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Guest Message by DevFuse


Zombie plugin

  • Zamknięty Temat jest zamknięty
1 odpowiedź w tym temacie

#1 zupkaklb


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Napisano 18.12.2009 14:54

Mogl by mi ktos skompilowac pluginem?

o to kod (juz zedytowany)

	-*- [ZP] Default Zombie Classes -*-
	- Description -
	This plugin adds the default zombie classes to Zombie Plague.
	Feel free to modify their attributes to your liking.
	Note: If zombie classes are disabled, the first registered class
	will be used for all players (by default, Classic Zombie).

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <zombieplague>

 [Plugin Customization]

// Classic Zombie Attributes
new const zclass1_name[] = { "Classic Zombie" }
new const zclass1_info[] = { "=Balanced=" }
new const zclass1_model[] = { "zombie_source" }
new const zclass1_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_zombie.mdl" }
const zclass1_health = 1800
const zclass1_speed = 210
const Float:zclass1_gravity = 1.0
const Float:zclass1_knockback = 1.0

// Raptor Zombie Attributes
new const zclass2_name[] = { "Raptor Zombie" }
new const zclass2_info[] = { "HP-- Speed++ Knockback++" }
new const zclass2_model[] = { "zombie_source" }
new const zclass2_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_zombie.mdl" }
const zclass2_health = 1000
const zclass2_speed = 245
const Float:zclass2_gravity = 1.0
const Float:zclass2_knockback = 1.5

// Poison Zombie Attributes
new const zclass3_name[] = { "Poison Zombie" }
new const zclass3_info[] = { "HP- Jump+ Knockback+" }
new const zclass3_model[] = { "zombie_source" }
new const zclass3_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_zombie.mdl" }
const zclass3_health = 1600
const zclass3_speed = 220
const Float:zclass3_gravity = 0.75
const Float:zclass3_knockback = 1.25

// Big Zombie Attributes
new const zclass4_name[] = { "Big Zombie" }
new const zclass4_info[] = { "HP++ Speed- Knockback--" }
new const zclass4_model[] = { "zombie_source" }
new const zclass4_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_zombie.mdl" }
const zclass4_health = 3000
const zclass4_speed = 185
const Float:zclass4_gravity = 1.0
const Float:zclass4_knockback = 0.5

// Leech Zombie Attributes
new const zclass5_name[] = { "Leech Zombie" }
new const zclass5_info[] = { "HP- Knockback+ Leech++" }
new const zclass5_model[] = { "zombie_source" }
new const zclass5_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_zombie.mdl" }
const zclass5_health = 1500
const zclass5_speed = 210
const Float:zclass5_gravity = 1.0
const Float:zclass5_knockback = 1.25
const zclass5_infecthp = 200 // extra hp for infections


// Class IDs
new g_zclass_leech

// Zombie Classes MUST be registered on plugin_precache
public plugin_precache()
	register_plugin("[ZP] Default Zombie Classes", "4.1", "MeRcyLeZZ")
	// Register all classes
	zp_register_zombie_class(zclass1_name, zclass1_info, zclass1_model, zclass1_clawmodel, zclass1_health, zclass1_speed, zclass1_gravity, zclass1_knockback)	
	zp_register_zombie_class(zclass2_name, zclass2_info, zclass2_model, zclass2_clawmodel, zclass2_health, zclass2_speed, zclass2_gravity, zclass2_knockback)
	zp_register_zombie_class(zclass3_name, zclass3_info, zclass3_model, zclass3_clawmodel, zclass3_health, zclass3_speed, zclass3_gravity, zclass3_knockback)
	zp_register_zombie_class(zclass4_name, zclass4_info, zclass4_model, zclass4_clawmodel, zclass4_health, zclass4_speed, zclass4_gravity, zclass4_knockback)
	g_zclass_leech = zp_register_zombie_class(zclass5_name, zclass5_info, zclass5_model, zclass5_clawmodel, zclass5_health, zclass5_speed, zclass5_gravity, zclass5_knockback)

