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AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod


Pluginy na COD+DM


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MaGeX's Photo MaGeX 06.01.2011

Witam stworzyłem Coda+DM i chce aby on był też trochę 4fun na razie wgrałem takie pluginy

; AMX Mod X plugins

; Admin Base - Always one has to be activated
admin.amxx          ;  admin base (required for any admin-related)    
mini_bans.amxx          ;  Pow?rzy Banach. 
;admin_sql.amxx          ;  admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx)   

; Basic
admincmd.amxx          ;  basic admin console commands   
adminhelp.amxx          ;  help command for admin console commands    
adminslots.amxx          ;  slot reservation 
multilingual.amxx          ;  Multi-Lingual management 

; Menus
menufront.amxx          ;  front-end for admin menus   
cmdmenu.amxx          ;  command menu (speech, settings)   
reasonkicker.amxx          ;  Kick z Powodem    
plmenu.amxx          ;  players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)    
;telemenu.amxx          ;  teleport menu (Fun Module required!)     
mapsmenu.amxx          ;  maps menu (vote, changelevel)   

; Chat / Messages
adminchat.amxx          ;  console chat commands
antiflood.amxx          ;  prevent clients from chat-flooding the server    
scrollmsg.amxx          ;  displays a scrolling message   
imessage.amxx          ;  displays information messages
adminvote.amxx          ;  vote commands 

; Map related
nextmap.amxx          ;  displays next map in mapcycle     
mapchooser.amxx          ;  allows to vote for next map    
timeleft.amxx          ;  displays time left on map     

; Configuration
pausecfg.amxx          ;  allows to pause and unpause some plugins   
statscfg.amxx          ;  allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands

; Counter-Strike
;restmenu.amxx          ;  restrict weapons menu
statsx.amxx          ;  stats on death or round end (CSX Module required!)
;miscstats.amxx          ;  bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike    
;stats_logging.amxx          ;  weapons stats logging (CSX Module required!)    

; Enable to use AMX Mod plugins
;amxmod_compat.amxx          ;  AMX Mod backwards compatibility layer     

; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here

QTM_CodMod.amxx          ;  Silnik Moda Call of Duty 
cod_sniper_effect.amxx          ;  Efekt Snajpera z Call of Duty    
Cod-Stats.amxx          ;  Statystyki top 10 wed?ug xp'a dla ka?dej klasy 
amx_ip.amxx          ;  Po wpisaniu w konsoli amx_ip pokazuje ip graczy 
bf2Medals.amxx          ;  Pokazuje 3 najlepszych graczy pod koniec mapy (takie 
poprawne_rate.amxx          ;  Wymusza i sprawdza ex_interp, cl_updaterate oraz rate   
ultimate_ss.amxx          ;  Admin mo?e zrobi?odej?anemu kolesiowu screeny. (amx_ss    
pokazuj.amxx          ;  Pokazuje na sayu (http://i42.tinypic.com/2e37slw.jpg)   
admin_spec_esp.amxx          ;  Admin po ?mierci ma esp (Przydatne Do Z?apania cziter?
adminlisten.amxx          ;  Admin Widzi wszystkie rozmowy na say'u
spec_kick.amx              ; Kickuje Osoby siedziące na Spec zbyt długo
mutemenu.amxx          ;  Gracz Mo?e Uciszy?nnego Gracza (/mute menu)    
ad_manager.amxx          ;  Reklamy w Say'u
sound_mp3.amxx          ;  Sound   
ultimate_sounds_PL_amxx          ;  UltimateSound   
;deagle_sniper.amxx          ;  Deagle   
ColoredSmoke.amxx          ;  Kolorowe Smoke 
adminlisten.amxx          ;  Admin + rozmowki
bulletdamage.amxx          ;  Zadawane obrazenia  
healthkit.amxx          ;  Apteczki na mapce
amx_shake.amxx          ;  trzesie monitorem 
bot_marker.amxx          ;  BOTEK   

c4timer.amxx          ;  OdliczaczPaki