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problem z frostnade

Karolinka - zdjęcie Karolinka 26.09.2011

na server basebuilder wgrałem frostnade ale po rzuceniu zamraża ct i zombie , i właśnie mam pytanie czy wie kros jak zrobić , żeby zamrażał tylko zombie

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kasza - zdjęcie kasza 26.09.2011

Nikt raczej pluginu tu sobie nie wyczaruje ;>

Karolinka - zdjęcie Karolinka 26.09.2011

ale myślałem że w sma da się przestawić

tak tylko ze ja nie umiem przez strone moge przez linka

Hiroshima (26.09.2011 21:38):
to może je załącz skoro piszesz w dziale scripting?!

mierzwi - zdjęcie mierzwi 27.09.2011

masz bardzo stają wersję tego pluginu, tutaj masz najnowszą : http://forums.allied...ead.php?t=41126

Karolinka - zdjęcie Karolinka 27.09.2011

i co tylko wgrac

no ale wgrałem i gdzie to nastawic

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Enson - zdjęcie Enson 27.09.2011

wgrywasz plugin standardowo
i do amxx.cfg dodajesz cvary pluginu:


  • fn_enabled (default 1) - toggles the plugin.
  • fn_override (default 1) - if set, frost grenades override your regular grenades. otherwise, you have to type /fn or /frostnade to buy one.
  • fn_nadetypes (default 4) - controls which grenades can be frost grenades. 1 = flashbang, 2 = HE grenade, 4 = smoke grenade — add the numbers together for multiple grenade types.
  • fn_teams (default 3) - which teams are allowed to buy/use frost grenades. 1 = T only, 2 = CT only, 3 = both teams.
  • fn_price (default 300) - how much a frost grenade costs, if not using fn_override.
  • fn_icon (default 1) - controls when the snowflake icon is shown. if set to 1, it is show when you own a frost grenade. if set to 2, it is shown when you are chilled or frozen. if set to 0, it is never shown.
  • fn_limit (default 0) - if set above 0, you can only buy this many frost grenades per life, if not using fn_override.
  • fn_buyzone (default 1) - if you have to be in a buyzone to buy a frost grenade, if not using fn_override.
  • fn_color (default "0 206 209") - the RGB color of the frost grenade. set this to "team" to use the color of the team of the player who threw it.
  • fn_by_radius (default 0.0) - if set above 0.0, frost grenades work slightly differently. they will always chill you, and will always freeze you if you are at least this percentage close to the blast. ie: set this to 60.0, and you will always be frozen if you are at least 60% from the edge of the circle to the center. suggested by X-olent.
  • fn_hitself (default 1) - if a player can be hit by his own frost grenade.
  • fn_los (default 1) - if a player has to be in the line of sight of a frost grenade to get hit by it.
  • fn_maxdamage (default 20.0) - damage dealt to a player at the center of the blast.
  • fn_mindamage (default 1.0) - damage dealt to a player at the edge of the blast.
  • fn_chill_maxchance (default 100.0) - chance that a player at the center of the blast will get chilled, if not using fn_by_radius.
  • fn_chill_minchance (default 100.0) - chance that a player at the edge of the blast will get chilled, if not using fn_by_radius.
  • fn_chill_duration (default 7.0) - how long, in seconds, the chill effect lasts.
  • fn_chill_variance (default 1.0) - the variance in how long the chill lasts. ie: duration = 7.0, variance = 1.0, it can last anywhere from 6.0 to 8.0 seconds.
  • fn_chill_speed (default 60.0) - the percentage of regular speed that a player moves while chilled.
  • fn_freeze_maxchance (default 110.0) - chance that a player at the center of the blast will get frozen, if not using fn_by_radius.
  • fn_freeze_minchance (default 40.0) - chance that a player at the edge of the blast will get frozen, if not using fn_by_radius.
  • fn_freeze_duration (default 4.0) - how long, in seconds, the freeze effect lasts.
  • fn_freeze_variance (default 0.5) - the variance in how long the freeze lasts. ie: duration = 4.0, variance = 0.5, it can last anywhere from 3.5 to 4.5 seconds.

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grzesiu131 - zdjęcie grzesiu131 28.09.2011

fn_hitself 0 wpisz to do amxx.cfg i nie powinno zamrażać.