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World of Warcraft Emote System [Chat]

Adminek AMXX.PL - zdjęcie Adminek AMXX.PL 16.02.2016

<div><font color="Blue"><font size="2"><b>Description:<br /></b></font></font><br />I tried to copy world of warcraft emotes system, now system is only in chat, in future i will add more features like sounds and more others.<br />Now when you type for eg: amx_agree targetname in chat you will see &quot;You agree with target.&quot;<br /><br /><font color="Blue"><font size="2"><b>Commands:<br /><br /></b></font></font>amx_%s name<br />Check emotes.ini for commands, comands are formated amx_%s (like amx_agree, amx_amaze)<br /><br /><font size="2"><font color="Blue"><b>Installation:<br /></b></font></font><br />Puts emotes.ini in configs folder.<br /><font size="2"><font color="Blue"><b><br />Changelog:</b></font></font><br /><br /><b>v0.1<br /></b><ul><li> First release.</li>
</ul>PS: If i had some mistakes about my rip english. Sorry!</div>

<br /> <div style="padding:6px">

<fieldset class="fieldset">
<legend>Attached Files</legend>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" border="0">
<td><img class="inlineimg" src="https://forums.allie...attach/ini.gif"alt="File Type: ini" width="16" height="16" border="0" style="vertical-align:baseline" /></td>

<a href="https://forums.allie...>emotes.ini</a>(5.2 KB)

<td><img class="inlineimg" src="https://forums.allie...attach/sma.gif"alt="File Type: sma" width="16" height="16" border="0" style="vertical-align:baseline" /></td>

<a href="http://www.amxmodx.o...77"><strong>GetPlugin</strong></a> or
<a href="https://forums.allie...1455647543">GetSource</a> (wow_emotes.sma - 2.0 KB)



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