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AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod


Nagłe crashe serwera


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Elitarny's Photo Elitarny 12.06.2011

Jestem opiekunem pewnego serwera
Problem jest tego typu, że z niewiadomych przyczyn występują crashe wtedy, gdy są boty
a nie chce ich wyłączać, bo one troche ludzi przyciągają
L 06/11/2011 - 15:30:21: Start of error session.
L 06/11/2011 - 15:30:21: Info (map "de_nuke") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20110611.log")
L 06/11/2011 - 15:30:21: Player 6 is not ingame
L 06/11/2011 - 15:30:21: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "wybor_interpu_zasady.amxx") (native "player_menu_info") - debug not enabled!
L 06/11/2011 - 15:30:21: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 06/11/2011 - 16:19:31: Start of error session.
L 06/11/2011 - 16:19:31: Info (map "awp_india") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20110611.log")
L 06/11/2011 - 16:19:31: Player 5 is not ingame
L 06/11/2011 - 16:19:31: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "wybor_interpu_zasady.amxx") (native "player_menu_info") - debug not enabled!
L 06/11/2011 - 16:19:31: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 06/11/2011 - 16:29:54: Start of error session.
L 06/11/2011 - 16:29:54: Info (map "aim_ak_colt") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20110611.log")
L 06/11/2011 - 16:29:54: Player 4 is not ingame
L 06/11/2011 - 16:29:54: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "wybor_interpu_zasady.amxx") (native "player_menu_info") - debug not enabled!
L 06/11/2011 - 16:29:54: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 06/11/2011 - 16:30:08: Player 4 is not ingame
L 06/11/2011 - 16:30:08: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "wybor_interpu_zasady.amxx") (native "player_menu_info") - debug not enabled!
L 06/11/2011 - 16:30:08: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 06/11/2011 - 17:54:26: Start of error session.
L 06/11/2011 - 17:54:26: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20110611.log")
L 06/11/2011 - 17:54:26: Player 2 is not ingame
L 06/11/2011 - 17:54:26: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "wybor_interpu_zasady.amxx") (native "player_menu_info") - debug not enabled!
L 06/11/2011 - 17:54:26: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 06/11/2011 - 19:30:20: Start of error session.
L 06/11/2011 - 19:30:20: Info (map "de_inferno") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20110611.log")
L 06/11/2011 - 19:30:20: Player 5 is not ingame
L 06/11/2011 - 19:30:20: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "wybor_interpu_zasady.amxx") (native "player_menu_info") - debug not enabled!
L 06/11/2011 - 19:30:20: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 06/11/2011 - 20:36:50: Start of error session.
L 06/11/2011 - 20:36:50: Info (map "cs_rats2") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20110611.log")
L 06/11/2011 - 20:36:50: Player 4 is not ingame
L 06/11/2011 - 20:36:50: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "wybor_interpu_zasady.amxx") (native "player_menu_info") - debug not enabled!
L 06/11/2011 - 20:36:50: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 06/11/2011 - 20:47:31: Player 3 is not ingame
L 06/11/2011 - 20:47:31: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "wybor_interpu_zasady.amxx") (native "player_menu_info") - debug not enabled!
L 06/11/2011 - 20:47:31: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).
L 06/11/2011 - 21:53:32: Start of error session.
L 06/11/2011 - 21:53:32: Info (map "de_aztec2") (file "addons/amxmodx/logs/error_20110611.log")
L 06/11/2011 - 21:53:32: Player 1 is not ingame
L 06/11/2011 - 21:53:32: [AMXX] Run time error 10 (plugin "wybor_interpu_zasady.amxx") (native "player_menu_info") - debug not enabled!
L 06/11/2011 - 21:53:32: [AMXX] To enable debug mode, add "debug" after the plugin name in plugins.ini (without quotes).

wybor interpu zasady działa poprawnie, także nie ma potrzeby go wyłączać

; AMX Mod X plugins

; Admin Base - Always one has to be activated
;advanced_bans.amxx 					;advancedd bany
reasonkicker.amxx 						; kick z powodem
admin.amxx 								; admin base (required for any admin-related)
;admin_sql.amxx 						; admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx)
amxbans.amxx 							;AMXBans  5.1b

