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sounds not working

Adminek AMXX.PL - zdjęcie Adminek AMXX.PL 27.05.2016

<div>Hi there,<br /><br />I have recently ordered a cs source server.<br /><br />I have the plugins quakesoundsv3 and BEsaysounds.<br />Both are looks like to work (BEsaysounds says knorde plays sound... and quake sounds say type/quakesounds or something to change settings).<br /><br />But i never here some sound.<br />And yes, the speakers are ok :P<br /><br />Sound is working ingame (when i shoot i hear gunshots).<br />Only the plugin sounds don't work.<br /><br />Anybody knows how i can get it to work?<br /><br />And on this moment i put the sounds manually in my steam folder but how can i force the sounds to download by clients?</div>

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