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AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod



Adminek AMXX.PL - zdjęcie Adminek AMXX.PL 14.06.2012

High fives are boring. This plugin turns all high fives into BROFISTs! Complete with sound effect, epic HUD text, and screen shake!Cvars
  • sm_brofist_enabled (1/0, def. 1) Do you really want to set it to 0?
  • sm_brofist_shake (0-2, def. 1) If 0, no screen shake. If 1, screen shake. If 2, smoother and better screen shake, however, it affects all players in the map, unlike 1.
Here's a video demonstrating the sound, better video coming soon.Dołączona grafikaAlso available as a client-side sound mod!If you're using sv_downloadurl, be sure to place sound/mstr/brofist.mp3 on your download server! Attached Files Dołączona grafika brofist.zip (63.1 KB)

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