; Basic
admincmd.amxx 							; basic admin console commands
adminhelp.amxx							; help command for admin console commands
adminslots.amxx							; rezerwacja slotow
multilingual.amxx						; Multi-Lingual management

; Menus
menufront.amxx							; front-end for admin menus
cmdmenu.amxx							; command menu (speech, settings)
teammenu_nokill.amxx					; przenoszenie graczy bez killa
plmenu.amxx								; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)
telemenu.amxx							; teleport menu (Fun Module required!)
mapsmenu.amxx							; maps menu (vote, changelevel)
pluginmenu.amxx							; Menus for commands/cvars organized by plugin

; Chat / Messages
adminchat.amxx							; console chat commands
antiflood.amxx							; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server
scrollmsg.amxx							; displays a scrolling message
imessage.amxx							; displays information messages
adminvote.amxx							; vote commands

; Map related
;nextmap.amxx							; displays next map in mapcycle
;mapchooser.amxx				    	; allows to vote for next map
galileo.amxx							; nowy typ Vote, komenda rtv, nominacje
timeleft.amxx							; displays time left on map

; Configuration
pausecfg.amxx							; allows to pause and unpause some plugins
statscfg.amxx							; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands

; Counter-Strike
restmenu.amxx							; restrict weapons menu
statsx.amxx								; stats on death or round end (CSX Module required!)
miscstats.amxx							; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike
stats_logging.amxx						; weapons stats logging (CSX Module required!)

; pluginy (41)
ad_manager.amxx							; reklamy na serwerze
admin_check.amxx						; admini online /prezesi
admin_spec_esp.amxx						; admin esp
admin_thunder.amxx						; piorun
admin_flash.amxx						; admin flash
;admin_freelook.amxx 					; admin wszytko widzi	WYLACZONY. JEST ON POWODEM RESOW GRY!!
adminlisten.amxx						; admin widzi wszystkie czaty
Admin_Screen3v15.amxx					; screeny
amx_record.amxx							; nagrywanie demek
amx_roundsound.amxx 					; muzyka
admin_gag.amxx 							; admin gag
c4czas.amxx 							; czas do wybuchu
czat_log.amxx 							; logi czatu
connectsound.amxx 						; muzyczka na wejscie
;dead_talk.amxx							; all talk dla deadow
dontsayips.amxx							; maskowanie reklam
fragcounter.amxx						; pokazywanie liczby fragow
godzina.amxx 							; godzina na serwie
grenade_sack-0.4.1.amxx					; edytuje ilosc granatow
hpk.amxx								; ping
konsola.amxx							; konsola
logowanie.amxx							; zapisuje dane kazdej osoby ktora weszla na serwer
luciaHallucination.amxx					; pomocnik wykrywania wh
mutemenu.amxx                   		; mute dla graczy
migraine.amxx							; odrwacanie ekranu
polski_cs.amxx     			   			; Spolszczenie CS
ptb.amxx								; punkbuster
parachute.amxx							; spadochron
quit.amxx								; wylacze csa
spawn_protection_pl.amxx				; ochrona na poczatku rundy
wybor_interpu_zasady.amxx				; wybor interpu i zasady
xredirect.amxx 							; wybor serwer
ut_killstreak_adv.amxx                  ; nowy headshoot
do_you_hear.amxx                        ; bicie serca
Bullet_Whizz.amxx                       ; Dzwięk przlatujący kul
bulletdamage.amxx                       ; zadane obrażenia
amx_dualmp5.amxx                        ; Dual mp5
auto_restart_knives.amxx				; rozgrzewka
akd.amxx								; wyzwanie na noze
GHW_Floating_Weapons.amxx				; lewitujaca bron
descriptive_fire_in_the_hole.amxx		; nazwa granatu

; Enable to use AMX Mod plugins
;amxmod_compat.amxx	; AMX Mod backwards compatibility layer

; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here

da się to jakoś naprawić?

dam +
Edited by Elitarny, 12.06.2011 07:54.

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Abes Mapper's Photo Abes Mapper 12.06.2011

Log z konsoli pokaż gdy serwer padnie

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Elitarny's Photo Elitarny 14.06.2011

sory za problem