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[TF2] Focus Harder (v1.0, 07/10/2012)

Adminek AMXX.PL's Photo Adminek AMXX.PL 11.07.2012

When a player is scoped and Focus activates, the replay 'pause' sound plays to them and their volume fades a bit. If they unscope while focused their volume resets, but if they scope again it'll fade again. The replay 'resume' sound will play once Focus ends.Cvars: focusharder_version 1.0 - the version cvar, do not place in server.cfg or anywhere.There are no puns in the plugin's title.Changelog: Code: 07/10/2012 (v1.0)*Initial Release Attached Files Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (focusharder.sp - 1.6 KB)

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