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ZiomaleX2 - zdjęcie ZiomaleX2 25.01.2012

Dzisiaj pobrałem CS'a 1.6 Non - Steam v7 bo ze starym miałem problemy.
Instaluję amxx'a Potem Cod'a i dodatki typu Boty.
Ustawiam Login hasło i na końcu a w users.ini.
Wchodzę na CS'a i "You have no entry to the server!"
Oto log:

couldn't exec listip.cfg
couldn't exec banned.cfg
Adding master at
Adding master at
Adding master at
Adding master at
Menu item 17 added to Menus Front-End: "Plugin Cvars" from plugin "pluginmenu.amxx"
Menu item 18 added to Menus Front-End: "Plugin Commands" from plugin "pluginmenu.amxx"
Could not establish connection to Steam servers.
VAC secure mode disabled.
No masters loaded
Using default master
] amx_langmenu
L 01/25/2012 - 19:28:56: [admin.amxx] Login: "M3TEoR<1><VALVE_ID_PENDING><>" kicked due to invalid password (account "M3TEoR") (address "")
Dropped M3TEoR from server
Reason: Kicked :"You have no entry to the server..."
L 01/25/2012 - 19:29:00: [admin.amxx] Login: "M3TEoR<2><VALVE_ID_PENDING><>" kicked due to invalid password (account "M3TEoR") (address "")
Dropped M3TEoR from server
Reason: Kicked :"You have no entry to the server..."
L 01/25/2012 - 19:29:10: [admin.amxx] Login: "M3TEoR<3><VALVE_ID_PENDING><>" kicked due to invalid password (account "M3TEoR") (address "")
Dropped M3TEoR from server
Reason: Kicked :"You have no entry to the server..."


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Ranny Ptaszek - zdjęcie Ranny Ptaszek 25.01.2012

Wpisz poprawnie swoje hasło do admina ;D

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ZiomaleX2 - zdjęcie ZiomaleX2 25.01.2012

Dobrze mam hasło :P

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DarkGL - zdjęcie DarkGL 25.01.2012

kicked due to invalid password (account "M3TEoR")

Dobrze mam hasło :P


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ZiomaleX2 - zdjęcie ZiomaleX2 25.01.2012

Oto moje hasło: efhui
A oto plik users.ini:

; Users configuration file
; File location: $moddir/addons/amxmodx/configs/users.ini

; Line starting with ; is a comment

; Access flags:
; a - immunity (can't be kicked/baned/slayed/slaped and affected by other commmands)
; b - reservation (can join on reserved slots)
; c - amx_kick command
; d - amx_ban and amx_unban commands
; e - amx_slay and amx_slap commands
; f - amx_map command
; g - amx_cvar command (not all cvars will be available)
; h - amx_cfg command
; i - amx_chat and other chat commands
; j - amx_vote and other vote commands
; k - access to sv_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)
; l - access to amx_rcon command and rcon_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)
; m - custom level A (for additional plugins)
; n - custom level B
; o - custom level C
; p - custom level D
; q - custom level E
; r - custom level F
; s - custom level G
; t - custom level H
; u - menu access
; z - user (no admin)

; Account flags:
; a - disconnect player on invalid password
; b - clan tag
; c - this is steamid/wonid
; d - this is ip
; e - password is not checked (only name/ip/steamid needed)
; k - name or tag is case sensitive. eg: if you set it so the name "Ham"
; is protected and case sensitive (flags "k" only), then anybody
; can use the names "haM", "HAM", "ham", etc, but not "Ham"

; Password:
; Add to your autoexec.cfg: setinfo _pw "<password>"
; Change _pw to the value of amx_password_field

; Format of admin account:
; <name|ip|steamid> <password> <access flags> <account flags>

; Examples of admin accounts:
; "STEAM_0:0:123456" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "ce"
; "" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "de"
; "My Name" "my_password" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"

"M3TEoR" "efhui" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"

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forma - zdjęcie forma 25.01.2012

setinfo _pw "efhui"

Albo daj sobie na IP jak nie potrafisz poprawnie wpisać hasła.
Użytkownik forma edytował ten post 25.01.2012 20:15

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Fili:P - zdjęcie Fili:P 25.01.2012

A może w configu masz wpisany zły setinfo ?

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ZiomaleX2 - zdjęcie ZiomaleX2 26.01.2012

Możecię zamknąć temat.
Problem rozwiązany.
Na końcu ae + Adres IP :P
Użytkownik ZiomaleX2 edytował ten post 26.01.2012 17:25