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AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod




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Stopper - zdjęcie Stopper 28.11.2009

Używam tego pluginu. Obniża on fps do 20 i robi 5 ss. Wszysko jest dobrze. Po screenach plugin daje bana ale losowej osobie ... Proszę o poprawienie pluginu aby po zrobieniu ss banowal odpowiednia osobe lub mozecie usunac czesc odnoscie banowania...

/* AMX Mod X script. 
* Admin Screen 3 v1.5 black by caxixi
* Based on Admin Screen by Rav & Admin Screen 2 v1.0 by uTg | bigpapajiggs 
* amx_screen <authid/nick/userid> <number of screens> 
*            cvary dopisz do amxx.cfg z wlasnym adresem forum
*                              cvary
* amx_screen_forum "www.rzeznia.eu" // adres forum
* amx_screen_ban 1 // 0 - kill 1 -perm obsluga amx_bans, minibans 2- perm bez amxbans
* amx_screen_adminss 1 // 0 - fotki tylko u gracza  1- fotki u gracza i admina

#include <amxmodx> 
#include <amxmisc> 

new koniec
new player
new forum
new adres[51]
new ban_typ
new ban
new fota
new fota_dla_admina

new maxss, ssinterval, timestamptype

public plugin_init() 
register_plugin("Admin Screen 3", "1.5", "caxixi") 
register_concmd("amx_screen", "concmd_screen", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<authid, nick or #userid> <screens>")
maxss = register_cvar("amx_maxscreens", "10") 
ssinterval = register_cvar("amx_ssinterval", "2.0") 
timestamptype = register_cvar("amx_timestamptype", "3")  
forum = register_cvar("amx_screen_forum", "www.rzeznia.eu") 
ban = register_cvar("amx_screen_ban", "1")
fota = register_cvar("amx_screen_adminss", "1") 

// zielony napis
fnGreenChat( plr, const message[], {Float,Sql,Result,_}:... ) 
    static max_players, svc_saytext; 
    if( !max_players ) 
        max_players = get_maxplayers( ); 
    if( !svc_saytext ) 
        svc_saytext = get_user_msgid( "SayText" ); 
    static msg[192]; 
    msg[0] = 0x04; 
    vformat( msg[1], sizeof msg - 2, message, 3 ); 
    if( plr > 0 && plr <= max_players ) 
        message_begin( MSG_ONE, svc_saytext, { 0, 0, 0 }, plr ); 
        write_byte( plr ); 
        write_string( msg ); 
        message_end( ); 
    else if( plr == 0 ) 
        for( new i = 1 ; i <= max_players ; i++ ) 
            if( is_user_connected( i ) ) 
                message_begin( MSG_ONE, svc_saytext, { 0, 0, 0 }, i ); 
                write_byte( i ); 
                write_string( msg ); 
                message_end( ); 
    return 1; 

public concmd_screen(id, level, cid) 
//Is the amx_screen'er an admin? 
if(!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 3)) 

//Read the arguements 
new arg1[24], arg2[4] 
read_argv(1, arg1, 23) 
read_argv(2, arg2, 3) 

new screens = str_to_num(arg2) 
new maxscreens = get_pcvar_num(maxss) 

//Let us make sure that there aren't too many screenshots taken 
if(screens > maxscreens) 
console_print(id, "[AMXX] You cannot take that many screenshots!") 


//Does the target exist? 
player = cmd_target(id, arg1, 1) 
if (!player) 

//How many screenshots? 
new Float:interval = get_pcvar_float(ssinterval) 
new array[2] 
array[0] = id 
array[1] = player 
koniec = screens
// pobranie adresu forum i typu bana
ban_typ = get_pcvar_num(ban)
fota_dla_admina = get_pcvar_num(fota)
set_task(interval, "takeScreen", 0, array,2, "a", screens) 


public takeScreen(array[2]) 
new player = array[1] 
new id = array[0] 
new ip[16] 
new SteamID[33]

koniec = koniec - 1

//Get time, admin name, and target name 
new timestamp[32], timestampmsg[128], name[32], adminname[32] 
get_time("%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S", timestamp, 31) 
get_user_name(player, name, 31) 
get_user_ip(player, ip, 15, 1) 
get_user_authid(player , SteamID , 32)
get_user_name(id, adminname, 31) 

//No timestamp 
if(get_pcvar_num(timestamptype) == 0) 
fnGreenChat(player, "** wstaw foty na  %s   player ^"%s^" admin ^"%s^" **",adres, name, adminname)
fnGreenChat(player, "** moje IP: ^"%s^" | SteamID: ^"%s^" **", ip, SteamID, timestamp)
//Take the screenshot 
client_cmd(player, "net_graph 3")
client_cmd(player, "r_norefresh 1") //zatrzymanie odświeżania.
client_cmd(player, "fps_max 1")
client_cmd(player, "snapshot") 
client_cmd(player, "r_norefresh 0") //odblokowanie odświeżania.
log_to_file("screenlog.txt"," name: ^"%s^" | IP: ^"%s^" | STEAMID: %s | admin: ^"%s^" ^n",name,ip, SteamID, adminname) 
console_print(id, "[AMXX] FOTY ZOSTALY ZROBIONE POPRAWNIE DLA ^"%s^" | IP: ^"%s^" | STEAMID: ^"%s^" ** ", name, ip, SteamID )
fnGreenChat(id, "** [AMXX] FOTY ZOSTALY ZROBIONE POPRAWNIE DLA  ^"%s^" | IP: ^"%s^" | STEAMID: ^"%s^" ** ", name, ip, SteamID ) 
//Client Print only 
else if(get_pcvar_num(timestamptype) == 1) 
//info o fotce u gracza
fnGreenChat(player, "** wstaw foty na  %s  | player ^"%s^" | admin ^"%s^" | (%s) **", adres, name, adminname, timestamp)
fnGreenChat(player, "** moje IP: ^"%s^" | SteamID: ^"%s^" **", ip, SteamID, timestamp)
//ustawienie net graph 3
client_cmd(player, "net_graph 3")
if(fota_dla_admina == 1)
client_cmd(id, "net_graph 3")
// obnizenie fps
client_cmd(player, "fps_max 1")
if(fota_dla_admina == 1)
client_cmd(id, "fps_max 1")
//zrobienie fotki
client_cmd(player, "snapshot") 
if(fota_dla_admina == 1)
 client_cmd(id, "snapshot") 
// info o fotce u admina
fnGreenChat(id, "** [AMXX] FOTY ZOSTALY ZROBIONE DLA  ^"%s^" | IP: ^"%s^" | STEAMID: ^"%s^" ** ", name, ip, SteamID )
console_print(id, "[AMXX] FOTY ZOSTALY ZROBIONE DLA ^"%s^" | IP: ^"%s^" | STEAMID: ^"%s^" ** ", name, ip, SteamID )
// dodanie wpisu w logach
log_to_file("screenlog.txt"," name: ^"%s^" | IP: ^"%s^" | STEAMID: %s | admin: ^"%s^" ^n",name,ip, SteamID, adminname)  

