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Ustawienia ptb ( CFG )


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bakaczysko - zdjęcie bakaczysko 20.09.2009

Witam, chcialbym aby ptb dzialalo sprawniej i zeby nie dopuscilo mozliwosci dojscia do druzyny wygrywajacej oraz zeby nie mozliwie bylo ze w CT jest np. 7 graczy a w terro 2!
To moje cfg z ptb. Prosz zeby ktos przerobil!
// PTB Configuration
// File location: addons/amxmodx/configs/ptb.cfg
// Settings are loaded on every mapchange
// from this cfg file
// For details on the settings check out the documentation
// in the readme.txt file
echo [PTB] Ptb.cfg is being executed

// These two cvars must be set to 0 so PTB can work properly.
mp_autoteambalance 0
mp_limitteams 0

// Control of chatmessages which can be 0 for off 1 on if set to 2 then Transfers will show in hud but not chat.
// If set to 3 it will show all messages in chat and transfers as hudtext
ptb_saychat 1
// Transfertype can only be 1, 2 or 3 and 3 is the most agressive transfer 
// 1 is PTBs original transfertype
ptb_transfer_type 1

// Set to 0 if admins with immunity also should be switched
ptb_switch_immunity 1

// Set to 0 if admins with immunity cant choose the team they wants
ptb_limitjoin_immunity	1

// Here you set which flag an admin must have to be immune against transfers (Default o ADMIN_LEVEL_C)
ptb_immunity_level "o"

// Here you set which flag an admin must have to be able to change PTB settings (Default l ADMIN_RCON)
ptb_access_level "l"

// If you want to see Transfers made in the HLSW chat have this set to 1
ptb_show_in_hlsw 1

// team selection control
amx_ptb limitjoin    on 	// set limits on team joining
amx_ptb limitafter   0		// number of rounds after which teams limiting begins
amx_ptb limitmin     0		// number of minimum players on map for team limiting
amx_ptb maxsize      11		// maximum team size per team
amx_ptb maxdiff      2		// maximum team size difference
amx_ptb autorounds   3		// number of first rounds into match, which allow autojoin only
amx_ptb wtjauto      3		// wtj tries needed to become autojoined
amx_ptb wtjkick      5		// wtj tries needed to become kicked
amx_ptb kick         off	// kick for wtj counts
amx_ptb savewtj      off 	// save wtjs to wtj.log

// team balancing actions
amx_ptb switch       on		// switch/transfer players
amx_ptb switchafter  3		// number of rounds after which switching begins
amx_ptb switchmin    5		// number of minimum players on map for switching
amx_ptb switchfreq   1		// relative next possible switch round
amx_ptb playerfreq   7		// relative next possible switch round for player
amx_ptb forceswitch  0		// number of tries after which PTB switches alive, if neccessary
amx_ptb deadonly     off 	// switch dead only

// messages (good to have on when debugging if you use statsx dont have them on)
amx_ptb tellwtj      off 	// tell about wtj tries
amx_ptb announce     off	// announce team status at beginning of round
amx_ptb sayok        off	// announce team status, if teams are alright
amx_ptb typesay      off	// use HUD messages

// team strength limits
amx_ptb maxstreak    3		// max. allowed team win streak
amx_ptb maxscore     2		// max. allowed team score difference
amx_ptb minrating    1.5	// minimum critical team rating
amx_ptb maxrating    2.0	// maximum critical team rating
amx_ptb superrating  3.0	// super critical team rating
amx_ptb maxincidents 50		// maximum kills + deaths before the score is divided by PTB_SCALEDOWN
amx_ptb scaledown    2		// divisor for kills and deaths, when PTB_MAXINCIDENTS is reached

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kasza - zdjęcie kasza 20.09.2009

echo [PTB] Ptb.cfg is being executed

// Te dwa cvary musze byc ustawione na 0, zeby PTB dzialal wlasciwie.
mp_autoteambalance 0
mp_limitteams 0

