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Guest Message by DevFuse


GM AMX Bans 6.0.2 Problem

  • Zamknięty Temat jest zamknięty
5 odpowiedzi w tym temacie

#1 Kowal1919


  • Użytkownik

Reputacja: 0

  • Postów:11
  • Imię:mICHAŁ
  • Lokalizacja:Łowicz

Napisano 01.09.2010 17:14

wgralem wszystko jak trzeba jednak cos jest nie tak,
dodany dla mnie admin w grze nie dziala,
na stronie wyglada to tak:


ip ""
hostname "[FFA][FastDL] @ "
rcon_password "xxx"
fps_max "1000"
sys_ticrate "100"
port 27255
sv_password ""

mp_autokick "0"
mp_autoteambalance "1"

mp_buytime "0.5"
mp_c4timer "35"
mp_chattime "5"
mp_consistency "1"
mp_decals "300"
mp_fadetoblack "0"
mp_falldamage "1"
mp_flashlight "1"
mp_footsteps "1"
mp_forcecamera "2"
mp_forcechasecam "1"
mp_freezetime "0"
mp_friendlyfire "0"
mp_friendly_grenade_damage "1"
mp_kickpercent "1"
mp_ghostfrequency "0.1"
mp_hostagepenalty "2"
mp_limitteams "2"
mp_logdetail "3"
mp_logecho "1"
mp_logfile "1"
mp_logmessages "1"
mp_mapvoteratio "1"
mp_maxrounds "0"
mp_roundtime "2.5"
mp_mirrordamage "0"
mp_startmoney "800"
mp_timelimit "20"
mp_payerid "1"
mp_tkpunish "0"
mp_winlimit "0"

allow_spectators "1"
decalfrequency "60"
edgefriction "2"
host_framerate "0"
pausable "0"
log on
sv_accelerate "5"
sv_aim "0"
sv_airaccelerate "10"
sv_airmove "1"
sv_allowdownload "1"
sv_allowupload "1"
sv_alltalk "0"
sv_cheats "0"
sv_clienttrace "1"
sv_friction "4"
sv_gravity "800"
sv_lan "0"
sv_logbans "1"
sv_logblocks "1"
sv_logrelay "1"
sv_maxrate "10000"
sv_minrate "2000"
sv_maxupdaterate "75"
sv_maxunlag "1"
sv_minupdaterate "20"
sv_maxspeed "320"
sv_proxies "1"
sv_send_logos "1"
sv_send_resources "1"
sv_stepsize "18"
sv_timeout "60"
sv_voicecodec "voice_speex"
sv_voiceenable "1"
sv_voicequality "3"
sv_wateraccelerate "10"
sv_wateramp "0"
sv_waterfriction "1"
sv_region "3"
sv_rcon_banpenalty "60"
sv_downloadurl ""

//mapchangecfgfile "server.cfg"
motdfile "motd.txt"
mapcyclefile "mapcycle.txt"
servercfgfile "server.cfg"
exec banned.cfg
exec listip.cfg


LoggingMode = 2

UserinfoVerification = 3
MaxUserInfoSize = 230
ValidInfoFields_Engine = \name\bottomcolor\topcolor\model\cl_lc\cl_lw\cl_updaterate\cl_dlmax\rate\_pw\*hltv\password
ValidInfoFields_cstrike = \_vgui_menus\_cl_autowepswitch\lang\_ban\_pw
ValidInfoFields_ag = \cl_autowepswitch

cid_HLTV = 7
cid_NoSteam47 = 8
cid_NoSteam48 = 10
cid_Steam = 1
cid_SteamPending = 9

DisableNativeAuth = 0
ServerInfoAnswerType = 0
Game_Name = xxx


// AMXBans Configuration File
// File location: $moddir/addons/amxmodx/configs/amxbans.cfg
echo [AMXBans] is starting to execute amxbans.cfg

// your sql database prefix
// NOTE: The Prefix defined in your sql.cfg is NOT used for AMXBans anymore!!!
amx_sql_prefix "amx"

// Use the flagging only for this Server, or for all servers?
amxbans_flagged_all_server 1

// How AMXBans should handle the admins
// 0=sql, 1=users.ini, 2=load no admins
amxbans_use_admins_file 0

// AMXBans trys to get the address from the server automatically.
// You can set a different one here - ex. "<ip>:<port>"
amxbans_server_address ""

// Set this cvar to your favourite ban cmd style
// 1 (new): amx_ban <SteamID or Nickname or #authid or IP> <Time in Minutes> <Reason>
// 0 (old): amx_ban <Time in Minutes> <SteamID or Nickname or #authid or IP> <Reason>
amxbans_use_newbancmd 1

