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AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod


[forums.alliedmods.net] Plugin Categories

Adminek AMXX.PL's Photo Adminek AMXX.PL 11.03.2012

As per a discussion in #sourcemod a few days ago, I am pleased to introduce Plugin Categories! This first version doesn't support as much as I'd like (I'll likely be modifying it to be tags rather than categories later), but is still rather useful!

This plugin adds three things:
1.) A forward: OnCategoryReady() which is called once categories are ready to be set.
2.) A native: SetPluginCategory(Handle:plugin,const String:category[],maxsize) which sets the plugin's category (Fairly self explanatory).
3.) A command: sm_plugins_list which supports these categories by default: all (which displays all plugins, regardless of category) and misc (which displays all uncategorized plugins).

Note: This was something I just quickly whipped up, there will likely be bugs, issues, and the code is not incredibly optimized (although in this case that isn't as much of an issue)
Note2: This has not been tested ingame yet, only in server console.

Attached Files Posted Image plugin_cat.inc (116 Bytes) Posted Image plugin_cats.smx (4.0 KB) Posted Image Get Plugin or Get Source (plugin_cats.sp - 3.4 KB)

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