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AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod


Mam problem z pluginami.


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Track's Photo Track 01.09.2011

Otóż mam taki problem iż :

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#define m_flNextAttack 83
new pCvarCzas, CzasBlokady;
public plugin_init()
register_plugin("Blokada HE", "9", "QTM. Peyote");
register_logevent("PoczatekRundy", 2, "1=Round_Start");
register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink, "client_PreThink");

pCvarCzas = register_cvar("cod_czasblokady", "15");
public client_PreThink(id)
if(task_exists(-44) && get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_HEGRENADE)
client_print(id, print_center, "Granaty zostana odblokowane za %i sekund.", CzasBlokady);
set_pdata_float(id, m_flNextAttack, 0.1 , 5);
public PoczatekRundy()
set_task(1.0, "Odblokuj", -44, _, _, "a", CzasBlokady = get_pcvar_num(pCvarCzas));
public Odblokuj()

Chciałbym żeby blokowało he na 15 sekund.

Następny problem tyczy się pluginu adminlisten chiałbym go sie dowiedzieć w którym miejscu mam edytować żeby dodać poprawnie kontakt z adminami :

//ported by Oj@eKiLLzZz
// *******************************************************************************
// Admin Listen 2.3x, Also Copyright 2004, /dev/ urandom. No Warranties,
// either expressed or implied.
// Props to Maxim for the remake of Luke Sankeys original plugin.
// Props to Luke Sankey for the original AdminMod plugin (SankListen).
// Inspired by PsychoListen by PsychoGuard
// Allows administrators (with flag "n") to see all team chats, and dead chats.
// Use amx_adminlisten_voice 0|1 to turn off and on the hearing of voicecomms
// In 2.0 the Chat Engine was totally rewritten from ground up,
// a different, more efficent method, was used to pick up say messages,
// also fewer calculations and variables in this version.
// 2.1 - VoiceComm rewrite, fixed a few typos in the comments.
// 2.2 - Updated for Condition Zero 1.2, Note that while I've attempted to keep
// backwards compatability with other mods, I cannot vouch for it working
// in other mods as I only have a CS:CZ server to test it in.
// 2.3 - Updated to work with Counter-Strike after steams update June 14, 2004.
// *******************************************************************************

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <engine>
// Counter for the SayText event.
new count[32][32]
new g_voice_status[2]
public catch_say(id)
new reciever = read_data(0) //Reads the ID of the message recipient
new sender = read_data(1) //Reads the ID of the sender of the message
new message[151] //Variable for the message
new channel[151]
new sender_name[32]
if (is_running("czero")||is_running("cstrike"))
get_user_name(sender, sender_name, 31)
} else {

// console_print(0, "DEBUG MESSAGE: %s", message)
// console_print(0, "DEBUG channel: %s", channel)
// console_print(0, "DEBUG sender: %s, %i", sender_name, sender)
// console_print(0, "DEBUG receiver: %i", reciever)

//With the SayText event, the message is sent to the person who sent it last.
//It's sent to everyone else before the sender recieves it.
// Keeps count of who recieved the message
count[sender][reciever] = 1
// If current SayText message is the last then...
if (sender == reciever)
new player_count = get_playersnum() //Gets the number of players on the server
new players[32] //Player IDs
get_players(players, player_count, "c")
for (new i = 0; i < player_count; i++)
// If the player is an admin...
if (get_user_flags(players[i]) & ADMIN_LEVEL_B)

Edited by Track, 01.09.2011 11:20.