// Kontrola wiadomosci w chacie: 0 = wyl. 1 = wl. 2 = wtedy transfery beda pokazywane w HUD ale nie w chacie.
// Jesli ustawione na 3 to wszystkie wiadomosci beda pokazywane na chacie i transfery w HUD
ptb_saychat 1

// Typ transferow moze tylko byc 1,2 lub 3, gdzie 3 jest najbardziej "agresywny"
// 1 = domyslny
ptb_transfer_type 3

// Ustaw na 0 jesli admini z immunitetem rowniez maja byc przenoszeni
ptb_switch_immunity 1

// Ustaw na 0 jesli admini z immunitetem nie beda mogli wybierac druzyn ktorych chca
ptb_limitjoin_immunity 1

// Tutaj ustawiasz jaka flage musi posiadac admin zeby nie byc przenoszonym ( domyslna flaga to C )
ptb_immunity_level "c"

// Tutaj ustawiasz jaka flage musi miec admin zeby moc zmieniac ustawienia PTB (Default l ADMIN_RCON)
ptb_access_level "l"

// Jesli chcesz miec podglad transferow w HLSW chat zostaw ta wartosc ustawiona na 1
ptb_show_in_hlsw 1

// team selection control
amx_ptb limitjoin on // ustawia limity przy wchodzeniu do danej druzyny
amx_ptb limitafter 0 // liczba rund po ktorych zaczyna sie limitowanie druzyn
amx_ptb limitmin 4 // minimalna liczba graczy na mapie, kiedy zaczyna sie limitowanie druzyn
amx_ptb maxsize 11 // maksymalna wielkosc druzyny
amx_ptb maxdiff 2 // maksymalna roznica w liczbie czlonkow w druzynie
amx_ptb autorounds 3 // number of first rounds into match, which allow autojoin only
amx_ptb wtjauto 3 // ilosc wtj (winner team joiner) po ktorych gracz zostaje automatycznie przydzielony
amx_ptb wtjkick 5 // liczba wtj, po ktorych gracz zostaje wyrzucony
amx_ptb kick off // licznik wtj kick wlaczony/wylaczony (on/off)
amx_ptb savewtj off // zapisuj wtj do pliku wtj.log

// team balancing actions
amx_ptb switch on // przerzuc/transferuj graczy
amx_ptb switchafter 3 // liczba rund po ktorych zaczyna sie transferowanie
amx_ptb switchmin 4 // minimalna liczba graczy na mapie, kiedy zaczyna sie transferowanie
amx_ptb switchfreq 1 // relative next possible switch round
amx_ptb playerfreq 7 // relative next possible switch round for player
amx_ptb forceswitch 0 // liczba prob, po ktorych PTB wlacza sie , jesli konieczne
amx_ptb deadonly off // transferuj tylko graczy, ktorzy sa DEAD

// wiadomosci (dobrze miec wlaczone kiedy debugujesz, jesli uzywasz statsx nie miej wlaczonych)
amx_ptb tellwtj off // informuj o probach WTJ
amx_ptb announce off // oglaszaj status druzyn na poczatku rundy
amx_ptb sayok off // oglaszaj status druzyn, jesli druzyny sa OK
amx_ptb typesay off // uzywaj wiadomosci HUD

// team strength limits
amx_ptb maxstreak 3 // maksymalna ilosc "passy zabic" gracza
amx_ptb maxscore 2 // maksymalna dozwolona roznica w wyniku gry
amx_ptb minrating 1.5 // minimalny, istotny wskaznik druzyny
amx_ptb maxrating 2.0 // maxymalny, istotny wskaznik druzyny
amx_ptb superrating 3.0 // super critical team rating
amx_ptb maxincidents 50 // maksymalna ilosc zabic + smierci zanim wynik jest dzielony przez PTB_SCALEDOWN
amx_ptb scaledown 2 // divisor for kills and deaths, when PTB_MAXINCIDENTS is reached

TZN dalem Ci moje spolszczone, ustaw sobie sam.

