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AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod


Czas w nazwie serwera mapki ile zostało do...

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avetoski's Photo avetoski 02.05.2012


witam poszukuję owego pluginy czy jak to tam nazwać który daje czas w nazwie serwera kiedy się skończy mapka ile zostało do zmianyy


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Nestea****Lemon's Photo Nestea****Lemon 02.05.2012

Proszę !


sv_hostname_timeleft 0
sv_hostname_style 3

Plugin :

#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>
#pragma semicolon 1
#define UPDATE_TIME 1.0
#define ENTITY_CLASS "env_host_timeleft"
new bool:g_timerRunning = false;
new g_MsgServerName;
new g_szHostname[ 64 ];
new g_pointerTimelimit;
new g_pointerHostname;
new g_cvarEnabled;
new g_cvarStyle;
public plugin_init() {
register_plugin( "Hostname Timeleft", "1.0", "xPaw" );

g_cvarEnabled = register_cvar( "sv_hostname_timeleft", "1" );
g_cvarStyle = register_cvar( "sv_hostname_style", "3" );
g_pointerTimelimit = get_cvar_pointer( "mp_timelimit" );
g_pointerHostname = get_cvar_pointer( "hostname" );

g_MsgServerName = get_user_msgid( "ServerName" );

// Give delay to load configs...
set_task( 2.5, "checkTimeleft" );
public plugin_end( )
if( g_timerRunning )
if( strlen( g_szHostname ) )
set_pcvar_string( g_pointerHostname, g_szHostname );
public checkTimeleft( ) {
get_pcvar_string( g_pointerHostname, g_szHostname, 63 );

if( get_pcvar_num( g_cvarEnabled ) != 1 ) {
g_timerRunning = false;

} else
register_think( ENTITY_CLASS, "fwdThink_Updater" );

g_timerRunning = true;

// initialize thinking entity...
new iEntityTimer = create_entity( "info_target" );
entity_set_string( iEntityTimer, EV_SZ_classname, ENTITY_CLASS );
entity_set_float( iEntityTimer, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime() + UPDATE_TIME );
public fwdThink_Updater( iEntity ) {
static szHostname[ 64 ], iStyle;
iStyle = get_pcvar_num( g_cvarStyle );

if( get_pcvar_float( g_pointerTimelimit ) ) {
static iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds;

iSeconds = get_timeleft( );
iMinutes = iSeconds / 60;
iHours = iMinutes / 60;
iSeconds = iSeconds - iMinutes * 60;
iMinutes = iMinutes - iHours * 60;

if( iHours ) {
switch( iStyle ) {
case 1: formatex( szHostname, 63, "%s (Timeleft %d:%02d:%02d)", g_szHostname, iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds );
case 2: formatex( szHostname, 63, "%s (%d:%02d:%02d)", g_szHostname, iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds );
case 3: formatex( szHostname, 63, "(%d:%02d:%02d) %s", iHours, iMinutes, iSeconds, g_szHostname );
} else {
switch( iStyle ) {
case 1: formatex( szHostname, 63, "%s (Timeleft %d:%02d)", g_szHostname, iMinutes, iSeconds );
case 2: formatex( szHostname, 63, "%s (%d:%02d)", g_szHostname, iMinutes, iSeconds );
case 3: formatex( szHostname, 63, "(%d:%02d) %s", iMinutes, iSeconds, g_szHostname );
} else {
switch( iStyle ) {
case 1: formatex( szHostname, 63, "%s (No time limit)", g_szHostname );
case 2: formatex( szHostname, 63, "%s (--:--)", g_szHostname );
case 3: formatex( szHostname, 63, "(--:--) %s", g_szHostname );

set_pcvar_string( g_pointerHostname, szHostname );

message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, g_MsgServerName );
write_string( szHostname );
message_end( );

entity_set_float( iEntity, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime() + UPDATE_TIME );