// User Infected forward
public zp_user_infected_post(id, infector)
	// If attacker is a leech zombie, gets extra hp
	if (zp_get_user_zombie_class(infector) == g_zclass_leech)
		set_pev(infector, pev_health, float(pev(infector, pev_health) + zclass5_infecthp))

i include

	-*- Zombie Plague 4.1 Includes File -*-
	- How To -
	To use the functions listed here on your plugin, just add the
	following line at the beginning of your script:
	#include <zombieplague>
	- Natives -
	These work just like any other functions: you may have to pass
	parameters and they usually return values (1 means true, 0 for
	if ( is_user_alive(id) && zp_get_user_zombie(id) )
		server_print("player %d is alive and a zombie", id)
	- Forwards -
	Forwards get called whenever an event happens during the game.
	You need to make a public function somewhere on your script,
	and it will automatically be triggered at the right time.
	public zp_user_infected_post(id, infector)
		server_print("Player %d just got infected by %d!", id, infector)
	Also, take note of cases when there's a suffix:
	* _pre  : means the forward will be called BEFORE the event happens
	* _post : means it will be called AFTER the event takes place

#if defined _zombieplague_included
#define _zombieplague_included

/* Returns whether a player is a zombie */
native zp_get_user_zombie(id)

/* Returns whether a player is a nemesis */
native zp_get_user_nemesis(id)

/* Returns whether a player is a survivor */
native zp_get_user_survivor(id)

/* Returns whether a player is the first zombie */
native zp_get_user_first_zombie(id)

/* Returns whether a player is the last zombie */
native zp_get_user_last_zombie(id)

/* Returns whether a player is the last human */
native zp_get_user_last_human(id)

/* Returns a player's current zombie class ID */
native zp_get_user_zombie_class(id)

/* Sets a player's zombie class ID (for the next infection) */
native zp_set_user_zombie_class(id, classid)

/* Returns a player's ammo pack count */
native zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id)

/* Sets a player's ammo pack count */
native zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, amount)

/* Returns the default maximum health of a zombie */
native zp_get_zombie_maxhealth(id)

/* Returns a player's custom flashlight batteries charge */
native zp_get_user_batteries(id)

/* Sets a player's custom flashlight batteries charge */
native zp_set_user_batteries(id, value)

/* Forces a player to become a zombie (infection rounds only) */
native zp_infect_user(id, infector = 0)

/* Forces a player to become a human (infection rounds only) */
native zp_disinfect_user(id)

/* Respawns a player to a specific team (infections rounds only) */
native zp_respawn_user(id, team)

/* Returns whether the round has started (i.e. a game mode began) */
native zp_has_round_started()

/* Returns whether it's a nemesis round */
native zp_is_nemesis_round()

/* Returns whether it's a survivor round */
native zp_is_survivor_round()

/* Returns whether it's a swarm round */
native zp_is_swarm_round()

/* Returns whether it's a plague round */
native zp_is_plague_round()

/* Teams for zp_register_extra_item() */

/* Registers a custom item which will be added to the extra items menu of ZP.
*  Returns an internal extra item ID (which is needed to correctly catch selection
*  events for the zp_extra_item_selected() forward) or -1 on failure. */
native zp_register_extra_item(const name[], cost, team)

/* Registers a custom class which will be added to the zombie classes menu of ZP.
*  Returns an internal zombie class ID (which is then used to identify the class
*  when calling the zp_get_user_zombie_class() native) or -1 on failure. */
native zp_register_zombie_class(const name[], const info[], const model[], const clawmodel[], hp, speed, Float:gravity, Float:knockback)

/* ============================================================================ */

/* Called when the round starts
*  gamemode - will indicate which mode has commenced
*  player   - will hold the affected player id (if applicable) */
forward zp_round_started(gamemode, player)

/* Game modes for zp_round_started() */

/* Called when the round ends */
forward zp_round_ended(winteam)

/* Winning teams for zp_round_ended() */
	WIN_NO_ONE = 0,

/* Called when a player gets infected. */
forward zp_user_infected_pre(id, infector)
forward zp_user_infected_post(id, infector)

/* Called when a player turns back to human */
forward zp_user_humanized_pre(id)
forward zp_user_humanized_post(id)

/* Called when a player buys an extra item from the ZP menu
*  player - will hold the id of the player who's buying
*  itemid - will contain the internal extra item ID */
forward zp_extra_item_selected(player, itemid)

jezeli cos jeszcze trzeba pisac ;]
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#2 Misiaczek ;c


  • Moderator

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  • Imię:Michał
  • Lokalizacja:Halemba

Napisano 20.12.2009 16:22

Masz tutaj w załączniku :P

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