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bakaczysko - zdjęcie bakaczysko 21.09.2009

to jest moje ustawienie ptb
// PTB Configuration
// File location: addons/amxmodx/configs/ptb.cfg
// Settings are loaded on every mapchange
// from this cfg file
// For details on the settings check out the documentation
// in the readme.txt file
echo [PTB] Ptb.cfg is being executed

// These two cvars must be set to 0 so PTB can work properly.
mp_autoteambalance 0
mp_limitteams 0

// Control of chatmessages which can be 0 for off 1 on if set to 2 then Transfers will show in hud but not chat.
// If set to 3 it will show all messages in chat and transfers as hudtext
ptb_saychat 1
// Transfertype can only be 1, 2 or 3 and 3 is the most agressive transfer 
// 1 is PTBs original transfertype
ptb_transfer_type 2

// Set to 0 if admins with immunity also should be switched
ptb_switch_immunity 1

// Set to 0 if admins with immunity cant choose the team they wants
ptb_limitjoin_immunity	1

// Here you set which flag an admin must have to be immune against transfers (Default o ADMIN_LEVEL_C)
ptb_immunity_level "o"

// Here you set which flag an admin must have to be able to change PTB settings (Default l ADMIN_RCON)
ptb_access_level "l"

// If you want to see Transfers made in the HLSW chat have this set to 1
ptb_show_in_hlsw 1

// team selection control
amx_ptb limitjoin    on 	// set limits on team joining
amx_ptb limitafter   0		// number of rounds after which teams limiting begins
amx_ptb limitmin     3		// number of minimum players on map for team limiting
amx_ptb maxsize      9		// maximum team size per team
amx_ptb maxdiff      1		// maximum team size difference
amx_ptb autorounds   3		// number of first rounds into match, which allow autojoin only
amx_ptb wtjauto      2		// wtj tries needed to become autojoined
amx_ptb wtjkick      5		// wtj tries needed to become kicked
amx_ptb kick         on	        // kick for wtj counts
amx_ptb savewtj      off 	// save wtjs to wtj.log

// team balancing actions
amx_ptb switch       on		// switch/transfer players
amx_ptb switchafter  2		// number of rounds after which switching begins
amx_ptb switchmin    4		// number of minimum players on map for switching
amx_ptb switchfreq   1		// relative next possible switch round
amx_ptb playerfreq   7		// relative next possible switch round for player
amx_ptb forceswitch  0		// number of tries after which PTB switches alive, if neccessary
amx_ptb deadonly     off 	// switch dead only

// messages (good to have on when debugging if you use statsx dont have them on)
amx_ptb tellwtj      off 	// tell about wtj tries
amx_ptb announce     off	// announce team status at beginning of round
amx_ptb sayok        off	// announce team status, if teams are alright
amx_ptb typesay      off	// use HUD messages

// team strength limits
amx_ptb maxstreak    3		// max. allowed team win streak
amx_ptb maxscore     2		// max. allowed team score difference
amx_ptb minrating    1.5	// minimum critical team rating
amx_ptb maxrating    2.0	// maximum critical team rating
amx_ptb superrating  3.0	// super critical team rating
amx_ptb maxincidents 50		// maximum kills + deaths before the score is divided by PTB_SCALEDOWN
amx_ptb scaledown    2		// divisor for kills and deaths, when PTB_MAXINCIDENTS is reached
Jednak dalej moga byc roznice w teamie np ze czterech graczy jest w ct a jeden w terro :o i mozna zmieniac teamy a nie tak jak powinno byc tej wtj ze kikuje :o

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kasza - zdjęcie kasza 21.09.2009

ja ustawialem zawsze

mp_autoteambalance 0

na 1 i nie bylo takich roznic :P

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bakaczysko - zdjęcie bakaczysko 21.09.2009

ale na samej gorze w cfg jest napisane
// These two cvars must be set to 0 so PTB can work properly.
mp_autoteambalance 0
mp_limitteams 0
wiec LOL:D

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kasza - zdjęcie kasza 21.09.2009

wiem jets napisne ze oby 2 powinny byc wylaczone bo plugin zle bd dzialal. u mnie smigal b. dobrze

amx_ptb maxdiff 2 // maksymalna roznica w liczbie czlonkow w druzynie