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AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod


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Rubasze - zdjęcie Rubasze 28.02.2009

Co mam wgrac , wpisac lub cos innego aby gracze sami nie mogli robic votenext czy votemap ??

Klikne pomógł !!!

Rubasze - zdjęcie Rubasze 28.02.2009

ALE mi chodzi o to aby nie mogli własnie gracze sami robic sobie vote_map tylko aby czekali do konca mapy . BO u mnie jest tak ze jak komus sie nie podoba jakas mapa wpisuje vote next czy cos i robi sie głosowanie... A ja chcę zeby vote_map vote_next nie dało sie robic . Aby mape mógł zmienic admin tylko lub aby sie sama zmieniła


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wizu - zdjęcie wizu 28.02.2009

Sprawdziłeś to co Ci dałem?
register_clcmd("say","HandleSay",0,"Say: vote mapname, nominate mapname, or just mapname to nominate a map, say: nominations")
	register_clcmd("say rockthevote", "rock_the_vote", 0, "Rocks the Vote" )
	register_clcmd("say rtv", "rock_the_vote", 0, "Rocks the Vote" )
	register_clcmd("say listmaps","list_maps",0,"Lists all maps in a window and in console")
	register_clcmd("say nextmap","say_nextmap",0,"Shows nextmap information to players")
	register_concmd("dmap_help","dmaphelp",0,"Shows on-screen help information about Map Plugin")
	register_concmd("dmap_status","dmapstatus",ADMIN_DMAP,"Shows settings/status/help of the map management variables")
	register_concmd("dmap_votemode","dmapvotemode",ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP,"Enables Voting (This is default mode)")
	register_concmd("dmap_cyclemode","dmapcyclemode",ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP,"Disables Voting (To restore voting use dmap_votemode)")
	register_concmd("dmap_banlastmaps","dmapbanlastmaps",ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP,"Bans the last <n> maps played from being voted (0-99)")
	register_concmd("dmap_quietmode","dmapquiet",ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP,"Usage: <OFF|nosound|silent>")
	register_concmd("dmap_freeze","changefreeze",ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP,"Toggles Freeze/Drop at end of round ON|off")
	register_concmd("dmap_messages","dmapmessages",ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP,"Sets the time interval in minutes between messages")
	register_concmd("dmap_rtvtoggle","dmaprtvtoggle",ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP,"Toggles on|off Ability of players to use rockthevote")
	register_concmd("dmap_rockthevote","admin_rockit",ADMIN_DMAP,"(option: now) Allows admins to force a vote")
	register_concmd("amx_rockthevote","admin_rockit",ADMIN_DMAP,"(option: now) Allows admins to force a vote")
	register_concmd("amx_rtv","admin_rockit",ADMIN_DMAP,"(option: now) Allows admins to force a vote")
	register_concmd("dmap_rtvpercent","dmaprtvpercent",ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP,"Set the percent (3-100) of players for a rtv")
	register_concmd("dmap_rtvplayers","dmaprtvplayers",ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP,"Sets the minimum number of players needed to rockthevote")
	register_concmd("dmap_rtvwait","dmaprtvwait",ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP,"Sets the minimum time before rockthevote can occur (5-30)")
	register_concmd("dmap_default","dmapdefaults",ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP,"Will restore settings to default")
	register_concmd("dmap_mapsurl","dmapmapsurl",ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP,"Specify what website to get custom maps from")
	register_concmd("dmap_mapsnum","dmapmapsnum",ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP,"Set number of maps in vote (will not take effect until next map")
	register_concmd("dmap_nominations","dmapmaxnominations",ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP,"Set maximum number of nominations for each person")
	register_concmd("dmap_maxcustom","dmapmaxcustom",ADMIN_SUPER_DMAP,"Set maximum number of custom nominations that may be made")
	register_concmd("dmap_cancelvote", "dmapcancelvote", ADMIN_DMAP, "Cancels the rocked vote")
Nie widze, tutaj Twoich komend, więc nie ma ich w tym pluginie. Nominowanie map jest.
Poza tym zawsze możesz wykorzystać standardowy mapchooser.