// Number of players in the Disconnected Menu
amxbans_discon_players_saved 10

// Bantime to use for custom banreasons, if a user has static bantime <minutes>
// -1 to disable custom reasons
amxbans_custom_statictime 0

// Set this cvar to what the adminname should be on the webpages, if the server make the ban.
// Ie. amxbans_servernick "My Great server"
// Leave emty if you want to use the default hostname from server.cfg
amxbans_servernick ""

// Set this to 1 / 2 / 3 to enable debug messages from amxbans to amxx logs.
// with debug 3 you get the most output, but a bug can flood your logs. 2 should be ok normally
amxbans_debug 2

// Don't use http:// in this cvar. The url will be shown to banned players in the console.
amxbans_complain_url "xxx"

// Set this to 1 if you want the map name to show in the DB.
amxbans_add_mapname_in_servername 1

// If you want to see ban announcments in the HLSW chat, set this to 1
amxbans_show_in_hlsw 1

// Print green hudmessages on the top left when banning
amxbans_show_hud_messages 1

// What flag should admins have to get the high ban times.
amxbans_higher_ban_time_admin "n"

// What flag should admins have to NOT get their Nick printed when banning/Unbanning
amxbans_admin_mole_access "r"

// If an admin has the admin_mole_access, should his name be shown when he bans?
amxbans_show_name_evenif_mole 1

// Show if a player has been banned before as amx_chat to admins. 0 to disable
amxbans_show_prebanned 1

// How many previous offences does the player needs, to be notified in the amx_chat?
amxbans_show_prebanned_num 2

// Currently not known
amxbans_default_ban_reason unknown

// To be able to ban players not in the server. 1 enabled and 0 disabled.
amxbans_ban_evenif_disconnected 1

// Flagtimes, like the bantimes below
amx_setflagtimes "1 h" "4 h" "10 h" "1 d" "1 w" "4 w" "12 w" "0"

// Ban times for admins with d-flag, set the highest time in minutes they can ban with "amxbans_consolebanmax"
// IMPORTANT: Put the lowest value first and the highest value last. You can have 1 to 12 values
// "0 m" = permanent ban!
// Values you can use:
// 1 - 59 with the flag m is for minutes
// 1 - 23 with the flag h is for hours
// 1 - 6 with the flag d is for days
// The w flag is for weeks

// Example:
// "5 m" is 5 minutes
// "1 h" is 1 hour
// "1 d" is 1 day
// "1 w" is 1 week

amx_setlowbantimes "5 m" "30 m" "1 h" "3 h" "10 h" "1 d"

// Ban times for admin with n-flag and d-flag
// IMPORTANT: Put the lowest value first and the highest value last. You can have 1 to 12 values
// "0 m" = permanent ban!
// Values you can use:
// 1 - 59 with the flag m is for minutes
// 1 - 23 with the flag h is for hours
// 1 - 6 with the flag d is for days
// The w flag is for weeks
// Example:
// "5 m" is 5 minutes
// "1 h" is 1 hour
// "1 d" is 1 day
// "1 w" is 1 week

amx_sethighbantimes "5 m" "30 m" "1 h" "3 h" "1 d" "1 w" "0 m"


// 3rd party amxbans plugins
// needs the amxbans_freeze plugin
// "a" = freeze
// "b" = strip weapons
// "c" = block chat
// "d" = player glow red (not testet)
amxbans_freeze_mode "abc"


// AMXBans configuration file echo
echo [AMXBans] amxbans.cfg is fully executed


; To enable a module, remove the semi-colon (;) in front of its name.
; If it's not here, simply add it its name, one per line.
; You don't need to write the _amxx part or the file extension.

;; SQL Modules usually need to be enabled manually ;;
;; You can have any number on at a time. Use ;;
;; amx_sql_type in sql.cfg to specify the default ;;
;; Put third party modules below here. ;;
;; You can just list their names, without the _amxx ;;
;; or file extension. ;;
;; These modules will be auto-detected and loaded ;;
;; as needed. You do not need to enable them here ;;
;; unless you have problems. ;;


; AMX Mod X plugins

; Admin Base - Always one has to be activated
;admin.amxx ; admin base (required for any admin-related)
;ini_bans.amxx ; powod banow ;]
;amxbans.amxx ; statystyki banow na stronie pier trzeba je zainstalowac
admin_sql.amxx ; admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx)

; Basic
admincmd.amxx ; basic admin console commands
adminhelp.amxx ; help command for admin console commands
adminslots.amxx ; slot reservation
multilingual.amxx ; Multi-Lingual management

