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AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod


Gracze mogą wybrać model dla vipa.

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KryzysMajatkowy - zdjęcie KryzysMajatkowy 10.09.2015

Witam, pobrałem wczoraj plugin i go zedytowałem (sm_skinchooser)

Natomiast mam jeden problem, przy wpisaniu !models gracze mogą wybrać model dla vipa.



//Configure your menu here
		"VIP" "t"
				"path" "models\player\marvel\ghostrider\ghostrider_t.mdl"

				"path" "models\player\marvel\ghostrider\ghostrider_ct.mdl"

	"Public Models"
		"Admin" ""
				"path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_tusken\b4p_tusken.mdl"
				"path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_stormt\b4p_stormt.mdl"
				"path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_imperial\b4p_imperial.mdl"
				"path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_chewbacca\b4p_chewbacca.mdl"

				"path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_rebel\b4p_rebel.mdl"
				"path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_jawa\b4p_jawa.mdl"
				"path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_c3po\b4p_c3po.mdl"
				"path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_bobafett\b4p_bobafett.mdl"

	"Reserved Models"
		"Admin" "Member"
				"path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_yoda\b4p_yoda.mdl"

			"Darth Vader"
				"path" "models\player\b4p\b4p_vader\b4p_vader.mdl"

//If you use Fastdownload make sure all your model and material files are on your webserver!!!


sm_skinchooser_admingroup 1 (1 = enabled(default) , 0 = disabled)
Adds the possebility to use the Groupsystem.
sm_skinchooser_SkinBots 0 (1 = enabled , 0 = disabled), forces Bots to have a skin,set this to "0" if you don�t want bots having a skin!!!
sm_skinchooser_displaytimer 0 (1 = enabled , 0 = disabled), makes it possible to display the menu a little bit
later not directly by choosing a team
sm_skinchooser_menustarttime 0 (default is 5.0 means menu will pop up 5 seconds after joining a Team , only works if sm_skinchooser_displaytimer is set to 1 !!!)
sm_skinchooser_autodisplay 0 (1 = enabled(default) , 0 = disabled ) let�s the menu popup on teamjoin
sm_skinchooser_adminonly1 (1 = enabled , 0 = disabled(default) )
With this Cvar you can enable the Menu only for Admins means only Admins will get the menu and can use the "!models" command if enabled.
sm_skinchooser_playerspawntimer 0 (1 = enabled , 0 = disabled(default) )
This is only usefull if you have problems with the player_spawn Event , it enables the SetModel one second later on player_spawn (I made this because Resistance and Liberations seems to make some Probs without Timer.)
sm_skinchooser_forceplayerskin 0 (1 = enabled , 0 = disabled )
With this cvar in combinition with sm_skinchooser_playerspawntimer you can give players automaticly a skin without choosing one from the menu.
Notice!!! If you don�t want to use this option set the cvar to "0" in cfg!!!
sm_skinchooser_commandcountsenabled 0 (1 = enabled , 0 = disabled ) Enables the CommandCounter.
sm_skinchooser_commandcounts 3 ex. 3 How many times users should be able to use the !models command in a single round
sm_skinchooser_closemenutimer 30 "30" seconds after Menu is closed.
sm_skinchooser_skinadmin 1 (1 = enabled , 0 = disabled ) usage like skinbots and forceplayerskin.
With this cvar in combinition with sm_skinchooser_playerspawntimer you can give admins automaticly a skin without choosing one from the menu.

Sm_skinchooser creates a config-file on first start in "cfg/sourcemod(sm_skinchooser.cfg/sm_skinchooser_hl2dm.cfg for HL2-Version)" , make your adjustments there.
Skins.ini , skinchooser_downloads.ini ect. are now moved to "addons/sourcemod/configs/sm_skinchooser(sm_skinchooser_hl2dm for HL2-Version)".

Proszę o pomoc.. Pozdrawiam.
