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GunGame By Robo Warrior and Sm_nukem

Adminek AMXX.PL - zdjęcie Adminek AMXX.PL 02.09.2013

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<div>Have you ever heard of the game mode GunGame? <br />Well if not, this is a complete game mode for Hl2:Dm, has 11 levels and its a great dm mod. <br />Ok here is how it works.<br /> All players start on level 1, Once you get a kill your level changes to level 2, and for every level there is a gun. <br />Exaple, I'm on level 2 (RPG), I kill you then I'm on level 3 (Crosbow). Once i reach level 11 and get a kill the round restarts.<br /><br />Download: <a href="http://fastdl.petroc...ngame hl2dm.zip" target="_blank">http://fastdl.petroc...l2dm.zip</a><br /><br /><br />//////////<br />By Robo Warrior</div>

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