AMXX.PL - zdjęcie Adminek AMXX.PL 15.07.2012

GG:SM AssistThis mod was originally for GunGame Event Scripts. Ported to SourceMod. Complete re-write, In fact no source code was used from the original, or even looked at.This is my first plugin for SourceMod. So please post comments about my code. Assist points works like this:You earn points from a percentage of damage dealt to other players.You only earn these points if the player you damaged is not killed by you, for any other means of death points are rewarded. You can redeem points for a level using !redeem "sm_redeem" and !respawn "sm_respawn" to respawn.By default you can not redeem off of hegernade or knife, You may add additional weapons to the blacklist.A message is sent on player death to every player that did damage to the dead player, This message tells you how many points you earned, who died, and how many you have.Points only last per map. for those unfamiliar with assist points we have it running on: Dependencies: GungamePlugin Version: 1.0 Attached Files Dołączona grafika gg_assist.zip (72.2 KB) Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (gungame_assist.sp - 7.2 KB)

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