//HUD Message only 
else if(get_pcvar_num(timestamptype) == 2) 
//info o fotce u gracza
fnGreenChat(player, "** wstaw foty na  %s  | player ^"%s^" | admin ^"%s^" | (%s) **", adres, name, adminname, timestamp)
fnGreenChat(player, "** moje IP: ^"%s^" | SteamID: ^"%s^" **", ip, SteamID, timestamp)

//HUD Timestamp Message 
set_hudmessage(player, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 0.25, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4) 
format(timestampmsg, 127, "** TIMESTAMP - %s **", timestamp) 
show_hudmessage(player, timestampmsg) 

//ustawienie net graph 3
client_cmd(player, "net_graph 3")
if(fota_dla_admina == 1)
client_cmd(id, "net_graph 3")
// obnizenie fps
client_cmd(player, "fps_max 1")
if(fota_dla_admina == 1)
client_cmd(id, "fps_max 1")
//zrobienie fotki
client_cmd(player, "snapshot") 
if(fota_dla_admina == 1)
client_cmd(id, "snapshot") 
// info o fotce u admina
fnGreenChat(id, "** [AMXX] FOTY ZOSTALY ZROBIONE DLA  ^"%s^" | IP: ^"%s^" | STEAMID: ^"%s^" ** ", name, ip, SteamID )
console_print(id, "[AMXX] FOTY ZOSTALY ZROBIONE DLA ^"%s^" | IP: ^"%s^" | STEAMID: ^"%s^" ** ", name, ip, SteamID )
// dodanie wpisu w logach
log_to_file("screenlog.txt"," name: ^"%s^" | IP: ^"%s^" | STEAMID: %s | admin: ^"%s^" ^n",name,ip, SteamID, adminname)  

else if(get_pcvar_num(timestamptype) == 3) 

//HUD Timestamp Message 
set_hudmessage(player, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.3, 0, 0.25, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4) 
format(timestampmsg, 127, "** TIMESTAMP - %s **", timestamp) 
show_hudmessage(player, timestampmsg) 

//info o fotce u gracza
fnGreenChat(player, "** wstaw foty na  %s  | player ^"%s^" | admin ^"%s^" | (%s) **", adres, name, adminname, timestamp)
fnGreenChat(player, "** moje IP: ^"%s^" | SteamID: ^"%s^" **", ip, SteamID, timestamp)

//ustawienie net graph 3
client_cmd(player, "net_graph 3")
if(fota_dla_admina == 1)
client_cmd(id, "net_graph 3")

// obnizenie fps
client_cmd(player, "fps_max 1")
if(fota_dla_admina == 1)
client_cmd(id, "fps_max 1")

//zrobienie fotki
client_cmd(player, "snapshot") 
if(fota_dla_admina == 1)
client_cmd(id, "snapshot") 

// info o fotce u admina
fnGreenChat(id, "** [AMXX] FOTY ZOSTALY ZROBIONE DLA  ^"%s^" | IP: ^"%s^" | STEAMID: ^"%s^" ** ", name, ip, SteamID )
console_print(id, "[AMXX] FOTY ZOSTALY ZROBIONE DLA ^"%s^" | IP: ^"%s^" | STEAMID: ^"%s^" ** ", name, ip, SteamID )

// dodanie wpisu w logach
log_to_file("screenlog.txt"," name: ^"%s^" | IP: ^"%s^" | STEAMID: %s | admin: ^"%s^" ^n",name,ip, SteamID, adminname)  


if(koniec == 0)
// fps na 101
client_cmd(player, "fps_max 101")
if(fota_dla_admina == 1)
client_cmd(id, "fps_max 101")

// info w konsoli gracza
console_print(player, "********************************************************")
console_print(player, "** Admin ^"%s^" z powodu podejrzen o oszustwo zrobil Ci screeny **",adminname)
console_print(player, "** Screeny znajdziesz w katalogi cstrike/cstrike_polish                     **")
console_print(player, "** W celu odbanowania koniecznie wrzuc je na %s                 **", adres)
console_print(player, "********************************************************")

// co ma robic
if(ban_typ == 0)
client_cmd(player, "kill")

else if(ban_typ == 1)
client_cmd(id, "amx_ban 0 ^"%s^" ^"wstaw foty na %s ^" ", name, adres)

else if(ban_typ == 2)
client_cmd(id, "amx_banip ^"%s^" 0 ^"wstaw foty na %s ^" ", name, adres)

