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AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod


Ustawienia ATAC 3.0.1

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pankrok - zdjęcie pankrok 24.02.2016



Mam następujące pytanie odnośnie tego pluginu. Pomimo poszukiwań nie udało mi się dotrzeć do informacji czy jest możliwe aby gracz który atakuje osobę z tej samej drużyny powiedzmy przez 5 sekund dostawał natychmiastowego slaya?


Odnoszę też wrażenie że coś źle ustawiłem ponieważ pomimo limitu 1 TK ATAC nie banuje delikwenta. Poniżej zamieszczam cfg.




//------------------------------------ DEFAULT SETUP ---------------------------------------------
// Set punishment menu: 0=OFF, 1=ON
atac_menu 0

// Set whether for ATAC to enforce menus
atac_menu_overwrite 0

// Set whether to show which punishment was selected
atac_show_punishment 1

// Specifies the access level flags needed for a player to have immunity
atac_immunity_flags a

// Set admin immunity type: 0=OFF, 1=NO KICK/BAN, 2=ON
atac_admins_immune 1

// Set whether to increase Team Killers TK's upon disconnect when trying to avoid punishment
atac_tk_avoidance 1

// Set storage of kills per map: 0=OFF, 1=ON
atac_store_kills 1

// Set whether to not count TA/TK when attacker/killer dies beforehand (ie grenades, or other projectiles)
atac_tk_afterdeath 0

// Set banning type: 0=OFF, 1=IP, 2=AUTHID, 3=AUTO-DETECT
atac_ban_type 3

// Set amount of time (minutes) you want to ban a user after their Team Kills have reached the limit (0=PERMANENT BAN)
atac_ban_time 180

// Set Number of Team Attacks you want to be counted as a Team Kill (0=OFF)
atac_team_attacks 3

// Set Number of Team Kills you want allowed before user is kicked/banned (0=OFF)
atac_team_kills 1 


//-------------------------------------- ADDONS SETUP --------------------------------------------
// Set hud notification type:
//	0 - HudText (Default)
//	1 - SayText (Yellow)
//	2 - SayText (Green)
//	3 - SayText (Team Colour)
atac_hudtext 0

// Set no Team Attack timelimit in seconds from beginning of spawn (0=OFF)
atac_noattack_within 5

// Set slapping on attacker: 0=OFF, 1=ON (Note: no health is deducted)
atac_slap_attacker 0

// Set slaying on maximum Team Attacks: 0=OFF, 1=ON
atac_slayon_maxattacks 1

// Set health restoration on victim: 0=OFF, 1=ON
atac_health_restore 0

// Set mirror damage on attacker: 0=OFF, 1=ON
atac_mirror_damage 0 