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AMXX.pl: Support AMX Mod X i SourceMod


z zombie moda 3.59 do 3.61


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Naznaczony - zdjęcie Naznaczony 28.07.2009

mam problem nie wiem jak ulepszyć moda

Updated with 3.60

* Added a few natives and forwards, along with an include file for those out there willing to make any sub-plugins or something (if you need more, just request!)
* Thunderclaps now available for zp_lightning settings a to d
* Added CVARs to disable extra items separately (e.g. infection bomb, etc.)
* When a Nemesis/Survivor disconnects, the random player chosen to keep the game going will now be a Nemesis/Survivor too (instead of the round going on as infection mode, which looked sorta confusing)
* Bots now buy extra items after respawn instead of during a fight
* PODBots: Survivor bots now able to repick weapons in case they drop the M249 (more like a temporary fix)
* Improved a bit some repetitive tasks handling
* Minor changes and fixes

Updated to: 3.61

* Added command to enable/disable the plugin: zp_toggle <1/0>
* Added CVAR to disable the custom buy menus: zp_buy_custom
* Added CVAR to set a slowdown on burning zombies: zp_fire_slowdown
* Added some HUD icons for burning, frozen and infected events
* Fixed a typo in the extra items purchase code for bots (also, they will no longer get extra items if disabled by cvar)
* Fixed false spawn detection for bots when they join the game (credits to vittu)


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Abes Mapper - zdjęcie Abes Mapper 28.07.2009

Cvary dodajesz do amxx.cfg

Ale i tak wszystkie cvary powinieneś mieć w temacie, nie tylko w changelogu