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Simple Server Status Script

Adminek AMXX.PL - zdjęcie Adminek AMXX.PL 10.10.2011


I was searching for a server status script and i couldn't find it anywhere, so i thought i'd make one :3 This is really basic so don't start yelling at me for uploading such pointless stuff :)

Basically you'd expect these things to be pure PHP or something (like gametracker's or game-monitor's server status scripts), but as i told you, its really basic.

There are 3 cvar's:
* server_status_barcode - (current server's ID, which is used by the PHP side for finding out what server contacted)
* server_status_net_ip - (eg., might work on domains too, haven't tested it. but nontheless a good host should know his own IP)
* server_status_web_location - (It's the place you want to contact. eg /your_dir/server.php)

And thats about it, if all of the data is correct, then it should send you the server's information. Not much though, just players, map and a barcode.

Uploaded it only because, it might help someone do a better job at this.

Here's and example PHP side.

Php script
PHP Code:

$con = mysql_connect("", "mysql_user", "mysql_pass");
mysql_select_db("mysql_database", $con);
$code = $_GET['barcode'];
$map = $_GET['map'];
$players = $_GET['player_amount'];
mysql_query("INSERT INTO table (barcode, map, players) VALUES ($code, '$map', $players)");

SMA script
PHP Code:

#include <amxmodx>
#include <sockets>
#include <amxmisc>

#define PLUGIN "Server Status"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "Maakera"

new barcode, location, net_ip
public plugin_init() {
register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
barcode = register_cvar ( "server_status_barcode", "00000")
net_ip = register_cvar ( "server_status_net_ip", "")
location = register_cvar ( "server_status_web_location", "/cs/GM/php/cs_serv_update.php")
set_task(15.0,"send_data", 0, "", 0, "a", 1);
set_task(60.0,"send_data", 0, "", 0, "b");

serv_socket, buffer[999], loc[255], error_line, web_ip[100]
map[100], player_amount = get_playersnum ( 1 )
data[] = " HTTP/1.1^nUser-Agent: Counter Strike Server Status Updater^n"
get_pcvar_string(net_ip, web_ip, 99)
get_pcvar_string(location, loc, 254)
get_mapname ( map, 99 )
serv_socket = socket_open ( web_ip, 80, SOCKET_TCP, error_line )
format(buffer, 998, "GET %s?server_online=1&barcode=%i&map=%s&player_amount=%i^n%sHost: %s^nConnection: Keep-Alive", loc, get_pcvar_num(barcode), map, player_amount, data, web_ip, web_ip)
server_print("Sending data: %s", buffer)
socket_send ( serv_socket, buffer, 998 )
socket_close ( serv_socket )

Attached Files Dołączona grafika Get Plugin or Get Source (server_status.sma - 1.4 KB)

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