; Menus
menufront.amxx ; front-end for admin menus
cmdmenu.amxx ; command menu (speech, settings)
plmenu.amxx ; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)
;telemenu.amxx ; teleport menu (Fun Module required!)
mapsmenu.amxx ; maps menu (vote, changelevel)

; Chat / Messages
adminchat.amxx ; console chat commands
antiflood.amxx ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server
scrollmsg.amxx ; displays a scrolling message
imessage.amxx ; displays information messages
adminvote.amxx ; vote commands

; Map related
nextmap.amxx ; displays next map in mapcycle
mapchooser.amxx ; allows to vote for next map
timeleft.amxx ; displays time left on map

; Configuration
pausecfg.amxx ; allows to pause and unpause some plugins
statscfg.amxx ; allows to manage stats plugins via menu and commands

; Counter-Strike
;restmenu.amxx ; restrict weapons menu
statsx.amxx ; stats on death or round end (CSX Module required!)
;miscstats.amxx ; bunch of events announcement for Counter-Strike
;stats_logging.amxx ; weapons stats logging (CSX Module required!)

; Enable to use AMX Mod plugins
;amxmod_compat.amxx ; AMX Mod backwards compatibility layer

; Custom - Add 3rd party plugins here

ad_manager.amxx ;reklamy


// SQL configuration file
// File location: $moddir/addons/amxmodx/configs/sql.cfg

// *NOTE* Linux users may encounter problems if they specify "localhost" instead of ""
// We recommend using your server IP address instead of its name

// *NOTE* amx_sql_type specifies the DEFAULT database type which admin.sma will use.

amx_sql_host ""
amx_sql_user "cityspro_admin"
amx_sql_pass "xxx"
amx_sql_db "cityspro_amxbans"
amx_sql_table "amx"
amx_sql_type "mysql"

Podmienilem rowniez plik:
W ip oraz amxbans_server_address podalem oczywiscie adres do swojego serwa wraz z portem, ale musialem usunac bo nie chcialo mi dodac tematu
Przy probie przeladowania adminow otrzymuje informacje "Komendy RCON są zablokowane!"
Przy statusie serwera "Brak odpowiedzi serwera"
Co moze byc powodem? Popelnilem gdzies blad? proszę o pomoc...Pozdrawiam

Użytkownik Kowal1919 edytował ten post 01.09.2010 17:19

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#2 Juma


  • Użytkownik

Reputacja: 64

  • Postów:373
  • GG:
  • Steam:steam
  • Imię:Arek
  • Lokalizacja:Haynau

Napisano 01.09.2010 17:21

daj log z konsoli może tak się czegoś dowiemy więcej :)

01 wrzesień 2010 - 17:22:
admin_sql.amxx ; admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx)

Czy przypadkiem to nie powinno być wyłączone ?

Użytkownik Juma edytował ten post 01.09.2010 17:22

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#3 Kowal1919


  • Autor tematu
  • Użytkownik

Reputacja: 0

  • Postów:11
  • Imię:mICHAŁ
  • Lokalizacja:Łowicz

Napisano 01.09.2010 17:57

;admin_sql.amxx przerobilem juz.
Z logami mam dziwny problem, bo w zadnych z folderow logs nie ma zadnego pliku (chmody ustawione na 777)
Mozliwe, iz jest to zwiazane z brakiem konsoli na serwerze, na ktorym stoi serwer ? (gamepix)

01 wrzesień 2010 - 18:34:
Sorki za drugi post pod rzad,
udalo mi sie dodac admina, banowanie dziala jak trzeba - na stronie ban sie pokazuje
Pozostaje tylko rozwiazac problem pokazany na screenie z niewidocznym serwerem oraz

Przy probie przeladowania adminow otrzymuje informacje "Komendy RCON są zablokowane!"
Przy statusie serwera "Brak odpowiedzi serwera"

Ma ktos jakis pomysl? Z gory dziekuje :)
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#4 Juma


  • Użytkownik

Reputacja: 64

  • Postów:373
  • GG:
  • Steam:steam
  • Imię:Arek
  • Lokalizacja:Haynau

Napisano 01.09.2010 21:18

Wpisałeś rcona na stronce poprawnego :) ?
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#5 Kowal1919


  • Autor tematu
  • Użytkownik

Reputacja: 0

  • Postów:11
  • Imię:mICHAŁ
  • Lokalizacja:Łowicz

Napisano 01.09.2010 21:42

Rcon poprawny, udalo mi sie odpalic logi:
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#6 Szyfrant


  • Przyjaciel

Reputacja: 1 374

  • Postów:3 072
  • Steam:steam
  • Imię:Michał
  • Lokalizacja:Sztokholm

Napisano 02.09.2010 16:38

postaw na nowo baze bo cosik nie śmiga
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