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Podmiana Bloków Easyblock

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GmbH - zdjęcie GmbH 01.09.2013

Siema . Jak w temacie chcialem podmienic bloczki na moj serwer tak wiec w pliku sma podmienilem





new const g_model_platform[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/platforma2.mdl";
new const g_model_trawa[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/trawa2.mdl";
new const g_model_drewno[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/drewno2.mdl";
new const g_model_bunnyhop[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/bh2.mdl"; NA BH1
new const g_model_damage[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/dmg2.mdl";
new const g_model_healer[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/healer2.mdl";
new const g_model_no_fall_damage[] =		"models/profrags/Normal/nofalldamage2.mdl";
new const g_model_ice[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/lod2.mdl";
new const g_model_trampoline[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/trampolina2.mdl";
new const g_model_speed_boost[] =		"models/profrags/Normal/strzalka2.mdl";
new const g_model_death[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/smierc2.mdl";
new const g_model_honey[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/miod2.mdl";
new const g_model_ct_barrier[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/ct2.mdl";
new const g_model_t_barrier[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/tt2.mdl";
new const g_model_glass[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/glass2.mdl";
new const g_model_no_slow_down_bunnyhop[] =	"models/profrags/Normal/bh2.mdl";
new const g_model_delayed_bunnyhop[] =		"models/profrags/Normal/delayedbh2.mdl";
new const g_model_invincibility[] =		"models/profrags/Normal/niesmiertelka2.mdl";
new const g_model_stealth[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/duch2.mdl";
new const g_model_boots_of_speed[] =		"models/profrags/Normal/buty2.mdl";
new const g_model_kamuflaz[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/kamuflaz2.mdl";
new const g_model_bron[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/bron2.mdl";
new const g_model_armor[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/armor2.mdl";
new const g_model_spamduck[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/duck2.mdl";
new const g_model_granaty[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/granaty2.mdl";
new const g_model_vip[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/vip2.mdl";
new const g_model_oslepienie[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/oslepienie2.mdl";
new const g_model_trzesienie[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/trzesienie2.mdl";
new const g_model_melanz[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/melanz2.mdl";
new const g_model_exp[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/exp2.mdl";
new const g_model_muza[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/muza2.mdl";
new const g_model_bhdamage[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/dmg2.mdl";
new const g_model_bhice[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/bh2.mdl";
new const g_model_he[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/granaty2.mdl";
new const g_model_sg[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/granaty2.mdl";
new const g_model_flash[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/granaty2.mdl";
new const g_model_dywan[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/dywan2.mdl";
new const g_model_luke[] =			"models/profrags/Normal/luke2.mdl";


Skompilowałem i wrzuciłem plik amxx na ftp. Potem wrzucilem blok o nazwie bh 1 a w konsoli wyskakuje "profrags/small/bh1.mdl not found " no to tak samo zrobiłem z resztą pozamienialem nazwy ale jak zamienilem to na odmiane "profrags/normal/bh2.mdl not found " O co chodzi proszę o szybką pomoc.


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susel - zdjęcie susel 02.09.2013

A wrzuciłeś bloki small czy tylko normal ?

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GmbH - zdjęcie GmbH 02.09.2013

tylko normal ale small zmieniłem nazwe na bh1.


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susel - zdjęcie susel 02.09.2013

BlockMaker wymaga bloków normal,small,large i medium chyba wiec wrzuć je i sprawdź.